Eternal Thief

Chapter 623 Over In An Instant!

With squinted eyes, Ace looked at Caylee, surrounded by dark brilliance. Her aura was rising while all those elves stuck in the formation were visibly getting aged and skinny.

Those elves were screaming in agony and cursed, but Caylee and the eight controlling the formation remained nonchalant.

Ace also didn't dare to enter the formation's radius since he was feeling apprehensive about this ghastly formation. He never thought these elves had this kind of nefarious formation.

At this moment, Caylee suddenly started emitting the aura of Early Stage Qi Soul Manifestation Realm, as all those elves were almost like dry corpses and were barely alive.

Caylee menacingly uttered while looking at Ace as if he was a dead man, "Do you regret it now?"

Ace was startled as he questioned with uncertainty, "That's it?"

Caylee was stunned for a moment as if she had heard something wrong, "What 'that's it'?"

"I mean, this is the extent of this formation?" Ace questioned with a hint of surprise.

"Are you gone loony after seeing me breaking into Soul Manifestation Realm?" Caylee felt like her intelligence had been challenged and coldly sneered, "Well, it's too late to run!"

She then flipped her hand with a murderous look as if she wanted to take something out of her storage ring.

But after a few moments, she finally realized that something was amiss as her crossbow didn't appear, and she instantly looked at her hand.

Her eyes suddenly went wide the moment her eyes fell on the back of her hand because there was a magnificent dark owl imprint behind the back of her hand.

Although Ace's thief symbol almost looks the same, there are two devil horns above its head now.

Caylee's entire body trembled when she saw the words within the symbol, which were in elvish language.

'Sky Stealer: Want to kill me? Watch me steal!'

She suddenly remembered a terrifying entity which has been causing a commotion on the mainland for years. Because of her status, she was quite knowledgeable about the situation of other continents.

'Just what the hell is going on?!'

How could she not know about the elusive Thief Sky Stealer, who even made demons lose their entire reputation within the span of years?

Those eight controlling the formation also noticed Caylee's change in expression as she looked at her hand in a daze. They also felt something was wrong with her.

But at this moment, they heard the 'Monster's' cold yet mocking voice, "You guys had me worried about a moment."

Ace didn't waste more time since the thief symbol had been exposed, and from Caylee's emotions, he knew she was familiar with his Thief's Name.

Without giving Caylee any chance to speak, he moved his sleeve, and the soul cord instantly shot toward her like an attacking snake.

Caylee snapped out of her daze when she felt danger approaching. She didn't have time to mull over how the elusive thief entered their Holy Tower or why he was being called a Monster by the Holy Spirit.

Since her weapon and other trump cards had been stolen, she could only use her cultivation!

Purple Qi suddenly emitted from her person as she manifested a shield to block the invisible attack.

However, she was appalled when the purple Qi barrier suddenly shattered like glass. Before she could perform another skill, she felt something twisting around her entire body and coiling her limbs.

"You… how…!" She wanted to scream, but to her horror, she felt something wrapped around her mouth. She resisted desperately, but even her Qi got suppressed for some reason.

Although her Qi now had the quality of a Soul Manifestation, she lacked a law of a real Soul Manifestation Realm Cultivator.

That's why Ace was easily able to subdue her with the thievish soul cord. Even if there were a real early-stage soul manifestation realm cultivator, they would also meet the same end, much less a fake one like Caylee.

This was the true terror of Grade-8 treasures, especially if that weapon happened to be driven on Heavenly Soul Qi!

Ace didn't give Caylee any chance to speak as he used the cord to block her mouth and render her entire body useless.

Those eight elves were shocked when they saw Caylee being suppressed and just standing there while swerving like a fish.

However, something even more shocking took place. They saw swords light start to manifest behind the 'Monster,' and they could feel a terrifying piercing aura from all the way there.

"We are no match for him!" Ernest roared with an appalled expression. He wanted to flee, but in his stupefaction, he felt completely stuck in his position. Despite wanting to move, he simply can't, no matter how much he tries.

The others also noticed this and found themselves in the same situation as Ernest.

"Fuck… that bitch didn't tell us that we'll be in such a state if we became activation points! She tricked us all!" Louie roared in fury and terror.

"We are now sitting ducks! Use your trump cards. There's no need to hold back, or we'll die!" Vaughn yelled with a pale face as he wanted to take out something from his storage ring.

However, it was also at this moment that they finally noticed their storage rings were not responding and when they looked at their hands, their blood almost stopped.

But alas, it was already too late as a torrent of sword lights was already headed toward them like an unstoppable tidal wave!

Caylee was naturally the very first one to be engulfed by the sword torrent and was utterly helpless, just like a fish on a chopping board…

A terrifying scene occurred as that sword torrent brushed past every dying elf, causing them to cut into pieces. Some even exploded, and some simply turned into mush.

Anything in its way got cut without resistance. And how could they resist?

Ace had used 90% of his soul Qi this time and pulled everything in this attack. He wanted to get rid of all of them in one fell swoop.

Ace felt the soul cord loosen as he sighed since he knew it was over and retraced the soul cord into his sleeve.

In front of him was nothing but a bloody scene. Even those elves' weapons, armor, and the formation plates of the last standing formation were destroyed by his terrifying attack.

Last but not least, the guarded building toward the sixth-floor entrance was also half gone.

Ace then looked toward his other hand, and thereafter, the high-grade-6 sword in his hand turned into dust, leaving nothing but a fist full of fine dust in his hand.

'Another high grand weapon is gone without even me using it. It's like just being present in sword intent manifested by my heavenly Qi is like a deadly poison to these weapons!' Ace smiled bitterly as he shook his head with some frustration.

However, he stopped paying attention to this trifling matter when he felt a massive amount of Soul Vitality entering the crimson true soul as it was absorbing it without letting anything escape.

Ace had urged to stop it, but since the system still didn't warn him about any danger, he let it be and moved toward the next floor's gate, which was now visible.

He knew once those elves came back, this news was going to cause a huge commotion once it reached the high-ranking elves on the mainland of elves.

Ace was just hoping that the tower spirit was now satisfied with this much killing and won't try to play any more tricks on the following floors. He was still confident about getting out unharmed from the sixth floor, but if the seventh floor was guarded by three Law Awareness Realm Cultivators.

If the tower spirit put those three in his tail, then it was going to be a disaster for him. That's why he was now acting like any elf after killing this many people. He would continue this act until he crossed the seventh floor!

After Ace entered the entrance of the sixth floor, the tower spirit's voice rang within the minds of those elves who were either fleeing from the city or coming back as fast as they could to reinforce their alliances.

"Attention, Seed Contenders of Fifth Floor!"

"The Special Event Announcement of the Fifth Floor had reached a conclusion!

"The Seed Contenders had failed to stop the Special Life Form from entering the sixth floor!

"Thereby, the Event has ended with no winner. Therefore, all the perks active because of the special Event will now be voided!"

Many elves were flabbergasted when they heard this unexpected announcement, and they started contacting their comrades in the city to inquire about what exactly had happened.

How could thousands of elves fail to guard the entrance? Especially when there were members of the royal families were involved!

However, soon when some elves hiding in the city inquired, they were all appalled when they saw the gruesome scene in the square and the half-destroyed building.

Everyone reported this back, but they all knew this news would cause a huge commotion in the Wise Elf Race!

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