Tonight Yang Zi insisted on staying over at the hospital. Despite how hard Wang Yibo tried to persuade her to leave, she refused.

What Yang Zi did not know was that Li Yifeng had been waiting for her at the hospital's parking space for about thirty minutes after she arrived at the hospital. Even after he realised that it was very late, he refused to leave with the hope that he would be able to talk to Yang Zi that night but unfortunately, Yang Zi did not leave the hospital.

After waiting for ages, he ended up falling asleep in his car. When she finally came to the parking space that morning, the tired Yifeng was still asleep. He missed talking to her despite all his efforts.

Yifeng was sad and surprised when he woke up and realised that she was gone. He felt like crying but he held back his tears.

Is Zi Er perhaps still upset with me even after learning the truth she has been yearning for? Does she resent me because I followed Auntie's last wish? Why does she make me feel like I did the wrong thing when the truth is that I did what I did because I wanted to protect her and everything she loves?

Yifeng thought, as his grip around the steering wheel tightened.. Continuing to stay there was no use so he drove off after he had calmed down a little.

Everyone was going about their own business just perfectly when about thirty minutes to lunch they all received Qing Shui's emergency alarm message. The five friends became restless after they received Qing Shui's message. Without wasting a minute they all wrapped up what they were working on and set out for the venue of the meeting.

Luckily for them, almost all of them arrived at the same time. It was only Mo Yu who arrived a few minutes later. Qing Shui refused to utter a word after they arrived. She kept everyone in suspense until they finished their meal because she was certain they would all lose their appetite if she relayed the news to them without them eating first.

"Shui Shui, stop keeping us in suspense and tell us what is wrong," Shiyi said with anxiety written over his face after the waiter had cleared the used dishes.

"Zi Er is getting married to Wang Yibo in less than a week," Qing Shui finally announced the news to the shock of everyone.

"What!?" They all chorused at the same time. Judging from the bewildered expression on their faces she could tell that they did not expect this kind of news. Even she was more shocked than they were when she overheard them talking about marriage casually in Wang Yibo's hospital room.

"Shui Shui, you are kidding right?" Su Jin asked as he immediately stood up. The way he acted was as if the chair had become too uncomfortable for him.

"Does my expression look like I am joking?" Qing Shui asked as her eyes darted from one person to the other.

"If my expression looks like I am joking to you, then I am sorry to tell you both that I am dead serious. Xiaofei can testify to what I am saying because he seems to be in support of her crazy idea," Qing Shui said, as she glared at her man. When she remembered overhearing him talking to Yang Zi last night about engagement and wedding, her anger came back.

"What has come over Zi Er to make her want to do such a thing?" Shiyi asked no one in particular. Mo Yu sitting amidst them was stunned to hear this news because Yang Zi never mentioned such a thing to her.

Su Jin's once surprised expression soon turned to an angry one.

"I know that my cousin messed up big time in the past but I don't think he deserves this kind of pain. With the way he has been acting recently, I am afraid he might commit suicide if he learns that the woman he loves so dearly wants to get married to another man...," Wen Min trailed. Sadness was evident in her expression and tone.

"Also Grandpa who just recovered from his surgery will be heartbroken. I am afraid he might even have a relapse. Chen who adores both Mi Er and Zi Er will not be spared from the pain," Wen Min concluded sadly.

"How could Zi Er do this to Feng?" Jin asked angrily.

"Even after learning the truth that Feng never killed Auntie but took the blame for her happiness, how could she be so heartless to want to leave him in misery for the rest of his life...," Su Jin trailed as he ran his fingers through his well-styled hair.

"Is she perhaps during this because of the pains she went through these years?" Su Jin asked no one in particular.

"Does she think that he lived a better life after making the woman he truly loves despise him? He suffered more than she did, I am a witness of this. His whole life came crashing down when she left. He was a total mess. Alcohol was his food, water and medicine. He drowned himself in alcohol to the point that he suffered from alcohol poisoning. He barely managed to put himself in order so why does Zi Er want to see my best friend's life utterly destroyed?" Jin asked as he banged his tightened fist against the wooden table. Thank goodness Qing Shui had booked the entire restaurant, or else they would have been in the limelight if they were other customers there.

They were all too concentrated on angry Jin to realise when someone had entered the restaurant.

"What sacrifices has Wang Yibo of a guy made that Feng didn't make that Zi Er had to choose to marry him?" Jin asked in annoyance.

"Zi Er is getting married to whom?" They all heard a guy's voice coming from the direction of the entrance. Recognising the voice, at the same time they all turned to face the direction the voice came from.

"It's Feng! Damn this is bad!" Wen Min muttered under her breath but Shiyi sitting close to her heard what she said.

(HAPPY MASS RELEASE!!! This mass release is for reaching 50 GOLDEN TICKETS so have a pleasant read)

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