Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 268 - What Actually Happened Last Night

With clenched teeth and fist, Zhao Liying walked out of the hospital room in fiery.

Damn her! If she thinks that she can annoy me and go scot-free then that means she doesn't know who she is messing with. 


Yang Zi thought as she stares at the nude pictures littering the brown tiled floor. It wasn't up to five minutes Zhao Liying left that Yifeng entered the hospital room.

"Hi Beauty, look at what I have got for....," Yifeng stopped talking when he noticed Yang Zi's unhappy expression. The next thing his eyes met was the pictures on the floor.

From the pictures lying on the floor, he knew that someone had visited during his absence and from Yang Zi's expression he could tell that the person was not a friend but a foe.

He slowly walked up to where the pictures were scattered on the floor just beside the bed. The picture fell from his hand when he saw the content of the picture. He instantly lifts his head to stare at the woman on the bed whose gaze has been fixated on him since the moment he entered the room.

What scares him most was the fact that she didn't utter a word.

Goddamn it! Whatever the person who showed these pictures to her said, I hope Zi Er didn't believe such a person's words because my relationship will be at stake if she did.

Yifeng wearing black trouser on top a grey long sleeve clothes thought as he takes slow but steady steps towards the bed. He gently sat down beside her when he reached the bed.

"Zi Er...,"

"Are you the one on the pictures?" Yang Zi interrupted him in a calm tone.

"Me on the pictures?" Yifeng asked as though he did not hear her words.

"Of course not. Never! Zi Er, I will never cheat on you. You can trust me on that," Yifeng denied vehemently.

"But Zhao Liying told me you were in her embrace throughout last night. When I didn't believe her, she showed me those pictures as evidence of the intimacy you both had last night," Yang Zi said her voice not carrying a hint of anger.

"Zi Er, I didn't do what she accused me of. I never had sex with her. She is just framing me to ruin our relationship," Yifeng said instantly putting her hand in his. He stroke them affectionately.

"If her words are all lies then can you tell me where you slept last night. I asked you this same question when you came to the hospital this morning but you evade my question so how about you give me an answer now," Yang Zi said staring into his eyes.

From what she found out after speaking to Zhao Liying she knew that half of what she said was the truth while the others were lies she manufactured.

Since she was admitted to the hospital, Yifeng who was damn worried about her has always spent the night beside her. An exception was last night. He left promising to come back and she waited for him for a long time but he never came back to the hospital last night. He only came back around 8:30 am. So she wants to know what the heck happened that Zhao Liying had to used his previous absence last night to frame him.

After so much contemplation Yifeng decided to disclose everything to Yang Zi.

"I was in the club with Zhao Liying last...,"

"You went to the club with her?" Yang Zi asked in astonishment.

"I was indeed in the club with Zhao Liying but Zi Er, trust me nothing happened between us. You are the only one I love. I would never in a million years betray your love, believe me," Yifeng said sincerely as he repeatedly strokes her hands.

"She said she drugged you last night, is that a lie too?" Yang Zi asked sternly.

"If you want to clear your name of all the allegations she made against you then start talking. Don't blame me for doubting you if you continue keeping quiet," Yang Zi said allowing him to explain everything to her.

"Just to get Mrs Zhao to drop all her charges against your mum, I agreed to Zhao Liying's two conditions. Her first condition was for me to give her and her friends an invitation card to my birthday party. The second condition was for me to have a drink with her in the club whenever she wants....,"

"And you agreed?" Yang Zi asked the question she knew the obvious answer to.

"How could you agree to her conditions without telling me? It's my mum case we are talking about now. Didn't you have trust in my capability?" Yang Zi asked, her tone getting a bit higher.

"I have faith in your ability, Zi Er. I just didn't want to see your mum make an appearance in court that is why I agreed to her terms. Believe me, I also had other plans to deal with the Zhaos' if they didn't drop the charges," Yifeng explains his part of the story.

"I saw just unhappy you were back then that is why I did what I did without telling you. I just wanted to make you happy and believe me I was thrilled when I saw you so happy after you heard that Mrs Zhao dropped all her charges against your mum," Yifeng explained further when Yang Zi avoid his stares. 

They both didn't speak for two minutes.

"Ok, I believe that you went out of your way to agree to Zhao Liying's conditions to make me happy despite hating her so much," Yang Zi finally said what Yifeng has desperately wanted to hear.

"I never believed a word Zhao Liying said earlier about you guys having such adventurous and fun sex last night but after hearing you say that you both spend time in the club last night, I don't know whose words to believe anymore. So to free yourself from her accusations, the explanation continues," Yang Zi said urging him to continue talking.

"I don't whether you recalled when I received a message on my phone while feeding you dinner last night. When you asked me whether it was an important message from the company, I told you no...," 

"Yeah, I recall being worried that some emergency might have occurred in the company during your absence but you put my mind at ease by saying it was a spam message," Yang Zi said.

"The message wasn't a spam message like I had said. The sender was Zhao Liying. I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want you to get upset when you haven't fully recovered," Yifeng said meekly.

"I was very reluctant to do what she wanted because I didn't want to leave you alone. After I made up my mind to grace her with my presence, I called Wen Min to come to spend the night with you instead...,"

"Wow, I see why Wen Min who left the hospital not long ago had to come back to the hospital last night. She must have kept your whereabouts a secret because you asked her not to disclose anything to me," Yang Zi said throwing accusing glances at him.

"Despite the danger signs, I still went to the club but before I stepped foot into the club, I had already taken precautions against whatever evil plans she must have had in mind....,"

"Does that mean you didn't drink the drugged wine?" Yang Zi asked anxiously.

"I drank it...,"

"What? You drank it even after knowing that it was drugged?" Yang Zi asked in awe.

"Yes, I let her assumed that she had caught me where she wanted to by drinking the drugged wine but my men whom I had instructed to watch over me took actions in the club when she wanted to take advantage of me last night. They took me out of the club before she could have her way with me...,"

"So that means you didn't sleep in her embrace like she had claimed last night? I just knew she was making up lies to make me suspect you of being unfaithful to me," Yang Zi said smiling.

"Where did spend the night afterwards. I mean you at least needed to do something to get rid of the effect of the drug right?" Yang Zi asked the obvious question.

She has been drugged more than twice and she knows the kind of hell she went through to get rid of the effect of the drugs without having intense all-night sex with a man.

"After I realised that I was drugged I had told my driver to take me to Shiyi's place since I didn't want you to see me in such a terrible condition," Yifeng said honestly. All he could think about last night after realising that his drink was drugged was Yang Zi. He had imagined over a thousand times how unhappy she would be if she learns that he had broken her trust.


Hello guys, the update for the novel will become unstable starting from March. I am going through a lot at the moment and I also have exams coming up soon. This exam is very important, I need to prepare adequately for it. The unstable updates might go on for a month or months but I promise I won't drop the novel. In fact, writing a half novel is not my thing so you can trust me to complete the novel. Despite all these, I wish you guys will continue to support me. I promise to make it up to you guys after everything is settled.

Thank you very much for your understanding, constant support, love and care.

I love you guys very much. ❤❤????

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