Eternal Thief

Chapter 709 The Secret Floor (1)

Ace without care about what happened to Veile. 

The first floor of the Inner Sun Domain Library was exactly the same as the outer sun domain library, but it was two times bigger, and there were more shelves. 

But Ace wasn't interested in those books at all as he said, "I want to enter the secret floor." 

Like the previous library he visited, he can ask questions to this voice anytime he wants, but unlike the last time, he can now command this voice because of his superior status!

The voice rang in reply, but this time it was faint, and probably only White could hear it. 

"Very well, please head to the cultivation technique section, shelf number 109!" 

With great anticipation, Ace moved toward the given direction while ignoring some other Union students present in the library. They minded their own business, so it was a plus for him. 

Ace stopped at the very edge of the cultivation section, right in front of an old bookshelf which has a number tag, '109', on it. He couldn't be seen in this current position. 

He suddenly heard a faint click before the shelf suddenly thudded backward, and like a door, it opened back, revealing a staircase going downward.

'Even with my thief's vision, I wasn't able to see this trap door at all…' Ace thought gravely. 

But he didn't have time to lament his shortcomings and inability to see through the library's formation. He knew the entire Union was a giant formation which was nothing but bad news.

He stepped on the staircase and headed down while the door behind him closed. 

The staircase was fifty long, and at the end of it was a sealed door which was creak opened when Ace was only a few stairsteps away from it. 

An ancient smell suddenly filled the air the moment the door was opened, and Ace was even more curious about just what kind of things were hidden in this place that could only be accessed by the High Union Elder or higher rank than them. 

Furthermore, he wasn't afraid of getting monitored by the Union Leader because if he wanted to hide this place from him, he could've easily done so. He doesn't believe the master of his didn't have the ability to alter his new union token. 

So, he was vigilant but not afraid of exploring things that were opened up for him. 

Ace entered a 20x30 room which was designed with old wood, and there were a study table and chair in the center while the sides were filled with bookshelves. 

Furthermore, unlike the bookshelves on the upper floors, these bookshelves contained entire information within the books and scrolls on the shelves.

So, without delay, Ace moved to the first shelf from his left and took out an old blue book. He read the title on the cover and was surprised by it. 

'The Founders of Sun and Moon Sword Union? Interesting.' Ace's interest was instantly piqued as he was looking for this kind of information in the first place since it could give him a better picture of the union. 

Ace opened the book and started reading the information on the first page. 

"In the Era of Beginning, when there was nothing but the Sun and Moon watching over the world of nothingness in solitude.

"The Sun only knows how to burn and spread its brilliance in every corner of the work of nothingness, but despite its burning brilliance, it had to retreat when it was time for the Moon to rise. 

"The Moon, cold, aloof, unprofane, spreads its gentle gaze over the world of nothingness and gives it cold comfort from the burning brilliance of the Sun. But even Moon had to close its eye and fall into slumber, for it was the time for the Sun to come again.

"This is the cycle of the Sun and Moon, which is endless. They can never exist at the time, yet they exist for each other. This endless cycle lasted until the Era of Beginning came to an end, and the Era of Life began. 

"Era of Life gave birth to Sun God and Moon God as they became more than just observers of nothingness. They want to observe more than nothingness; they want to see beings who can express their joy while basking in their brilliance and gentleness. 

"This birth the Yin and Yang, the start of life, the start of Union Between Sun and Moon…"

Ace frowned at this point, 'What does this feel like some cult story? In the beginning, there were only the sun and moon. Then what is heaven? Heaven is an existence that rules everything impartially… But is that really the case?'

A hint of confusion flashed past Ace's eyes, 'System is the strongest thing in my eye as it can go against heaven, but it is also afraid or wary of Heaven, not Sun and Moon. So, if I go by this analogy, then this book is nothing but gibberish of someone's delusion.' 

Still, Ace didn't place it back as he continued to read it, nor did he show his true emotions since it would look too strange that a boy who didn't even know about cultivation a few months ago was now ridiculing the 'secret records.' 

So, he only showed an expression of fascination and exclaimed a few times throughout the entire book. 

"… the Sun and Moon brought up the world and created the Union on land until one day the Sword of Nothingness, who didn't want the end of nothingness, finally decided to show its Power of Darkness!"

Ace frowned at this point because the book had ended, and there was nothing on this Sword of Nothingness and Power of Darkness.

Ace actually wanted to know more about this Sword of Nothingness than the entire sun and moon business, but the book ended. 

Ace couldn't help but ask, "Is there another part of this book?" 

"It is in the inner moon domain library." The voice statically replied. 

'Don't tell me that almost all the information in this place is only half, and the other half is in the moon domain?' Ace found it quite possible as he picked up the next book. 

'The history of all the Apostles (Union Leaders) of Sun and Moon.' 

Ace's eyes shimmered strangely when he read the title and opened the book!

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