Eternal Thief

Chapter 878 Hangman Eva

Chapter 878  Hangman Eva

Leaving utterly vanquished Lillian, Eva returned to her residence with Cyrus and sat comfortably on a couch.

She transmitted with a mischievous smile, <nulli>"Now that I'm done teaching her a lesson. How about we pick up from where we left off? Where is my gift?" Ace smiled wryly and replied,<nulli> "Sometimes I really don't under what you're thinking. It's quite clear you meant well, but you don't know how to be gentle with others, huh?" Eva's smile widened as she appeared extremely alluring, <nulli>"Don't tell me you don't like it~." Ace's heart raced to hear Eva's seductive tone, "<nulli>Well, I can't deny it." <nulli>"Hehe." Eva giggled, very pleased with Ace's reply, before her eyes narrowed, "Now don't you dare change topic!"

<nulli>"Just take anything you want. There are plenty of new toys you can play with and many new resources. I am sure with your cultivation speed, you might have already exhausted all the resources at your disposal." Ace replied.

<nulli>"How generous of you. But I'm more interested in the story behind that huge sealed box in the west. It should be a treasury. Furthermore, that Cist thing is quite interesting. You do know that it is almost impossible to change a race bloodline with another race if they are not compatible, right? <nulli>"From your words, it is quite clear you don't know what sort of bloodline that huntress will get, but you sound confident enough that whichever it is, as long as she can endure, she will succeed.

<nulli>"So, tell me the story<nulli> behind it without skipping any any juicy details. If you can avert my boredom, I'll let your favoritism slide this time." Eva questioned curiously.

On the surface, she appeared indifferent, but she was very curious about the Mystic Bloodline Cist and, more importantly, what kind of bloodline Alina would get. It wasn't like she was ignoring Alina or looking down on her. Instead, it was completely the opposite.

She was cultivating even harder since the day Alina came back to Ace's life so she couldn't lose her position and keep a keen eye on Alina's progress.

That's why the moment Alina's aura vanished from the thief's space, she became alert and felt her heart churned when she thought about how Alina would be traveling with Ace now.

But unexpectedly, she returned, and now she was going to change her bloodline, which was even more unexpected.

Ace couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, <nulli>"Tsk, tsk, feeling threatened, aren't we? You know you can't hide your true feelings from me, right?" Eva's eyes widened ever so slightly as her inner thoughts were exposed, but she kept her ambiguous smile, <nulli>"I don't know what you're talking about."

<nulli>"Hahaha, if that's the case, then I'll tell you how I get that cist, but I won't tell you what kind of bloodline is in there. Let it be a surprise for all of us." Ace replied slyly.

<nulli>"Hmph, you seemed to enjoy all this, huh?" Eva's eyes narrowed, making Cyrus flinch, who was still thinking about how he should escape the devil's clutches.

<nulli>"Now, I don't know what you're talking about." Ace snickered, "<nulli>First, tell me where is Livia? You didn't release her for quite some time now. You do know that the longer you keep lying to her, the more likely she hates you after she finds the truth. <nulli>"Furthermore, I think Lillian needs a friend, and also, that daring brat needs another pair of eyes to keep him in check now. I was about to teach him a lesson, but you got to him first. Well, he's more afraid of you than me, so I guess I don't need to do it anymore." Ace said with an amusing tone as he could feel just how depressed Cyrus was now and behaving like a scaredy-cat in Eva's presence.

Eva cocked her eyebrow before she spoke, <nulli>"You don't need to worry about my maid. She can cultivate in my storage space as long as she won't surpass me. So, I let her stay there, and she's cultivating diligently. As for her hating me, I can assure you she didn't have guts! <nulli>"And if you're so worried about that Lillian girl, you should leave her alone for now. Let me handle it. This is no place for a weak-willed girl like her. If she can't get over this, then it's better to send her back, or she'll drag down Alina eventually." Eva coldly declared before her attention was drawn to Cyrus as she picked him from her shoulder, making the little bird panic a little.

She finally used her voice as she smiled, narrowed eyes, "As for this little mischievous guy, you're being too lenient with him. How about I hang him upside down for 100 days as punishment for skipping his study!"

Cyrus's eyes winded with fear, and he quickly cried for mercy, "NO! I don't wanna! I'm sorry, big sis Eva, I'll be good! Please don't hang me. I'll be good and study, I promised!"

Ace almost laughed out loud, seeing Cyrus jumping on Eva's palm while pleading for mercy.

"Hmph, so you still remember to be sorry, huh?" Eva hid her urge to giggle as she strictly said, "But punishment is necessary for naughty children!"

"B-but…" Cyrus's tiny eyes winded with panic before something came into his mind, and he blurted, "But I-I'm a bird!"

Eva was speechless by Cyrus's irrefutable retortion, but she can't be defeated by a silly bird. She just refused to, so she refuted, "You dare to talk back? I'm going to hang you until you learn to be respectful to your elders!"

Cyrus was almost on the verge of crying now as he saw his bleak future. So, he had no choice but to use his last resort. He transmitted his voice pleadingly to his final hope.

<nulli>"Big bro, save me!" <nulli>"You just have to talk back, don't you? Brat, you're digging your own grave. I can't save you!" Ace scoffed as he was clearly enjoying this, so why stop the fun?

Cyrus almost flies into a rage after Ace shuts the final door of salvation right in his face.

Afterward, both of them ignored the perplexed bird, and they talked contentedly for a long time!

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