Eternal Thief

Chapter 579 Hidden Existence!

It's been three months since Ronan returned to the Imperial Domain.

However, today, he was returning to the Royal Demon Institute because his vacation time was coming to an end.

But in these three months, Ronan has been proactive as he visited his brothers and some high-ranking council members in the imperial domain, which made the usually dormant domain somewhat lively.

No one understood why this Imperial Prince was so friendly, but it wasn't something out of the expectation.

Just yesterday, Ronan was summoned by the Emperor again in the sham of bidding farewell, but in actuality, he was made to reveal his face by the Emperor, and only then was he excused.

But this fact was only known by Ronan or the Emperor, well at least it appeared to be.

Today, Ronan embarked on his carriage with Black Demon and left the Demonic Seal Castle under those puppet servants' revered-full gazes.

The Demonic Seal Castle will be returned to its dormant state after today, and only these puppet servants will remain here to tend to the castle.

NO.8,430 looked at the vanishing carriage as the castle gates slowly closed. He impassively said at this moment, "Alright, everyone, we can't slack off. We have to do our best even without His Highness's presence, one day, he'll return for good, and he might reward us if he tends to his home well like our ancestors!"

His passionate voice pulls the strings of those puppet servants' hearts, and they quickly leave to tend to their work in high spirits.

'Being a slave servant is not a joke.' Ace sighed in exasperation under NO.8,430's guise.

He couldn't help but feel a lingering fear when he thought about how he had nearly drawn the attention of the Demon Emperor by making Ronan purchase the space crystal and investigating the black robe demons that appeared with the participants.

The demon emperor not only made Ronan reveal his appearance, he probably scanned him with some formation to ensure he wasn't an imposter and let him go.

Ace had to admit the Demon Emperor even suspected his son's legitimacy just because he didn't behave like his past self or was a little out of character.

So, he had no choice but to pretend to be NO.8,430 with all his effort just in case these puppet servants entered the radar of the Demon Emperor.

But nothing has happened like that, not yet, at least. Ace still didn't dare to let his guard down, and every hour he would activate the fate map to find any danger around him.

His plan to enter the Emperor's palace also halted because of it, and he didn't dare to try anything for now. He would be a good puppet servant and do as expected from him before he acted.

But his plan had stopped, which doesn't mean it hadn't progressed at all. He had already acquired enough space crystal and valuable information about those black robes' demons.

They were really from the eight provinces and were turned into High Ranking Servant Puppets, and right now, they were going under some secret refinement to make them even more powerful so they could be used in the Fiery Hell Secret Realm!

Ace had long guessed that those geniuses of the outer provinces weren't just chosen because the royal zone decided to change their ways.

But they were chosen because they were all inferior to the demons in royal zones, and no one would raise any objection if they turned them into puppet servants. The ridiculous thing was they had fought tooth and nail for a puppet servant spot!

Ace wanted to know about their identity, and if Thomas weren't one of them, he wouldn't care about them even if they died, but he didn't dare to make Ronan seem too interested in those peasants.

Likely, poking his nose in those peasants' matter aroused the Demon Emperor's attention in the first place, so Ace didn't want to make it too obvious, so he could only give up and lie low for now.

On top of the castle turret, a tall figure was standing, observing those puppet servants going toward their daily words, but no one noticed him standing so high above in the middle of the day, not even Ace.

He wore a Black and Silver Mask, proving his identity as a High-Ranking Puppet Servant!

The next moment, he suddenly vanished from his spot when all the puppet servants scattered.


Inside the Emperor Palace, within a spacious room filled with bookshelves like an old library,

Three masked demons were sitting beside a large table made with exquisite red jade soul wood, a grade-7 soul material; even the chairs they were sitting on were made with grade-7 mind-calming clay!

Right in the middle of this table were different projections which were showing various images of the imperial domain, including the princes' castle and four outer palaces!

But one of the images showed the same scene the high-ranking puppet servant just saw as if his eyes were connected with this projection!

"What do you think, Leona?" The masked demon in golden robes asked gently in his deep voice.

If someone heard this name, they would be startled because Leona hadn't made a public appearance since she came back after she caused the life auction blunder, and everyone thought that she was being held in a dungeon as a punishment.

Only the First Prince still believed that she was living comfortably, and all the rumors about her being captive or punched were a sham because his Father and Mother loved her too much, and it seemed he was right about it as well.

Because the masked demon in golden robes was none other than the Demon Emperor while the Masked Demoness wearing a graceful black gown was the Demon Empress was sitting right in front of the Demon Emperor!

Leona was sitting on the side wearing a purple dress showing her nation's toppling figure. She softly replied at this moment with uncertainty, "Everything is routine."

She didn't have any reverence or hint of fear in her voice when she talked with the most powerful demon revered by every being, the Demon Emperor; her tone was even arrogant.

"Then it was a false alarm?" The Demon Empress questioned in her gentle and melodious voice.

"I was told by Master that there was a space fluctuation around the area of Seal Castle a month ago, so I was sent out to investigate, but there's nothing wrong with anyone.

"Father even checked Little Brother Ronan, and he's also fine, so I also think I might be a false alarm, or Ronan is doing something with Space Crystal which case that space fluctuation, which alarmed Master," Leona replied.

"Ronan probably found something that required Space Crystal so he probably came back to collect space crystal as well. But I can't just ask for him to reveal it, or I can't take things for my son. It's petty for Demon Emperor!" Demon Emperor coldly uttered.

"Nobody asked you to snatch things from Ronan. But at least you can ask him about what he was up to like a Father!" The Demon Empress coldly retorted. She won't dare to retort if they were around someone else but alone. They were just like any husband and wife.

"Look who talking about parenting, mother of the demons, humph!" Demon Emperor sneered in mockery.

"It's your fault that I can't show love to my sons!" Demon Empress slapped the table, making it tremble; she was clearly angry.

"It is our Race's custom. Go complain to ancestor if you're discontent!" Demon Emperor didn't back down, and they both started to squabble like an old couple.

Leona was calm as if she was used to it, and she was deep in thought while looking at the Ronan's carriage moving toward the exit of the imperial domain.

She suddenly said, "Let me go back to the Institute to complete my last grade."

"Absolutely Not!" The couple replied in unison.

"You can't go back until that hateful thief got captured, and I'll skin him alive publicly. To actually dared to humiliate the Imperial Family!" Demon Emperor's voice and aura turned icy as he said that.

Demon Empress also agreed as she spoke with hatred, "That scoundrel dared to sully your reputation, which is equal to sullying the entire race's reputation!"

"Let it go. He's probably out of the continent now. Even the Master said he couldn't find any trace of his presence on the continent.

"Those devils are the best proof of it as well, and I have to investigate this space fluctuation that even startled Master in his cultivation state, and he sent me out.

"He clearly wanted me to investigate this matter, and the best way to do this is Ronan and what he's been up to recently. I can't let my Master down. You both should know this better than anyone!" Leona softly stated.

Silence descent inside the library.

Just who this mysterious Master was? Who could make two of the most influential persons on the continent force to reconsider?!

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