Eternal Thief

Chapter 856 Purple Feather

Since Ace had signed the soul contract, no one made things difficult for him as per the contract agreement, and the top ten rankers escorted him toward the cathedral. 

After crossing the massive demonic beast army, when Ace reached the square outside the last cathedral, the remaining 90 rankers looked at him in astonishment, some with deep hatred. He even spotted the woman he had encountered when he entered the ninth layer. 

"Are we really letting him go?" A demoness coldly questioned as her aura became sharp. 

"Step aside, he's no longer a threat." Percy coldly answered. 

Since White was a human, his rise would mean the rise of the entire human race. Heretic or not, White was still the most talented person in the union and the future heir. As a human, Percy was happy that things turned out the way they did. 

As for him being under the soul contract influence, it was for the best. 

Although they were all told that White had agreed to yield and the top ten seniors were going to finalize the deal, it was still hard to swallow that a person who was just their mortal enemy a few moments ago was now turned into an ally.

Furthermore, some of them harbor malicious intent toward him because he is a human, not from their race. So, this was a rare chance to get rid of him while he was under the influence of the soul contract.

"What if we don't want to?" A devil with terrifying killing intent asked sneeringly. 

"You fools, do you want to defy the will of God Envoy? Don't forget where you are!" Lorcan coldly yelled while seeming flustered. 

If not for the God Envoy, not to mention these low-rankers, everyone except Percy would've attacked Ace because they held the same sentiments. Yet, they were helpless because they were in no position to defy the God Envoy. 

Even the terrifying Heretic has decided to yield, and in comparison, they were nothing. They didn't have either his talent or a legendary creature, so they were egging an iron wall.

Just as Lorcan stated, everyone's expression fell as they knew it was impossible to do anything to Ace until the God Envoy didn't want to harm him. 

But they still couldn't understand why he was keeping him alive after all this and knowing about the danger he posed. 

"Heh, don't worry, seniors, I'll take care of you all. You don't need to fear me. I'm but a humble servant of the Sun and Moon." White beamed at them with clear mockery. 

This made almost everyone show killing intent towards this arrogant youngster. 

"Now, if you please, I have a Union to inherit." White snickered as he walked toward the massive swirl gate without caring about their violent fury. 

At this moment, Ace felt some restriction suddenly lifted from the swirl gate as his eyes shimmered with a hint of surprise, 'I'm glad I tried this method, or who knows just how much preparation that bastard had made. He's using a Grade-8 formation that can not only seal space but also this gate. Well, it'll be mine sooner.' 

With such thievish thoughts, he entered the swirl and vanished under everyone's indignant gazes. 

Paying attention to the fate map, Ace crossed the ethereal passage. The next moment, his eyes widened with sheer surprise. Because just as he crossed the passage, the fat map location instantly changed!

Ace appeared in a bright silver hall, and right in the middle of this hall was a purple moon, while right below it was a platinum orb as they both were revolving opposite to each other. 

But the terrifying aura they emitted was both cold and sharp at the same time. Both of them were connected with a light pillar with the ceiling and floor. Ace clearly remembered seeing the same scene at the Secret Sun Realm!

For some reason, he had appeared right where the realm core and the elemental orb were located, which meant he was right where he needed to be! 

At this moment, the system's voice rang, 


[Host has discovered the Moon Secret Realm's Independent Space Core!]


[Please choose an option]

1- Do you want to collect it and destroy the Moon Secret Realm?

2- Do you want to collect it and the Platinum Orb while destroying the Moon Secret Realm?

Price: 10 Million Thief Points


[NOTE: By choosing the first option, the Platinum Orb will be destroyed once it is separated from the core because it is connected to the core!]


'Has that guy gone completely mad?' Ace wondered as this was completely unexpected since he was supposed to be going to the trial space, but the God Envoy had shifted him to this place instead.

"Don't be alarmed. You should already be familiar with this place, right? This space is also considered a trial space since it is the origin of every trial space. I needed you here to create the Sun and Moon Soul Seal." The God Envoy's voice sounded with a hint of slyness. 

The next moment, something suddenly appeared a few feet away from him. Surprisingly, it was another glowing feather! 

But it was of completely purple color while it gave off a feeling of icy oppression, completely opposite to the golden feather he encountered in the Sun Secret Realm. It was the God Envoy of Moon Secret Realm and also its guardian!

Realization dawned on him. He stared at the purple feather and coldly said, "You never planned of letting me take the trial, do you?" 

"Hihihihi…and let you acquire the title of Moon Chaser as well? I don't think so. At least not until you let me plant the Sun and Moon Seal. Now stop resisting and cooperate since it's now your turn to complete your part of the deal. 

"O' sacrilegious mortal, let this be a lesson to you to never go against the will of God!" He arrogantly stated. 

At this moment, Ace dropped the facade and chuckled with derision, "You go half of the part right. Everyone wants to be the one in control, and I'm not different. As for going against the Gods? Truthfully, I found it quite amusing for a mere feather to dare to represent God. 

"Nonetheless, I deeply respect your play here. You were far more amusing than your counterpart. Now, let's end this since I have more pressing matters to tend to than entertaining a feather." 

"Wha…hihkk…" The feather was about to say something when it felt something amiss, and it suddenly trembled as if something just tore apart from it. 

The next moment, Cyrus appeared over Ace's shoulder, seemingly exhausted. He was about to throw a tantrum when he found Ace's presence when he sensed something, and his tiny eyes instantly locked on the trembling feather. 

All the grievances and complaints he thought he would throw at Ace vanished instantly, and ecstasy replaced them. 

"Alright, he's yours." Ace smilingly permitted him to do what he wanted while he gave another command to the system, "System, I chose the second option!" 

The very next moment,


[Host has chosen the Second Option to collect it and the Platinum Orb while destroying the Moon Secret Realm!]

-Price: 10 Million Thief Points have been deducted!

[Time: 00:00:59]


[Thief Point(s): 4,000,100]


Seeing his reaming thief points, he sighed. He had used 5 million TP to create a fake consciousness for the soul contract, and now he used 10 million TP for the second option, 'It seemed after this I needed to start sealing like usual!'

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