Ace frowned slightly before he retracted his hand.

Now he only had two choices. First, he leaves the room, and the only way out without being noticed was the back door, which was impossible right now, and if he opened the door, that expert might notice him.

Because that demon was continuously using his martial sense as if he was afraid of being followed by anyone.

So, he was left with the second option, which was to remain stealthy and stay in this room, which didn’t have any hidden spot. But he was confident in escaping the marital sense if he just stayed put, so he quickly stood still in the dark corner of the room.

Ace was continuously observing the two demons with his soul sense. ‘Why did these powerful demons appear here? One of them is probably at the bronze Qi river core stage while this second one’s cultivation is golden Qi river core, and he was probably a third stage golden core cultivation and half step into Qi soul realm! I can always count on my bad fucking luck to give me an inauspicious start!’

Ace cursed his bad luck a million times while remaining still.

The loud bangs almost scared the shit off the drunk demon, and he come to his sense, but it was still hard to move in this state.


Another loud banging rang from the back door, and this time the person clearly seemed unhappy and agitate.

“Fuck, just who the hell is causing a commotion at this hour? Go away, the shop is closed, or this father won’t show mercy!” The drunk demon guard cursed out loud, but he didn’t bother to move.


However, the visitor seemed unfazed by his threat, and he started slamming with more force.

Finally, the drunk demon’s already red face turned dark red with anger, and he lumbered toward the back door. He was clearly unhappy and furious. He was going to teach this party popper an unforgettable lesson.

He finally opened the door, however, the very next moment, before he could even utter a curse, a red streak flashed past his cheek, all the way to the other side.

Before the guard could fathom what had happened, he felt his eyes turning dark and his half-dismember face landed on the floor dying it red, a small fountain of blood appeared from his still standing body, and it also landed right on his half head the next moment.

An annoying voice rang at this moment, “What a vile creature.”

“Hmph… he deserved to die!” A nonchalant yet angry voice said in agreement before he said, “Now, get rid of this mess you created.”

“Fine, incinerate!”

Ace, when heard these voices and imagine what had happened at the back entrance, couldn’t help but felt this thing was not going in a good direction, and it also seemed these two demons were quite ruthless and decisive. They kill without batting an eye like this was a normal occasion for them.

“Brother, why did we come to this unruly small city all the way from King Domain, look all the city is completely deserted at night?” The annoying voice rang again with a hint of resentment as they both enter the shop while closing the door.

“I don’t know, but our spy in this territory reports something that interests his highness, the Demon King, so we’re here to check the authority of that thing. Now shut up and don’t ask any more questions!” The slightly heavy voice retorted with a hint of vexation.

“What a pain!”

Ace’s eyes turned sharp when he heard ‘King Domain’ and ‘Demon King’ and his heart raced a little before he quickly controlled his emotion and remain calm.

He clearly knew the King Domain was the title given to the territory where the Demon King Castle was, and a Demon King resides there!

‘Just what could a demon king be interested in here?’ Ace’s interest was quickly piqued.

Those two unknown demons quickly enter the main shop, and now was Ace’s chance to quickly leave the shop.

‘Leave or stay?’ Ace was in a dilemma after hearing those two demons’ conversation, and he knew there was something big and this was probably an opportunity.

In the end, Ace decided to stay still and observed. He was very interested in the matter regarding the demon kings and besides, those demons were not coming into this room, so he was still alone and safe.

Ace carefully moved beside the wall and looked at the lower floor and finally saw those two tall figures. They were completely covered in black cloaks, but Ace become confused because the cloak on their heads was completely normal. There wasn’t any sign of horns being hidden beneath, just like a human head.

However, Ace didn’t dwell too much on it since this might be a hiding technique of the demon race to cover their horns.

They quietly sat at a table as if they were waiting for someone.

‘They were talking about a spy, so they were waiting for him.’ Ace thought.

“Brother, just tell me what kind of treasure we’re taking back. It’s not like I’ll tell anyone?”

“Sigh… even I don’t know, but the instructed was to bring it back without alerting anyone and kill the spy as well.”

“It seemed this mission is quite a high level.”

“Yes, but it’s also dangerous since we’ll be killed if someone finds us sneaking around.”

They both turned silent again.

Now Ace was even more interested in whatever these guys were here for. He also found this person calling the other demon ‘Brother’ a loose mouth and hasty while the other was quiet and wise, and they’re probably blood-related, or it was him, he would’ve never brought this kind of person on this kind of task!

At this moment, he sensed another person coming toward the shop’s back door, emotionally agitated. Ace knew this was probably the spy, and he even felt this soul’s signature familiar.

This time there was no sound of knocking and the door slowly opened on its own, which meant this person had the array key.

‘This is the owner of this shop!’ Ace quickly thought of the skinny red demon he met this afternoon.

When this thought came to his mind, another possibility surfaced, ‘What if the treasure that demon king is interested in was here in the treasury? It was highly likely, but what if I was wrong and alert those two?’

Ace knew this was a risk, but the reward was just as tempting, and he had little time to mull over it because the shop owner was already making his way toward those two ‘guests’.

‘Fuck it!’

Ace quickly made his way toward the secret treasury under the table again and after making sure that the golden river core demon wasn’t using his martial sense anymore after scanning the shop owner once, he quickly got to work!

“You finally here!” The golden river core demon said coolly at this moment when the shop owner just entered the main interior of the shop.

“Greeting sires!” The shop owner seemed quite jittery and fearful of these two people.

He was just one of the lowly spies sent here many years ago, and he wasn’t the one. Almost every demon king monitored the other demon king’s important territories, and Iron Demon City definitely met these requirements.

“No need for pleasantries. Bring out the goods!” The imposing voice rang again. He clearly didn’t want to stay here for long.

“No, wait… bring us your best liquor first.” The other demon spoke at this moment.


Before the other one refutes him, he blurted, “Brother, we’re traveling for days without even stopping. We deserved a drink or two, right? Come on, we’re already in a liquor shop and besides, we’ll have a long journey ahead as well.”

‘Sigh…’ The other demon sighed helplessly. He knew his brother had a playful nature, but he also had a point. “Fine, but just one drink.”

“That’s more like it.” The other one sound quite happy and said, “Do you hear my brother? Quickly, take out your best collection!”

The shop owner quickly nodded. He didn’t dare to reject the other party because he knew those two were not the demons he could offend and hurried toward the back room right behind the large counter.

Ace, who was closely listening to their conversation, couldn’t help but smile coldly and thought, ‘A wrong teammate is far more deadly than an enemy. What a fool.’

He carefully released the eraser essential on the array lock without releasing any fluctuations and avoiding the alarming array.

The lock was quickly erased, and a small treasury door appeared in front of him because once the lock was opened, the illusion array will follow suit. As for the small alarming array, it was now useless since the lock was already gone.

It would’ve been another story if someone tried to touch it when the lock was intact!

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