Even If I’m Reborn as a Cute Dragon Girl, I Will Still Make a Harem

Book 5: Chapter 108: The Importance Of Locking Your Door When You Sleep

“Since birth, I have been the most favored daughter of the entire royal family. At the age of three, I was bestowed with the title of Princess Oriana. Even at that time, my eldest brother, the first heir to the throne, had no title.

I was favored not solely due to my lovely appearance, but also my exceptional talent. I was born with the highest purity of dragon blood in the royal family, and my lineage traces back to the founding emperor of the Holy Dragon Empire.

Therefore, from a very young age, I could have anything I desired within the royal family. No one dared to cross me, for offending me was akin to offending our father.

The expectations of the world beyond our palace walls were always exceedingly high for me. They believed that my future achievements could rival those of His Majesty, the Founding Emperor, and that I would lead the Holy Dragon Empire to greater heights, securing its prosperity for another century.

That was until three years ago when Lord Taylor decided to openly recruit disciples from the Imperial Family. Everyone assumed he would select me, but to their surprise, he chose my older sister, Estelle.

I, however, was neither shocked nor disheartened. At the time, I understood the true reason behind Lord Taylor’s decision.

It was not because my sister’s talents surpassed my own, nor was it because she possessed any mysterious or hidden abilities. The reason was simple…

I was too much of a hassle. Lord Taylor found me too troublesome.

Throughout my life and training, I’ve never encountered a single challenge or obstacle. However, this smooth path came at the cost of a numbness in my mind.

I felt no joy in anything.

When my sister, who was two years older than me, celebrated her progress, I was already two levels ahead of her. Yet, I felt no excitement.

In exchange for my indifference to everything, I developed an insatiable thirst for power. At a young age, I would relentlessly pester Lord Taylor with questions about cultivation.

This relentless pursuit seemed to irritate Lord Taylor, and he instead chose my seemingly more well-behaved older sister. It was a way for him to politely decline my continued pestering.

My poor sister mistakenly believed that she was chosen because she was better than me, failing to see the irony in catching up to me only three years later after being blessed by a drop of Lord Taylor’s precious dragon blood.

Lord Taylor’s apparent disinterest in me did not bother me as I remained the strongest among my peers. I was confident I would ascend to the pinnacle of the Holy Dragon Empire and perhaps the entire continent.

That was until… I met you in St. Caroline Academy.”

Princess Luna paused her lengthy speech and sensually licked her lips. She locked her gaze onto Lilith, the undisguised desire in her eyes growing stronger.

The flames of desire burned brighter, as if the words spoken moments ago had ignited an even more intense longing.

“W-What do you want? Don’t come any closer! Don’t forget, I’m much stronger than you!”

Lilith bared her teeth, revealing her sharp little canines as she waved petite fists around threateningly.

She curled up even tighter in an attempt to appear more intimidating, but her efforts made her look no different from a little rabbit cornered by the big bad wolf, futilely making threats.

“Of course, I know that you’re stronger than me, Master Lilith. I’ve verified it with my own body~”

Lilith was not sure if she was imagining it, but she noticed the flush on Princess Luna’s face intensifying as she spoke about the humiliating memories of her defeat.

“But what’s more important is after that!”

Princess Luna’s tone suddenly rose, as if her speech had reached its climax.

“After losing to you, the humiliation I experienced was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It wasn’t just the public humiliation; it was the disappointment in my father’s eyes, the mockery from my siblings, and even the occasional lustful gazes from ministers, as well as the whispers and mockery from my own maidservants.

I even learned that the videos of that incident had started to circulate in the black market of the Holy Dragon Empire.

Yet, I did nothing to it. Rather than defending myself, I processed all of that in silence.

But no matter how I feel… Even using every fiber of my being to feel…”

Princess Luna wrapped her hands around her shoulders, writhing her slender body like a snake. Her flushed face displayed a mixture of anger and incomprehension.

“No matter how I try to feel it, I can’t… I can’t capture that feeling from that time. The kind of feeling that’s intoxicating, mind-bending, and impossible to break free from.”


Lilith was taken aback.

So, you endured all of that and allowed others to humiliate and mock you just to experience the feeling of being tormented again? What is that supposed to mean? You’re a *********? Help, Mommy! There’s a pervert here!

“So you came here tonight…”

“That’s right… I came tonight…”

Princess Luna walked closer to Lilith and slowly crouched down, as if every joint in her body was rusty.

“Just to request Master Lilith to…” Luna’s gaze shifted downward as she crouched… “Let me lick it once more,” Princess Luna solemnly declared.

