Eternal Thief

Chapter 97 - Thief Panel

Ace inhales deeply before he transmitted, "Thief Panel."

He was looking forward to this mysterious panel's purpose and its effects. After all, something that is the reward for a mission has to be remarkable.

A dark transparent panel appeared in front of Ace's eyes while the hooded symbol shine brightly, the thief panel has appeared! 


"[Congratulation Host for unlocking the Thief Panel Function]

[Beginning the calculation….]

[Calculation Complete!]

[Please Chose Your Thief Name for proceeding]"


Ace was startled, 'This is different.' But he still said, 'Sky Stealer' in ancient gods language and the dark panel instantly changed. 


[Thief Name has been saved]

{Please note you can change it only after raising your Thief Rank} 


[Thief Title has been unlocked]

[Title: Disciple of Darkness has been added to your thief panel.]

{Disciple of Darkness: Able to raise the proficiency of skills related to darkness by one level instantly}


[Novice Thief Symbol has been unlocked]

[Thief Symbol: Dark Owl has been added to thief panel]

{Dark Owl: A novice thief's symbol that will emerge on places the moment host does an honorable thievery

Benefits: A thief symbol can be summoned in fights it will give the host a temporary boost in cultivation as well as some of the creature's abilities. 

Warning: A Symbol summons time depends on the thief's fame. Without thief fame reaching a certain threshold the summoning can't be done.}     


[Thief Panel has set completely]

[Host can see Thief Panel now]"


Ace's eyes were open wide after seeing the many benefits of this overpower thief panel, and quickly looked at the real deal.


[{Thief Panel}] 

[Job {NOT Changeable}: Thief]

[Thief Name: Sky Stealer]

[Thief Title: Disciple of Darkness]

[Thief Rank: Novice] 

[Thief Fame {Host and Symbol}: NONE]

[Thief Symbol: Dark Owl]

{Summoning Symbol: unlocked at the Popularity Level Fame} 

[Job Mission: 0]


[{Thievery Count Section}]

[Low-Level Thievery: 3]

[Middle-Level Thievery: 0]

[High-Level Thievery: 0]

[Thievery needed to reach next Rank: 500 Low-Level Thievery]


Ace was smiling ear to ear while looking at the thief panel. He was truly on cloud nine right now. 

Because this thief panel gave him an edge and most importantly meaning to the thievery. He didn't know there are so many benefits just to become famous as a thief. 

Just that symbol summoning is very alluring because Ace knew that Dark Owl is some kind of terrifying existence after all only powerful beings are qualified to become a symbol in the system.

Furthermore, that thief title was alone overpowered because, with it, he can learn the darkness-related skills instantly even if only at the low level, but this means he can use them instantly!   

But one thing he was confused about is the thievery count and level of thieveries because he clearly remembered stealing from more than forty plus people, but the system only counts it three and even that is in the low-level thievery column.

"System, how does this Thievery Count work?"

Ace finally decided to use his last question on this thievery count section because he has to know how the system judges these thievery levels. After all, that fame status depended on the thieveries he does, and make the symbol more famous was the top priority.

"[Thievery counts are the number of thieveries that host dose on different levels of scales.]

[Like the Low-Level Thieveries will be count when the host at least steal something worth 200 Thief Points and more, missions excluded]

[Middle-Level Thieveries will be count when the host steal at least something worth 50,000 Thief Points]

[High-Level Thieveries will be count when the host steal at least something worth 100,000 Thief Points]

[To give the host more motivation the system will reveal an extra piece of information, the thief rank is directly connected with the unlocking of new thief symbols!]"

Ace's heartbeat raced when he heard the last part, it was not the system's emotionless voice, but he didn't care since he can't talk with it no matter how much he tries. 

Now he knows the clear criteria of the thievery count section, while resolve shone in his eyes. He was truly determined to rob more people with storage rings now because they can give him a minimum of 200TP! 


[The title Disciple of Darkness has been active]


Ace was just puzzled about this exact thing, like when that title is going to take effect when the system's voice rang in his mind. 

