Eternal Thief

Chapter 725 Destined To Be Our Lord

The Union Leader was sitting over his throne while the blank projection screen was still opened wide in front of him. 

"Hehehehe… I have to admit that brat has lasted for over an hour, which is far more than any of our first tries." A sneering voice rang from the elven statue. 

"He's talented. I'll give him that. But passing that absurd trial is akin to ascending the sky." A heavy voice rang from the dwarf status. 

The Union Leader seemed not to hear the chattering from the ten statuses as his profound eyes remained affixed on the projection screen. 

At this moment, an icy voice rang in the throne room, which surprised even the Union Leader. 

"Union Caretaker, it's been a while." 

"Isn't that?!" 

"It's the Old Eccentric Thrall!" 

"Yes, it's the SMSC!" 

Some statues exclaiming voices rang. 

"How dare you Heretics speak to Lord SMSC like this?!" Union Leader uttered coldly as his voice contained a strange power, and all those glowing statues instantly lost their glow and returned to being ordinary statues. 

"Lord SMSC, I wasn't expecting you." Union Leader, despite calling SMSC 'Lord,' his tone was impassive without any respect or intent, nor did he bother to stand up from his throne. 

"I wasn't expecting to hear from all those Heretics either. It seemed while I was asleep, you have become quite unrestrained to let those Heretics regain this consciousness!" SMSC's voice contained extreme chillness. 

"Lord SMSC, you don't need to worry about such a trivial thing. Although I let them speak occasionally, it didn't mean anything except for some means of entrainment. You have to know just how boring it is to keep sitting here all day long." The Union Leader impassively stated. 

"Is that why you dare to make the Sun and Moon Inheritor Contender your disciple? For entertainment?" SMSC coldly questioned. 

The Union Leader's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but it was gone as fast as it appeared, "Lord SMSC, is this about my Disciple White? I hope you won't take it in the wrong way. I accepted him as a disciple before he was the Sun and Moon Inheritor Contender. 

"Only after knowing his potential did I select him as the inheritor, which is, if I remember correctly, my job. If he didn't have the potential, I wouldn't make him the inheritor contender, even if he was my son. 

"If he can become the Sun and Moon Chaser, I'll naturally void my Master and Disciple relationship with him since even I don't dare to be the Master of the Sun and Moon Gods' Acolyte.

"My intentions were as pure as the light of Sun and Moon Gods. I can swear upon it with my life. You should know my loyalty toward the Union and Gods better than anyone." 

SMSC remained silent for a while before it finally spoke again, and this time, his voice was much softer, "If I have doubted your devotion, why do you think I would be talking to you? But the Sun and Moon Seeker White is not qualified to be your Disciple, so…"

"Wait?! Sun and Moon Seeker?" The Union Leader finally showed a shocked expression on his statue-like face as he abruptly stood up with widened eyes as he even cut between SMSC's speech. 

"Heh, I must say seeing you so shocked for the first time is quite a treat. Yes, the new Sun and Moon Seeker is extraordinary, far more than you could even imagine. Although I can't reveal many details, he cleared the Lesser Sun Trial in 10 minutes. 

"It also appeared you have no idea about your own disciple's abilities, and that's why I'm here to tell you to void your master-disciple relationship with him. I have never seen someone who has over 80% chance of becoming the Chosen One, and he will be the Sun and Moon Chaser soon. 

"So, before you make the Sun and Moon Gods angry, I advise you to make amends as soon as the Sun and Moon Seeker come out from the Sun and Moon Secret Realms. 

"Do it in a way you won't break his heart as he seemed to respect you, but you and I both know he is destined to be our Lord, so the sooner we accept it, the better for both of us and him. 

"Oh, as you might know, you can no longer monitor the Sun and Moon Seeker movement. Only the Gods can now, and you better not try as well." 

The Union Leader's face was quite colorful at this moment, and he probably hadn't shown this many expressions in all his life as he was showing them now. 

"He passed the trial in 10 minutes? Are you messing with me?" He finally couldn't contain his shock as he asked hoarsely. 

However, SMSC didn't reply any longer as if he had achieved his goal and no longer cared about the Union Leader's feelings. 

The Union Leader also knew the SMSC wouldn't mess around with him because he knew the SMSC wasn't capable of such a thing. But he was shocked nevertheless as it was simply too absurd. 

Although he knew White was talented, he never expected him to be talented to such an extent, and even SMSC, who was too hard to impress, was touting White. This shows how high the opinion he has of White is. 

The Union Leader then quickly calmed himself as he returned to his calm, aloof self before he sat on the throne again, but his normally dismissive eyes were now icy and kept becoming shaper while he stared at the blank screen. 

This entire development of White becoming the Sun and Moon Seeker within over a month has caught him off guard, but it didn't mean he was someone who couldn't deal with surprise development. 

'My initial plan was to form a strong bond of Master and Disciple, but now that annoying fellow has intervened, it's nigh impossible. But White's potential is something that shouldn't exist in this heaven. 

'My only advantage is he is someone who seemed to only care about cultivation, not status. So, I need a new strategy and wait until he comes out of the Sun and Moon Secret Realms…'

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