Jeorgetown City, the bustling capital of the Holy Dragon Empire, boasted the most population and prosperity among all cities on the continent. Despite its unusual name, the city’s environment and culture fully justified its name.

The largest river in the Holy Dragon Empire, Sterya River, coursed through the city from east to west, dividing Jeorgetown into two sections—north and south.

In the north, the snow-capped Mount Kreya soared to almost 10,000 meters above sea level, providing shade to most of the surrounding areas. Icy spring water flowed through hundreds of streams that ran through the streets of the city before eventually converging into the Sterya River.

Meanwhile, in the south lay an expansive, endless plain. The forest closest to Jeorgetown City was located millions of miles away. The sun scorched the ground relentlessly. Without any shade in the area, the weather was slightly on the warmer side here.

Hence, Jeorgetown City’s unusual landscape, with the river as a boundary, had people in the north warmly dressed while those in the south were lightly dressed.

As a result, this peculiar scene fostered tolerance among the city’s people toward diversity and culture.

Whether it was a beastman accustomed to the northern ice fields or an elf raised in the dense southern forest, everyone found a welcoming home in this city.

Tolerance was also a moral virtue advocated by the Holy Dragon Empire’s constitution, and it served as the foundation for the empire’s prosperity.

Unfortunately, Jeorgetown City was not a particularly friendly place for parties consisting of members with varying preferences for climate.

Lilith’s party was a prime example. Lesiah hailed from the Macedonian Empire in the far north, while Thea hailed from the Luminous Theocracy in the far south.

Both of their preferences happened to be “polar opposites”.

“Commoner, did you not hear me say we’re headed to the northern part of the city?”

“The north? Eww, who wants to go to such a cold place? And who are you to address me as a commoner? Are you some concubine in the emperor’s harem? If that’s the case, you should have stayed in your beautiful courtyard and waited for the emperor’s visit. Shall I remind you that coming out here without permission is an act punishable by death?”

Lesiah forced a smile that did not reach her eyes. “Punish? I’ll have you know that my status in my empire is closer to an emperor than a concubine. How dare you, a mere commoner, insult me like that? Do you wish for your entire family to be exterminated?”

“Exterminated…? Oh no, I’m totally shaking in my boots,” Thea replied sarcastically while patting her chest with a ‘terrified’ look on her face.

She then sneered disdainfully. “Too bad for you, my closest relative is the Pope from Luminous Theocracy. I doubt anyone can possibly exterminate my family.”

A throbbing blue vein immediately appeared on Lesiah’s temple.

“Oh, and here I was wondering who you are. So, you’re the former saintess who went missing from Luminous Theocracy. Oh yes, I heard that you were abducted by the Golden Demon Htilil…”

Lesiah threw Lilith a meaningful glance then sneered. “But it seems like our former saintess is not at all unhappy with her current situation. What’s the word for this again? Ah, elopement. Yes, elopement. To think that a saintess has abandoned her millions of followers and eloped with someone. Are you not afraid that the goddess will unleash her heavenly wrath on you, Saintess Thea?”

The corner of Thea’s mouth twitched, but she maintained her smile.

“Likewise, I didn’t expect to see the crown princess of the Macedonian Empire, who holds almost as much power as an emperor, here. Although your late father has been gone for years, I’m sure he would rise from his coffin if he knew you had abandoned your subjects and chosen to travel the world.”

“…It’s not your place to decide whether or not my late father would be upset with me.”

“Hmph, and it’s absolutely none of your concern whether or not the goddess will unleash heavenly wrath on me either.”

The conversation between the two quickly heated up so much that sparks could be seen flying everywhere. Lilith could only huddle in a corner with Cornelia and Brea, trembling in fear.

Her dragon instincts told her that it would be unwise to interfere with either of them right now.

“How dare you, you third wheeler, not even the Pope would dare to speak to me like this.”

“Oh, I simply don’t feel the need to be respectful around an old hag with white hair.”

“Third wheeler!”

“Old hag!”

“Do you have a death wish? I’ll advise you not to test my patience!”

“Hmph, who are you trying to intimidate now? I’ll let you know that I’m not made of clay either!”


Seeing that a fight was about to break out between both of them, Lilith had to intervene despite knowing that it was unwise.

“We’re all in this together now. There’s no point in fighting like this. Let’s just try to get along with each other.”

“Get along?”

Lesiah raised an eyebrow and gave Lilith a look that made her scalp crawl.

“Y-Yes… let’s get along with each other. There’s no reason for you two to be enemies anyway. Let’s put this behind us and move forward, shall we?”

“You’re right about that.”

Lesiah suddenly walked up to Lilith, her eyes shone with a sadistic glint.

She poked Lilith’s cheeks and asked, “So, where do you think we should go next, Lilith? To the northern or southern part of the city?”

“Eh?” Lilith’s face froze.

Thea nodded approvingly. “Well, I’ll have no objection if it’s Lilith making the decision.”

Lesiah’s face immediately lit up with a pleasant smile when she heard Thea, but battle qi was already coursing through her finger.

Feeling the pain in her cheek, Lilith was sweating bullets.

S̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲, s̲h̲i̲t̲…

One wrong answer and someone was going to find an unidentifiable female corpse floating down the Sterya River tomorrow morning.


Lilith turned to Brea for help, but Brea ignored her desperate gaze and buried her head in her arms like an ostrich.

Lilith then placed her hope on Cornelia who was in her arms. Cornelia only made a few noises before rolling away from her.

Damn it! She had shown so much kindness to these two but they were not going to help her in such a crucial moment!

“What’s the matter, Lilith? Have you made your decision?”

The smile on Lesiah’s grew broader, but her hand was already reaching for the hilt of her silver sword. Thea also clasped her hands together and began praying to the goddess. Powerful light elements started gathering around her.

A chill ran down Lilith’s spine, she knew that time was running out for her. It was at that moment, she caught a glimpse of something on the river out of the corner of her eye. She whipped her head around to see it, and her eyes immediately lit up.

“That’s the one!”

Excitement filled Lilith’s voice as she pointed at the enormous boat in the middle of the river.

“I heard that there’s a famous floating hotel on the Sterya River that provides a unique dining experience! Since we’re already here, we might as well try something new!”

A look of disappointment immediately appeared on Lesiah and Thea’s face before they gave each other a silent glare.

Lesiah sheathed her sword and conceded, “I guess we’ll have to agree with you and stay there.”

Thea nodded silently.

Lilith breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling as though she had just narrowly escaped death once again.


“What? You’re fully-booked already?”

Lilith grabbed the receptionist by the collar and snarled, “Care to repeat that again?”

This is a matter of life and death for me, how can you tell me there’s no more room available?


The receptionist waved her hand in a panic and said, “A-Actually we still have available rooms, but…”

“But what? Speak up!”

“But there are only two couple’s suites left.”

Lesiah and Thea exchanged looks and immediately noticed the glint in each other’s eyes.

Lesiah was the first to come forward. “Isn’t that great? There’s four of us here. We can stuff this little brat in the bag later. It won’t be a problem.”

“Yeah, I agree with the hag.” Thea nodded.

Lilith released her grip on the receptionist and said, “You heard them. We’ll take the rooms.”

However, the receptionist hesitated.

Lilith scowled. “What’s the matter? You think we can’t afford them?”


The receptionist started bowing apologetically as she explained, “The establishment only allows a man and a woman to check in to a couple’s suite. I’m afraid that the four of you…”

The receptionist swept a glance at Lilith and her companions, then hurriedly averted her gaze and finished her sentence in a flustered tone, “Do not meet the requirement.”

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