Ace felt he has gained something and fell into trance. 

He only possesses one skill that is related to darkness, and that was Heartless Stealth Art.

It has three stages and, every stage is divided into four levels of proficiency: Low, Middle, High, and Perfect just like the basic skills.

At this moment, Ace has instantly gained insight and low-level proficiency in the Heartless Stealth Art first stage the Breathless Stealth! 

Ace was sitting in a tree when he instantly vanished. it was still daytime, but he was completely invisible right now and the Qi Waves around him were almost non-exist! 

Now if any Empty River or River Depth cultivators scan the area with their element qi they would find nothing of Ace! 

Ace finally opened his eyes as a dark current flash past them, he could sense more amalgam into the surroundings, and his lips curl upwards. 

'Now I don't have to worry about those Qi River cultivators in that black cloth man's group!' Ace smile ear to ear as he thought.



[Status Panel]

[Host: Ace White]

[Race: Human {No Bloodline}]

[Heaven: 1st Mortal Sky Heaven]

[Martial Cultivation: Heavenly Foundation Building {Middle-Stage}]

{EXP: 950,000/1,000,000}

[Soul Cultivation: Orange Wind Soul Core]

{SP: 51,030/100,000}

[Skills: 7]

Heartless Stealth Art: {1st Stage: Low} 

Misperception Sky Steps Art: {None}

Soul Shattering Eyes: {None}

Soul Piercing Bullets: {None}

Soul Guardian Barrier Art: {None} 

Pick Pocket: {Perfection}

Treasure Opening Hands [Art]: {5th Form}

[Cultivation Technique: 2]

[{Heaven Stealer Technique Volume 1}, {Dual Shadow Swords}]

[Thief Point(s): 4240]

[Mission(s): 0]


Ace grins, seeing his improved status. His three basic skills have been removed and replaced with the new powerful skills as if the system didn't count old skills anymore.

Well, Ace wasn't fazed by it and begun his journey again. 

Now that he had the new improved stealth, he can travel and rest without care for those goons searching for him. But he was still very vigilant because he didn't forget about that terrifying aura owner (Layla).

If that person come after him, he would be dead!


Three days pass in a flash. Ace was now quite far from the Luminous City and slowly reaching his destination, the Low Sky Changing Border!

The low sky changing border was the boundary between Low and Middle Lands. It's called sky changing because the golden sky that was vague in the low lands would become more vivid when one step in the middle lands. 

And the sky will keep becoming definite golden with every higher border you would cross and enter the higher lands. Some people believed this phenomenon occurs because of the Qi Density in the Azure Wind Continent, but no one can prove that theory. 

The low sky-changing bored is a month's journey away from the luminous city position. 

Anyone could go there and for centuries, some adventurous people of low lands would step in the boundary between the low and middle lands to see the vast world. 

They would succeed, but no one knows their fate afterward. No one is ever to come back from there to this day, though.

Since the public of low lands didn't know about the existence of that terrifying formation, their loved ones still believes they were alive and just roaming the vast continent. 

However, they were simply going in their deaths, but no one ever tell them or even stop them. This secret is only known to the city when it was about to get promoted into the kingdom. 

The hundred years trails were the key to leave this enormous cage and even those trails were deadly, only the top ten kingdoms know what those trails were. 

Those promoted cities will tell no one about it because they didn't have memories of it, this is the strangest thing of all.

Ace's complexion was gloomy after finding out this tremendous secret in the top floor books. He felt somewhat sad for all those people who go to the border with big dreams and hope to become something great and make a name for themselves. 

But they were unknowingly going in their deaths! 

If he didn't hear it from Bill and read those secret books, Ace would be one of those people.

He didn't know why this formation or cage was built here, but he knows something is here that someone not wanted to come out at all costs. 

Ace finally understands the actual purpose of those mysterious trials. They were held because taking some people out from here gave false hope to those who wanted to leave from here. 

He felt disgusted by it and compassion for these low land peoples.

Unknowingly, a little seed of hatred has been planted into Ace's heart for higher-level lands!

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