At dusk, Ace finally came back with a satisfied smile on his face. His visit was more than rewarding and no one suspect him.

As Ace moved toward Feng’s room, his footsteps suddenly come to a momentary halt before he walked as if nothing happened, but a stiff smile appeared on his face.

‘They sure are punctual.’ Ace grin coldly before he opened the door with a crystal card.

A sweet and pleasant smell suddenly enter his nostril and two sweet voices sounded in unison, “Young Master, welcome back.”

Ace saw Feng’s two busty maids in the hall, wearing very thin white transparent lingerie only covering their ‘assets’ to some extent while completely showing their mind-blowing, lust awakening curves while completely revealing their long slender legs and slim waist.

Even Ace had to admit those two can really arouse lust in anyone, even he felt somewhat heated despite being a human.

Although he had many memories as a reference about these things, he was still a teenager with no prior experience in this department.

However, those dirty memories were still enough to keep him calm, especially Feng’s memories, so seeing them like this hadn’t had much effect on him besides a slightly natural reaction.

But the moment he remembered Eva’s face and her figure, his eyes instantly become clear, and scoffed, ‘Heh, you’re not good enough to seduce me bitches.’

Those two maids felt Feng was not reacting according to his usual self because he would’ve pounced on them the moment he saw them like this, but now he was just standing there like a log.

Before they could say anything, Feng’s impassive voice rang at this moment, “Stop pretending, I already knew you two are hatching a sinister plot against me, but alas, you’re already too late…”

Flora and Dolly’s lustful expressions instantly turned into shock and horror before killing intent flashed past their eyes as they intended to make their move. But alas, this wasn’t really Feng but Ace.

How could those two Flowing River maids pose any threat to Ace?

With two small soul-piercing bullets, both Flora and Dolly’s faces twisted in pain and horror before they felt an immense force waving down on them as they kneel. The pain finally stopped, and their eyes landed on a binding formation. They understood what had happened.

Flora threw a fierce look at Feng and shrilled, “You, lowlife bastard, how did you know?!”

Ace sighed. He knew they were probably after Feng because he had done something to offend them first, but Feng was already dead, and he had no memory of having any enmity with his maids.

They were both clean and from the same tribe, or his father would never let them get close to him and even kill them to get rid of future trouble.

He impassively asked, “Why did you want to plot against me? I never seemed to mistreat you, right?”

The moment Ace asked this question, he used a soul probe!

Dolly coldly snorted at Feng’s question and hatefully replied, “Bastard, go die. We’ll never tell you anything!”

However, contrary to both of the demonesses’ expectations, Ace had already got the memory about why they were after Feng.

He said, “So, you were put on this task by my younger brother, Weng!”

Both Flora’s and Dolly’s expressions changed when they heard Feng already knew who their baker was!

Weng was Feng’s only brother, and he was already quite obedient and never showed any kind of disrespect toward his brother. But Feng never liked him and even bully him, but Weng never retaliate in any way and endured.

Feng also never took his bullying to the extreme as well and, besides some beating and taunts, he has never done anything.

But sometimes just a seed of resentment was enough to turn it into a tree of hatred, and this was the same case for Weng as well. He hated Feng for all the bullying and his vicious suppression. That’s why he decided to end him once and for all and take his revenge.

Weng found those Flora, and Dolly from an orphanage of their tribe and told them Feng was the one who killed their father and rape their mother. These two young girls were naïve and easily believed Weng’s fabricated story and walked on the path of revenge while unknowingly becoming Weng’s poisonous daggers.

With Weng’s connections, he easily planted both sisters as Feng’s maids, and after seeing their beautiful appearances, Feng gladly accepted them, completely oblivious to his brother’s vicious plot.

However, Weng can’t kill Feng inside the tribe, so he was waiting for a perfect chance, and it came when the demon gate trial was announced.

Feng was naturally selected for this trial while Weng was still quite young and his cultivation talent was only subpar.

But Weng didn’t care, as long as he can get rid of Feng.

Flora and Dolly were also glad to finally be able to get the chance to get rid of Feng as well. They were enduring all these years and even sacrificing their bodies, so they could kill Feng.

Ace felt pity for these two sisters used by Weng for his own interest. But he also loathed Feng, who brought this upon himself because of his nasty nature.

He sighed before saying, “Will you believe me if I said I have nothing to do with your parents’ death?”

Flora shook her head wholeheartedly and replied with boundless hatred, “Like hell, we believe a dog like you! Do you think we don’t know about all those girls and women you rape and then disposed of? Don’t even think about being disingenuous with us!”

Ace sighed again. He never thought a simple identity will give him this much headache.

He said, “Then what if I’m already dead?”

This was a simple yet complicated question with a deep mystery that caught both sisters off guard.

Dolly scoffed with killing intent, “If you’re dead, then we’ll naturally find peace for our parents and kill ourselves since we won’t be able to escape this blame!”

Feng suddenly smile and said, “Very well.”

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