Chapter 102

As Feng Qingyi stepped out of the Brocade Embroidery Workshop, she spotted a candied hawthorn seller.

The bright red hawthorns were encased in a layer of translucent sugar coating, seemingly glowing in the sunlight.

Feng Qingyi turned to her companion, "Qin Yuchuan, would you like some candied hawthorn?"

"No," came his characteristically curt reply.

Feng Qingyi sighed inwardly at Qin Yuchuan's typical brusqueness.

"Well, I'd like some. Is that alright?"

"Mm. Go buy some."

With a radiant smile, Feng Qingyi tugged Qin Yuchuan towards the vendor. "Sir, I'd like three skewers of candied hawthorn, please. Give me the prettiest ones you have."

"Coming right up! That'll be six copper coins. Here you go!"

As Feng Qingyi reached for the treats, Yan Yang hurried over to pay.

She stopped him, saying, "Yan Yang, these are for you and Yan Chi. Take them as thanks for accompanying me on my shopping trip."

Yan Yang accepted the candied hawthorns, only to feel Qin Yuchuan's icy gaze upon him.

He wondered what he'd done to earn the general's displeasure.

Feng Qingyi sensed the cold aura emanating from the man beside her but couldn't quite discern the reason.

"Are you upset?" she asked.

"Where's mine?" he replied.

Yours? What do you mean, yours?

Feng Qingyi bit into her candied hawthorn, bewildered.

"The candied hawthorn," he clarified. "They all have some."

"But when I asked if you wanted any earlier, you said no. That's why I didn't buy you one. If you'd like, we can go back and get you some."

Are all men this fickle? she wondered.

Qin Yuchuan grasped Feng Qingyi's arm and bit into the half-eaten candied hawthorn she was holding.

The sweetness of the sugar hit his tongue first, followed by the tartness of the hawthorn. It wasn't as unpleasant as he'd imagined.

"I just took a bite of that," Feng Qingyi stared at him, dumbfounded.


Feng Qingyi: "You knew and you still ate it!"

"Would you like to see anything else?" Qin Yuchuan changed the subject.

Feng Qingyi let it go, her attention already drawn to a crowd gathering nearby.

"It looks lively over there. What's going on?"

"Let's go see. Hold my hand tightly, don't get separated."

With one hand clasped in Qin Yuchuan's and the other holding her candied hawthorn, Feng Qingyi made her way towards the gathering crowd.

Given the number of people, Feng Qingyi didn't want to push through, so she stood on her tiptoes at the edge to catch a glimpse.

She had expected to see something extraordinary, but it turned out to be just some simple tricks.

Afraid of losing sight of Feng Qingyi and Qin Yuchuan, Yan Chi and Yan Yang positioned themselves behind the pair.

"Yan Chi, look! He's conjured fire in his hands!" Yan Yang exclaimed excitedly.

Yan Chi was equally amazed, his eyes fixed on the man at the center of the crowd.

After watching for a moment, Feng Qingyi found it uninteresting. "Shall we go?"

"Miss Feng, he says he can put his hand in a pot of boiling oil! Can we watch a little longer?" Yan Yang pleaded.

His words had barely left his mouth when Qin Yuchuan fixed him with a cold stare.

Feng Qingyi quickly squeezed Qin Yuchuan's hand. "Alright, let's watch a bit more."

Yan Yang, delighted, even left some money as a token of appreciation before they left.

"That was incredible! I wonder if it's difficult to learn. I'm half-tempted to become his apprentice," Yan Yang mused.

Feng Qingyi smiled, "Actually, it's quite simple. I could teach you if you'd like."

"Really? Miss Feng, you know how to do this too?" Yan Yang was shocked.

"It's just some street performer's tricks. Anyone can do it with the right props," she explained.

"Take the boiling oil pot, for instance. It looks scalding hot on the surface, but the temperature isn't actually that high. It won't burn you at all."

"There's only a thin layer of oil on top. The rest is likely vinegar. What you see boiling isn't oil, but vinegar, which has a low boiling point of about 40 degrees Celsius, similar to warm water."

"When I was little, I saw this on TV and thought it was amazing. I even tried it myself. You can achieve the same effect using borax."

Yan Yang listened to Feng Qingyi's explanation, only half-understanding. He pressed on, "What about the fire in his hands?"

At this, Yan Chi and Qin Yuchuan also turned their attention to Feng Qingyi.

"That's even simpler. He used phosphorus powder, which ignites at around 40 degrees Celsius."

"Miss Feng, why didn't you expose him?" Yan Yang felt a twinge of regret for the silver tael he'd given away. He'd been duped!

"Why should I expose him? He's earning a living with his skills. Besides, he didn't force us to pay."

These little tricks were just for entertainment, she thought. If people enjoyed it, they could show their appreciation. There was no need to ruin someone's livelihood.

Yan Yang protested, "But he's not using any real skill."

"You seemed to enjoy it earlier. I suppose you could say you paid for the experience."

Yan Yang felt there was a communication barrier between him and Feng Qingyi. He often struggled to understand her turns of phrase.

Before Yan Yang could inquire further, a voice spoke up, "May I ask, miss, what do you mean by 'paying for the experience'?"

Hearing the gentle male voice behind her, Feng Qingyi turned around.

The newcomer was dressed in white, his demeanor as refined as jade. However, his eyes were strangely vacant, devoid of any emotion.

"Greetings, Prince Xian!" Yan Chi and Yan Yang quickly bowed.

Xuanyuan Yan waved his hand dismissively. "I thought I'd take a stroll on this fine day. I didn't expect to run into you here."

"It's almost noon. Why don't we have lunch together at Jin Zun Tower?"

She hadn't finished her sightseeing yet. It was rare for her to come out like this, and she wanted to see more.

Although this Prince Xian was undeniably handsome, reminiscent of the gentle second male lead in a period drama, that shouldn't stop her from exploring the town!

Qin Yuchuan looked at Feng Qingyi, seemingly seeking her opinion.

Despite her reluctance, Feng Qingyi knew her place.

After all, he was a prince. When a prince invites you to dine, refusing could cost you your head in an instant. "Whatever you think is best," she conceded.

Xuanyuan Yan and his guard, Ming Jiu, led the way. Feng Qingyi and Qin Yuchuan followed, with Yan Chi and Yan Yang bringing up the rear.

The group made quite a procession as they entered Jin Zun Tower. A waiter ushered them into a private room.

"I am Xuanyuan Yan. May I ask for your name, miss?" Xuanyuan Yan was curious about the sudden appearance of a woman by Qin Yuchuan's side.

After all, in all the years he'd known him, he'd never seen Qin Yuchuan close to any young lady. Where had she come from?

"Hello! I'm Feng Qingyi."

Xuanyuan Yan accepted a cup of tea from Ming Jiu. "Feng? Are you perhaps the daughter of the Grand Tutor?"

"The 'Feng' as in 'conferred titles and nobility,'" Qin Yuchuan added.

Xuanyuan Yan: "I don't recall any such surname in Shengjing."

"I'm from the countryside," Feng Qingyi explained.

"The countryside, may I ask where specifically?" This posture and demeanor indeed didn't seem like that of a young lady from a prestigious family in Shengjing, but it was rather intriguing.

Feng Qingyi was not pleased with this interrogation-like inquiry, so she glanced at Qin Yuchuan.

"She's my person. There's no need for you to probe her, Yan."

Xuanyuan Yan chuckled lightly, "I never thought Yuchuan would have a woman he fancies now. When do you plan to marry?"

"I have no such plans at present."

Xuanyuan Yan: "Saying that in front of Miss Feng doesn't seem quite appropriate, Yuchuan."

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