Fallen In Love: The Ceo Who Tamed Me

Chapter 422 - Wang Yibo For The First Time Reveal His True Feelings

"Yes, when I came here all I wanted to do was to spend my last days with the woman who means the whole world to me. I wanted to fill her now bitter life with laughter and happiness. I had no other motive apart from that and that is why I am happy...," Wang Yibo trailed, as he forced on a smile.

"I am very happy and relieved that there will be someone to make her happy after my death now that she has discovered the truth....,"

"You are happy? Who are you trying to deceive with that fake smile of yours, Yibo? Is it me?" Feng Shu asked sternly.

"Quit putting on that fake smile of yours whenever I am around because I will never get fooled by it.. Even a stupid person get smart when it comes to love matters so how dare you try to act stupid and also like a saint. Even a saint throws all reasoning out of the window so how dare you try to fool me too?" Feng Shu asked putting on a displeased expression.

"No matter how hard you try to hide your inner feelings I can always see through you. I know that you are hurting badly right now. Anyways how could you be happy when the woman you have loved all your life doesn't even look your way? Although you pretend to be fine about dying in a few months, I know that you are unhappy about the thought of leaving her forever...," Feng Shu said while staring at his handsome face.

"I also know that you are jealous of Yifeng. You are jealous that despite that Zi Er is mad at him, he will still get to see her every day unlike you. You are also mad at fate for deciding your death....,"

"So what if I am angry, sad or jealous, what will that change? Will it change the fact that my days on earth are numbered? If it won't change anything why do I have to waste the little precious time I have left on useless emotions?" Wang Yibo asked fiercely. The way he poured out his feelings for the first time made Feng Shu a little happy.

Wang Yibo hardly disclosed how he felt, he always used his playfulness to mask his real emotions. She has always wanted him to speak how he felt and now that he has done that she felt kind of relieved.

"If this is how you truly feel then why didn't you voice out your feelings? Why aren't you telling Zi Er that you are afraid of leaving her side forever...,"

"If you are saying all this just to make me tell Zi Er about my illness then I advise that you stop wasting your time on me because I am not going to do it," Wang Yibo stated unyieldingly. Feng Shu frowned on seeing that he has gone back to his usual stubborn self.

"The one thing I hate the most is seeing Zi Er sad and in tears. It was because of this same reason that I resented Yifeng. I will grow to hate myself if Zi Er ever shed tears because of me," Wang Yibo said as he turned his back on her.

"If you are still sticking to that plan of yours then just be aware Wang Yibo is a self-centred jerk. He doesn't care about others feelings including the feelings of the woman he loves. All he cares about is himself," Feng Shu said angrily.

Wang Yibo acted like he did not hear what she said. He made to leave, but only to stagger backwards. Feng Shu who acted like she hated his guts a few seconds ago, rushed to his side.

"What is wrong Yibo? Are you ok?" Feng Shu asked worriedly as she held his hand.

"Did your illness kicked in again? Do you need to visit the hospital, I will immediately drive you there," Feng Shu said in a more worried tone.

"Stop looking like I am gonna die in a few minutes because I am fine. I just feel kinda dizzy because I forgot to take my meds this morning because of how worried I was..,"

"How could you forget to take your meds? Didn't the doctors say you are going to be in uncontrollable pain if you skip your meds? Do you perhaps have plans of dying earlier?" Feng Shu scolded in a serious tone.

"Stop nagging me because your naggings are giving me headaches. I will take the meds when I reach my car so stop delaying me because I have to go meet Zi Er," Wang Yibo said, as he hurried away before Feng Shu could stop him.

"He is just too stubborn. The only person who can make him docile is Zi Er. She is his only match," Feng Shu muttered before she walked back to her seat.

Outside the house, Wang Yibo on reaching his car grabbed his head with his two hands. The key in his hand fell off as he tried to balance himself.

The guy who looked like he was in uncontrollable pain squatted with his hands still holding his head. He continued groaning in pain in this position for a few minutes.

He only stood up when the pain had subsided. He bent to pick up his key before he entered the car.

"I guess my time is really running out faster than the doctors predicted. I still have so many things I want to do with Cutie Pie that I haven't done. I can't die just yet," Wang Yibo said while looking at himself through the rear mirror. He parted his slightly messy hair before he ignited the car.

It took Wang Yibo twenty minutes to reach Yang Zi's company. When he got there unfortunately she was in a meeting so he had to wait for her in her office. The meeting that should have ended at least in fifteen minutes took longer than usual. Despite that he could feel like his body was acting up, he continued to wait for her.

"Why do I feel this way despite that I have taken the usual dose of the medicine?" Wang Yibo, whose head had begun spinning said as he hit his head gently to remain sane.

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