Eternal Thief

Chapter 966 Plans For Sky Heart Plains

After entering the capital city of the Golden Lion Kingdom, Ace changes his appearance again and clothing in a dark alley and enters an inn.

Once he was in his big room, he waved his sleeve and in front of five women appeared, and a small bird appeared on his shoulder.

They were naturally the three house members, Freya's Witch Avatar, Jessie, Eva, and Cyrus, who were alerted by Ace a few minutes ago.

"Where are we? Are we really in another world?" Winter exclaimed as she sensed dense Qi around, and she looked curiously at the new designs of the room.

Not only she but others were also the same as they knew what was Ace's goal, and now that he let them out, it could only mean he had succeeded in finding his destination.

Ace smiled before he flipped his hand, and small translucent nine-pointer dark golden stars appeared in his hand; they were the manifestation of his divine trait ability Knowledge Star, Star Slips!

The girls curiously looked at those shining translucent stars as he handed them one each and said, "Just pour your Qi into them, and you'll understand this place."

Ace has made those star slips with all the important information he had gathered from stealing memories. They were one-time-use items and very easy to make. This also saves him the trouble of explaining everything.

They won't hesitate and quickly do as Ace said, and those star slips light up before a huge amount of information enters their mind, and the next moment, those star slips vanish into thin air.

"Hey! Where is mine?" Cyrus suddenly demanded as he also wanted to try these toys.

Ace smiled as he rubbed his finger on his tiny head and replied, "You don't need it since you'll be with me."

"But I still want one!" Cyrus replied as he found this unfair.

"Little brat, you're becoming more darning, huh?" Ace chuckled.

Cyrus was accompanying Eva all this time while learning from her, and she had made sure to drill many things into his mischievous brain. Furthermore, she also trained with him as he was extremely strong, but he was never able to win against her.

So, he was even more obedient after some 'gentle' beatings, but in front of Ace, he always acted like a child. Ace was helpless, but he didn't mind since he didn't consider him a tool.

At this moment, adorned in a silky rainbow dress, Eva finally opened her devilish eyes as she was astounded. She was the first to absorb all those memories and was very excited after learning about the Sky Heart Plains.

Even though she was only second to Ace when it came to martial prowess and had her own inherited memories, her adventurous personality never changed. She now wanted to explore this marvelous place with Ace.

Freya also opened her astute eyes as they shimmered with ecstasy. She was impressed and shocked after learning just how terrifying the Sky Heart Plains were. Compared to Golden Sky World, they were too far ahead of them.

Noa was third as she still wore her mask, but the sharpness in her eyes was telling she was also surprised by this place.

Winter was last as she sighed in wonder. They were really frogs in the well; without Ace, their entire heaven and earth was just the Golden Sky World.

"What's your plan?" Freya asked smilingly.

Ace replied, "I'll give you three chain missions, and they are enough to complete the house mission. You should divide the targets among yourselves, make sure to avoid each other targets, and don't provoke those Kings' families. They are terrifying existences at the same level as the Union back then.

"Of course, as long as you broke into the next realm, you can do as you please. Nonetheless, your goal is to cause upheaval and draw attention away from the Empire.

"On the other hand, I'm going to the empire with Eva. We'll further investigate my real target. Once you guys are done with your mission, I'll make my move. This place is filled with treasures we haven't come in contact with, so I bid you all happy hunting.

"This plan is very simple; I'll leave the details to you guys since you are no longer newbies and capable of handling yourselves. If you find yourselves in trouble, just give me a call." Ace stated.

He had laid down the general plan for this thievery. The house members were fully capable of handling themselves from here. He didn't need to retrain their movement. They know about their abilities and how to utilize them, so he leaves the action details to them.

In the Sky Heart Plains, the only people who could threaten the house members were the King families of each kingdom and the Imperial Family because they all had Law Comprehension, realm experts.

There were also the Formation Guild and Alchemy Guild, but their eighth realm experts were all in their headquarters in the Imperial Capital, so they should be fine as long as they were careful.

What Ace wanted was to draw attention away from the imperial capital and then swoop in one go.

Noa nodded as she looked at Ace with a hint of gentleness, "I won't disappoint you." Then she looked at Freya and Winter and coldly stated, "I'm taking the Leaf, Flame, and Wonder Kingdoms."

Done saying, she didn't wait for a reply before she was gone like a ghost.

"She's as overbearing as ever." Winter scoffed before she also stated her targets, "I'm going to the Beast Kingdom first since this place is filled with magic beasts. I want to see the difference between us, and then I'll go to Charming Lake Kingdoms. You can take the remaining three." She was also gone.

Freya smiled wryly before looking at Ace with a peculiar gaze and then glanced at Eva meaningfully, "I guess I'm going to be busy with Golden Lion, Forest, and Poison Kingdoms. Wait for my good news." She and her Avatar also left.

'What's she up to now?' Ace couldn't help but feel something was strange with Freya's gaze just now.

Eva gently smiled as she sat beside him, "I guess it's only you and me now. So, where should we go first? I can't help but remember our first meeting. It was in an inn just like this."

Ace chuckled with nostalgia as he clearly remembered the first time Eva appeared. She was holding a food tray for him in an inn's room.

"How about I bring you to go shopping in the capital first? I'm not in a hurry to move." Ace suggested.

Eva's eyes lit up, "You sure know how to make a woman happy."

Ace laughed before he looked at her gently, her peerless face flawless and charming while her moist crimson lips were perfect, "You're really beautiful."

Eva blushed slightly under his heated gaze before she retorted, "There is a child here; no need to be so shameless."

Ace suddenly remembered Cyrus, who was curiously looking at them, and quickly stood upright, "Ahem, let's go. You should cover your face. I'm afraid I'll make too many enemies if I bring you to a stroll like this."

Eva giggled as a dark veil appeared in her hand, and she covered her face with it, but she was still a walking calamity with her devilish figure.

They both left while interlocking their hands!

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