Eternal Thief

Chapter 851 Coup D'état

After the God Envoy suggested the sacrifice of the Moon Guardian, the very next day. 

In the depths of Above Mountains Palace, the Union Leader in white robes and Sun and Moon Sword Custodian (SMSC) in his light form were entering an underground passage. 

"Is everything prepared?" SMSC asked in an emotionless voice.

Union Leader nodded, "Yes, they agreed to serve the Union. I was only waiting for you to recover." 

"Good, I was losing my patience." 

Union Leader couldn't help but ask with uncertainty, "Are you alright?" 

SMSC's voice remained emotionless as he replied, "What do you mean?" 

Union Leader hesitated before saying, "About the Moon Guardian, I…"

"No need to say anything. We all live by the Union and die by the Union. There is no need to make it complicated." SMSC emotionlessly replied. 

Union Leader didn't say another word as his eyes shimmered with a peculiar gleam. 

They both reached a dark orange door filled with runic symbols, and the Union Leader chatted something before he placed his hand on the door as it started to glow brightly. 

The next moment, a formation plate appeared in his hand, and he activated it. Thereafter, the sealed door creaked open, revealing a spacious, gloomy hall. 

On both sides of this hall were sealed doors with runic symbols. In the center of this hall was a large runic circle, and in that circle were four figures sitting crossed-legged, enveloped by a dark light. It was as if they were meditating, but there was no trace of breathing as if they were dead. 

"They are indeed the intruders' leaders." SMSC stated, "But something seemed strange about the three of them." 

"Oh? You also think so?" Union Leader said, "I think they are hiding some secrets. But we don't need to worry. As long as Lord SMSC implants the Sun and Moon Soul Seals, they will tell us everything." 

"Indeed. Let us begin without further ado." SMSC agreed as he moved toward the center of the room. 

The Union Leader stayed in his place without having any intention of moving since there wasn't any need for his assistance. 

However, as he watched the light figure of the SMSC approaching one of the figures, who was a handsome human with a long goatee clad in a bronze color Taoist robe, coldness started to creep into his eyes, shimmering with foreshadowing. 

SMSC stopped in front of this human and emotionlessly muttered, "Only a step away from being a Law Comprehension Realm. Indeed, a talent befitting for Union." He moved a light hand towards the human's head. 

However, right at this moment, the breathless human's eyes sprang open, revealing astute sky-blue eyes filled with derision, "I'm unworthy of his excellency's praise!" 

SMSC was instantly alarmed, and before he could react, the human's hand moved like a bolt of lightning as an azure dagger appeared in his hand, and he directly stabbed it into the light figure of SMSC!

With SMSC's ethereal light figure, it should be impossible for a tangible object to harm him. 


However, SMSC shrilled in pain as the azure dagger stabbed into his chest. There was an azure orb attached to the dagger's handle as it shimmered brightly after the dagger was stabbed into SMSC's ethereal figure. 

"Now!" The Union Leader yelled loudly as a black formation appeared in his, and he instantly activated it. 

The human who stabbed SMSC instantly moved and vanished from his spot before reappearing bedside the Union Leader. 

Not only him, but the other three figures opened their eyes, and like the Human, they vanished from the runic circle and appeared beside the Union Leader. 

The very next moment, the formation circle suddenly changed as it turned crimson, and golden-azure symbols revealed themselves, and they fully encased SMSC's figure as he screamed in pain. 

"Your turn!" The Union Leader commanded while looking at the devilishly handsome man with crimson devil horns. 

"Tsk, stop giving orders like I'm your underling." The Devil's sneered in annoyance.

But he did as he was told, and a ghostly Black Scepter appeared in his hand, and he instantly stabbed it on the shimmering crimson formation. The next moment, the pitch-black orb on top of the black scepter glowed in the dark, and the crimson formation started to turn black. 

"I guess it's my turn now~" A purple-haired, enthralling huntress with a transparent veil covering her bewitching face coquettishly chortled before she moved her hand. A Silver Scepter appeared, giving off an icy cold aura. 

Like the devil, she stabbed it down the formation, and the silver orb glowed brightly, and a part of the formation turned purple. 

The moment two scepters were connected to the formation, black and silver chains gushed out and instantly wrapped SMSC's encased figure, making him scream even more. 

On the other, the last escapee, a wizened giant demon, was silently watching them with a peculiar expression. 

"Seal!" The Union Leader roared with ecstasy as he poured a huge amount of Qi into the crimson formation plate in his hand. 

The formation glowed brightly before the corporeal cage started to solidify in crimson, black, and silver color and SMSC's light figure with it. 

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" SMSC's shrill rang in the hall like a thunderclap. 

But the Union Leader coldly sneered and focused on completing the solidification. No matter how much SMSC screamed or questioned, he didn't dare to stop for a second. 

A minute later, the SMSC's voice died down completely, and just where his figure was located now stood a small tri-color hill emitting three ghastly energies. 

"Done!" The Union Leader shouted with ecstasy as he was filled with sweat and exhaustion. But he was too excited to care about any of it as he looked at the tri-color hill with mirth. 

The Devil and Huntress stowed away their scepters as their eyes also showed exhaustion, but they were also excited. 

The astute human smiled with satisfaction and respectfully bowed toward the Union Leader and congratulated him, "It's a shame we lost the Azure Wind Orb, but we achieved our long-lasting goal. Congratulations, now the Sun and Moon Sword Union completely belongs to you, Prime One!"

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