Eternal Thief

Chapter 498 Life Demon Auction (3)

498 Life Demon Auction (3)

"… no one will dare to belittle us anymore!"

Ace scoffed inwardly when he heard this. After he appeared in the demon-tamer province, he got to know the Life Demon Association had suffered a huge blow to their reputation after what he had done.

Before, no one dared to look the members of the association straight in the eyes, but after the theft, everything changed as everyone laughed at the members of the association in secret. They won't revere them like before anymore.

Especially when the entire Life Demon Treasure Pagoda in the blade domain was raised to rubble just because they can't erase that huge thief symbol no matter what they do.

This made Ace even more renowned and feared by many wealthy demons!

Not only their treasuries weren't secure, but even their storage rings, which were supposed to be the safest place, can be stolen right under their nose even if they were paying attention.

The incident with Life Grandmaster Gatlin was an open secret and the poor old fellow was still in a coma because he couldn't take the burden of his entire wealth and reputation gotten stolen from him on the same night.

Some demons even started to bury their treasures in secret locations after that event, just so the Sky Stealer won't steal them.

This open auction was a move by the life demon association to earn back their reputation and shut the mouths of those who still laugh at them in secret.

Or in previous auctions, the members with high status in the association never worked their ass off as they did this time.

However, if those old life grandmasters and the President of the association know that the Sky Stealer still infiltrated into their auction, they might lose the will to live anymore.

Ace keep his disdain to himself and quickly thanked Ville and dashed toward the VIP Stand, where he found nine more demons standing behind the nine rows, and only the tenth row was empty. He knew it was his place and quickly stand like a statue just like the others.

The other attendants were from different branches and they only know each other names and no one was familiar with anyone, which Ace preferred the most.

At this moment, the entire arena become completely silent as everyone looked at the big stage in the center because the curtains started to lift!

Soon, a red platform appeared, with a huge dark mirror on the back, and standing in the middle of the platform was a scholarly wizened white skin demon with long silver hair and his erudite sky-blue eyes were calm as water.

However, when everyone saw the five golden starts and three green stars on this old demon's shoulder and the rune symbol on his black robes. They all knew this was a high-grade-5 rune crafter!

The demon finally opened his mouth as his voice reverberated in the entire arena, "Let me introduce myself, very few people know who I am, my name is Ewan, and I'm the President of the Life Demon Association."

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed that the President of the Life Demon Association was a legend because this guy won't even meet with demon kings, much less appear in this auction and speak in public!

Ewan's eyes were exempt from any emotion as he continued, "My object of appearing here today is to greet our esteemed guests from afar. And to announce that the registration of the long-awaited Demon Gate Trials will be opened soon after this auction and in this same arena!"

The youth who were here for the demon gate trials were shocked for a moment before everyone cheered.

Ewan's lips slightly curled at this moment, "Now, please enjoy the Auction!"

He soon vanished behind that huge minor after riling up the entire audience.

Ace, on the other hand, frowned at this announcement. 'They move quite efficiently.'

Right at this moment, an extremely beautiful tan demoness with a charming smile emerged from behind the mirror.

Many young demons drooled when they saw the overdeveloped curves on her devilish body, even those big shots in the VIP stand couldn't help but gulped.

However, no one dared to belittle that demoness despite her beautiful and delicate appearance because of the three golden stars and three green stars on her shoulder. She was just one step away from a Life Master rank!

She opened her cheery lips as her charming voice rang through the entire arena, "Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the Life Demon Auction!

"I'm the hostess of this auction, Lilly!"

"Without any further ado, let me explain the rules to everyone.

"As everyone knows there are millions of demons attending this auction this time, we have collected many treasures for everyone and that's why this auction will last for ten days at two hours intervals each day!

"So, to make it convenient for everyone to bid without any mishap, we have engraved a small bidding array in everyone's seats.

"You can assess it as long as you put your auction pass on the special embedded rune under your seat's left arm stand. You can place your bid through this array and they will then appear in this large display mirror behind me where everyone can see them.

"Once you successfully bid for an item, the Auction Attendants will come and collect the final amount and give you a special token in return, which you can use at the end of the auction to collect your items from the reception hall on each level.

"A friendly warning, if anyone bid and won the item but then found of insufficient dues, there will be dire consequences for such practice. So please bid carefully." Her friendly smile sent chills to everyone.

Thereupon, everyone quickly started to activate their arrays like Lilly just instructed them to.

"Hey, come here and tell me where this damn thing will go!"

Ace was looking at those runes with his runic eyes when a commanding voice rang from his row.

He looked in front and a young demon with average looks was waving his VIP pass at him.

"Right away." He had no choice since this was part of his duty and his fellow attendants were also helping some idiots to activate the arrays.

Lilly spoke again after giving everyone five minutes to activate the bidding arrays of their respective seats.

"Since everyone is ready, let's start the first day of this Life Demon Auction!"

With an enthralling smile, Lilly waved her hand and golden runes lit up in the center of the stage before a pillar rose.

The mirror behind suddenly projected the item on the pillar.

There was a closed white crystal box.

Lilly slowly moved toward it and opened the lid, revealing the item inside.

There were three pristine silver pills with brown circles around them.

Someone at the VIP level exclaimed, "Perfect Pills!"

This voice raised ripples through the entire arena.

Lilly spoke at this moment with a charming smile, "As everyone knows, there are four quality ranks of pills, Low, Intermediate, High, and Peak. Each rank represented the difference in pill purity rate. The higher the purity, the more effective the pill was.

"Low-Rank Pill had below 15% purity rate, Intermediate rank had below 40%, High rank had below 75%, and Peak rank pill had below 90%.

"However, there is an even higher rank than these four, the Perfect Rank which had over 90% purity rate, and these kinds of pills are only made with luck and vast experience."

Lilly's eyes shimmered as she spoke, "As everyone can see, these three pills are perfect rank Bone Strengthening Pills of Low-Grade-3. Each perfect rank bone strengthening pill can increase the bone strength of the River Realm Cultivator by 5% and 2% of the River Core Realm Expert!

"The starting bid for each Perfect Rank Bone Strengthening Pill is… 10,000 High Grade-2 Qi Stone and each bid minimum increase has to be 100 High Grade-2. The bid is open!"

Just as her voice trailed off, the numbers started to appear in the mirror, like raging tides, as the bid continue to increase.

"Which bastard raised the amount by 50,000?! Are Qi stones grow on trees?!" Someone in the open seat stands cursed with a fuming face.

"Fuck, even those guys at the VIP level got involved. How can we win this item for our juniors?!" Another poor soul howl from the open seat stands.

Everyone wanted to buy those pills for their juniors who were going to participate in the Demon Gate Trial.

After Ewan's announcement, everyone fought even more intensely for any item that could raise their juniors' chances of passing the trial.

However, when the bid crossed the 300,000 threshold, the demons in the open seat stands give up resentfully.

It was a huge amount for any marquis-level tribe, even duke level tribe will feel the pinch.

These were 300,000 High-Grade-2 Qi stones, not Grade-1, if converted to the peak grade-1 Qi stones, they would be 30,000,000!

Furthermore, the auction will only accept Qi stones of high-grade-2 or above levels, so many demons were forced to convert their low-quality Qi stones for high-level Qi stones at a high price!

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