“NOOO!” Lilith screamed shrilly.

This must be a joke! Why do I have to let this pervert lick me! I’m not a ******, I don’t find pleasure in torturing others like my mom!

However, Princess Luna was undeterred and continued to pursue her desire.

Despite Lilith’s struggles, she was astounded to find that Princess Luna’s strength was remarkably overwhelming. Even her best efforts to break free from Princess Luna proved futile.

What’s happening? How long has it been since we met? Has she become stronger during this time?

It was as if the Beast Princess had undergone a sinister transformation, evolving into a Perverted Beast Princess!

“Stop resisting, Master Lilith. I know you’re also yearning for this.”

“Nonsense, I’m normal! I’m not a pervert! Stop it!”

Lilith’s eyes flashed a golden color as she activated her dragon language magic and the effects of her Dragon Bloodline Suppression.

The movement of Luna’s hands abruptly ceased, and Lilith finally exhaled in relief. However, her expression changed slightly as she attempted to withdraw her foot from Princess Luna’s grip.

Why is… she still holding on so tightly?

Creak… Creak…

Bone-chilling noises that sounded like bones grinding against each other came from the girl in front of Lilith, even though she should have been completely immobilized by both Lilith’s dragon language magic and the effect of her Dragon Bloodline Suppression.

Luna moved slowly, like a long-abandoned robot that had suddenly reawakened after an unknown period of time.

“T-This is… It’s that feeling… So, it turns out I can also feel it by just being dominated…”

While it should have been an incredibly painful ordeal, Lilith observed an increasingly passionate excitement on Princess Luna’s face.

“N-Not… enough… give me more…”

Her veins bulged, muscles twitched, skin cracked, and then miraculously healed. Every drop of blood in her body seemed to rebel against her, yet Luna persisted in her slow and deliberate movements.

Lilith was genuinely shocked this time…


Luna gasped and spoke with difficulty, her words a mixture of excitement and pain.

“Master Lilith, I bet you can’t understand it. For someone like me, who is bored with everything, the excitement you provided at that time is as precious as a fresh spring in the desert.”

Of course I can’t understand it! I’m not a pervert!

However, Princess Luna seemed to be at the point of no return.

The moment she achieved her goal, a divine fluctuation belonging to the Saint Realm emanated from her body under Lilith’s stupefied gaze.

An ethereal mist and a halo of brilliant colors extended outward from her, appearing as if it were not yet fully condensed, and rippled like water waves.

An imperfect domain was taking shape!

Lilith shook her head in disbelief and helplessly.

Oh no, the Perverted Beast Princess has evolved into an Extreme Perverted Beast Princess. But… this feels kinda good? No, this can’t be real! I’m not a pervert!

Lilith shook her head vigorously and brushed aside those unsettling thoughts.

Her top priority now was to stop the Extreme Perverted Beast Princess! Regardless of her reasons, Lilith could not let this continue.

If someone were to suddenly walk in and see this, where would her dignity as Dragon Princess go?

Fortunately, it was already late at night, making it highly unlikely for someone to suddenly barge into her room at this hour.

Hahaha… Phew!

“Are you there, little sister? I want to talk to you about tomorrow’s match.”

A loud, brash voice cut through the quiet night. It was Lilith’s sworn brother, Skarst, who was always bold and informal. He knocked on the door and just pushed it open without waiting for a reply.

The scene in the room immediately entered his view. Lilith and Skarst stared at each other in silence for an awkward moment.

The air was thick with embarrassment, akin to the atmosphere in a college dorm where roommates walked in on each other at the most inopportune times.

“Big brother, I can explain!”

Skarst simply shook his head and replied seriously, “No need to explain, Big Brother understands.”

He continued in a solemn tone, “Everyone has their own peculiar hobbies, even if, in your case, it’s…”

Skarst glanced at Princess Luna, who appeared utterly bewildered, and paused for a moment before continuing, “Even if your hobby is this unique pedicure, it won’t affect our relationship in the least.”

“No, I think you’ve completely misunderstood…”

Skarst gave Lilith a knowing smile, one that adults would easily comprehend, and said, “Enjoy yourself, but…”

He then shifted gears, “The tournament is tomorrow, so take care of yourself.”

With a creaking sound, Skarst closed the door to the room, leaving Lilith dumbfounded, her extended hand hanging mid-air.

A̲s̲s̲h̲o̲l̲e̲! Listen to me! What the hell does “take care of yourself” mean? You’re clearly out of your mind! It’s over! My reputation has been tarnished beyond repair!

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