Eternal Thief

Chapter 697 Ace’s Plan

"[System can't reveal anymore, or there's no point of doing all this. All it can say is 'Follow your Fate!']"

Ace's eyes instantly shimmered sharply when he heard the system's ambiguous words. If he can't even understand what the system was implying by telling him to 'Follow your Fate,' then he should just quit while he can and wait for his death. 

"So, I should follow Eternal Thief Fate Compass's directions, huh?" Ace asked the system. But no answer was given like usual. 

However, he didn't push the matter as he already knew he was right, so he didn't need the system's confirmation. The compass point was still pointing him upward in the sun domain mountain. 

'There are two colossal mountains in the union, and the system also revealed that I needed to find my way to two secret realms within the sun and moon sword union. So, it's highly likely these two secret realms exist in these two mountains separately. 

'If it's like this, then how I'm supposed to infiltrate Moon Domain? Did I need to turn into a woman?' Ace frowned at this point. 

Although he was shameless and could do anything when it came to thievery, he had never tried to impersonate a woman, as he always targeted men. It was like his natural instinct as a male. 

'Well, it's not time to go in the mortal lane since my life is on the line here. If push comes to shove, I'll see what my options are and then move accordingly. It's still not clear if my conjecture is true or not. 

'I should just focus on climbing the sun domain. I might be able to find some clues about these secret realms and solve this secret seal mystery. This might be the key to exiting the union, or at least it might push me closer to it. Time is of the essence!'

Without hesitation, Ace closed the interface before he stopped using the Dismantle Qi on himself. He then stopped the unseen thief ability of his mask and started recovering. 

The unseen thief ability had become his bread and butter in these past 48 days because whenever he practiced the dismantler principles, he would use this ability with one type of Qi while practicing the dismantler principles with another Qi. 

Although it was hard for the first week to use both his Qis at the same time, especially when he needed to be focused, he already had some practice with the fate map since it also used his soul Qi and he always used martial Qi to activate his heavenly martial skills. 

However, easy as it may sound, it is extremely taxing to Ace's body and mind, and the Qi consumption was five times greater in comparison when he used only one type of Qi at a time. So, he always needed to rest for at least 4 hours before he could start again. 

Now that he was done with heaven's stealer mission's prerequisite, he knew what he had to do now, so he was somewhat relieved and recovered for 18 hours straight since he knew he needed to be in optimal condition for about to come. 

When Ace opened his eyes, he was full of energy, as if he had a long peaceful sleep. He stood up and collected every array or formation he had set up in the cave. He was clearly not planning on coming back. 

After making sure he left nothing, he opened the cave resident formation, and it was high noon outside. He hadn't seen daylight for over one and a half months, so he wondered if something big had happened while he was closed off.

As he started to fly toward the cultivation sector, he found everything the same, so he started planning what he was going to do. 

'If I wanted to enter the inner union sector, I needed to be a union instructor, and then I needed to pass an entrance test. So, first, I need to increase my union rank from student to instructor. 

'But the threshold to be a union instructor is the river core realm, and I need a cultivation manual of the river core realm to show my cultivation at the river core realm, which will cost me at least 50,000 UM. 

'Even those devils who wanted to rob me only have a little over 12,000 UM together. So it will take some time to collect them. I wonder if raising one's cultivation from the soul gates of the soul river and becoming a union scholar within over a month would give me some kind of achievement reward like the one in the ascension stairway test. 

'It would not only pass this way; I will draw even more attention to myself. I need backing high enough to enter any place I want and can access the union's secrets, and there's only one person who could make it happen.' Ace thought with a hint of wiliness. 

'So, first, I should go into the Union Enforcer Sector to increase my rank and see if I can catch the big fish. If it's not enough, then I should make it enough.' 

The flying sword's speed under his feet increased as he crossed many living sector denizens, and they were all shocked as they looked at him with bewilderment because Ace was wearing union student robes, but a union student shouldn't have this kind of speed. 

Ignoring all those guys, he entered the cultivation sector. This time, he headed to the southwest side, where another paved clear road was going straight up ahead toward the enforcer sector, which was quite vacant in comparison to the path of the cultivation sector. 

One of the reasons was this path led toward the edge of the outer sun domain, and above the enforcer sector was the inner union domain. 

Only those who wanted to reevaluate their ranks or either those who were detained by the reinforced division could enter here. 

If someone wanted to waste the enforcer sector's time, they would be seeking bad luck on their own accords. 

Because the Enforcer Sector was also like a law court that could give out punishments to anyone who broke the union rules, and even union instructors were afraid of the Reinforcer Division of the Enforcer Sector!

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