Liu Bei (161 A.D. – 223 A.D): Liu Bei’s grandfather was an overthrown emperor and his father died when he was just a child. Liu Bei was a man of humble beginnings, as a child he helped his mother by weaving baskets for their livelihood. At the age of fifteen he went to pursue his studies. After a chain of events he eventually became involved in the military and was appointed as a governor. He went on to lead battles against Cao Cao and later in his life he reclaimed his rightful throne. Liu Bei loved the people and treasured people who demonstrated talent. As an individual he was kind and fair, humane and righteous. Because of these traits, he was well-received and deeply respected.


Ruo Yan’s ascension onto the throne at nineteen had sent shockwaves, and now he intended to cause a big stir.

Fortunately, his plan to advance into Xi Rei’s borders was foiled by Rong Tian. Ruo Yan’s elite henchmen were killed forcing the ruler to retreat with his tail between his legs.

Another twist was thrown into the mess as his younger sister, Miao Guang was captured.

Finally, Feng Ming could relax with Rong Tian by his side, letting his lover drown his ears with sweet nothings.

Ruo Yan’s short lived plan to black mail Xi Rei in exchange for Feng Ming was in complete shambles. His only sister was now an important pawn in the tug of war between Li and Xi Rei.

Rong Tian had immediately sent messengers to forward a list of demands. First and foremost, he wanted an explanation for Miao Guang’s daring attempt to kidnap Feng Ming and secondly, the country of Li must send large quantities of foodstuff and pedigree horses for compensation.

“Exchanging Miao Guang for food and horses?” Feng Ming looked at his lover.

“Correct. A large quantity of food stock and their best horses seemed befitting.” Rong Tian answered with a smirk.

The younger man frowned.

“In the least Miao Guang is a princess, isn’t it a waste?”

“We won’t be giving her freedom as an exchange. Anyhow, keeping Miao Guang in Xi Rei will be beneficial to us in the long run. It will be easy to twist his arm for future demands.” A sly look crossed the King’s face.

“Oh! You plan on extorting her worth?” Feng Ming suddenly realized, “It’s highly unlikely Ruo Yan will be softened with your blackmailing, he is rotten to the core and probably won’t even lift a finger for Miao Guang.”

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

After a few days, the country of Li’s envoy rushed to Xi Rei’s capital.

Ruo Yan refused to comply with Rong Tian’s demands. Instead he sent a gift – a piece of light colored green jade.

In the Prince’s chambers, Feng Ming curiously studied the gift.

“Is this some sort of cryptic message?” Feng Ming shook his head giving up on working out the answer, “If Ruo Yan sent this does it mean it is so valuable that it is worth the life of his sister?”

Rong Tian sat down and calmly fixated his eyes on the jade pendant for a short time before breaking his silence, “Li Er, come in here.”

Li Er had been eavesdropping outside and upon hearing his name he quietly entered.

His master pointed to the offending gift, “This is Ruo Yan’s reply, what do you think?”

Li Er motioned closer to catch sight of the pendant, once his eyes registered the green jade he felt like someone knocked the wind out of his lungs. The blood drained from his face leaving him deathly pale.

He abruptly dropped to his knee pleaded at his master’s feet, “King…”

Feng Ming was startled, his eyes glued on their servant.

There was cold look in Rong Tian’s eyes, in a heavy tone he asked, “Is this worth an exchange? Miao Guang is Ruo Tian’s right arm, setting her free is the same as allowing a dangerous tiger back into the mountains.”

“Your Highness, please…” catching the hint of rejection in Rong Tian’s words, Li Er shook uncontrollably. He turned towards Feng Ming, hoping he was more lenient.

“King Ming, I beg you please save my brother.” He pleaded with eyes glassed over with tears.

It took a moment to register, “What? Your brother is Rong Tian?”

“This jade pendant belongs to my brother, we each have one.” Li Er fumbled to draw out his own trinket. Pulling it out, it was an exact replica as the sample sent by Ruo Yan.

“Under no circumstance would my brother ever leave this behind, if Ruo Yan sent this piece of jade it means Rong Hu has been captured. I’m begging King Ming for a grand favor, please save my brother.”

Knowing how soft hearted Feng Ming was, Li Er depended heavily on this and rested his request on his second master. Seeking assistance from Feng Ming was more useful than approaching Rong Tian.

Feng Ming quickly extended his hand to prop Li Er up, he nodded reassuringly, “Don’t worry, Rong Tian will save Rong Hu. The both of you are important to him, right? Rong Tian?” He glanced around at Rong Tian.

Rong Tian was unmoved by this tragic turn of events, he turned his face towards the window and peered out into the distance. He gently explained, “Miao Guang is a princess and an exchange for Rong Hu is not equally weighted.”

“King Ming, Ruo Yan is a savage beast, if my brother is in his hands, I’m afraid…” Li Er’s eyes were breaming with tears.

Li Er’s frantic plea aroused Feng Ming’s sense of righteousness. Never would he have imagined Rong Tian would change into a stone hearted bastard after being appointed King.

Where was his loyalty?

Feng Ming glared furiously at Rong Tian before snorting. He reached and gave Li Er’s shoulder a few comforting pats.

“Li Er, I have something I need to say to Rong Tian in private. Go out first, and don’t worry. We will be saving your brother.” He instructed.

Li Er was clear Feng Ming would be demonstrating his power, under the heavens there was a sole being capable of overpowering the likes of Rong Tian. The young man wiped away his tears and left compliantly.

Feng Ming personally shut the door gently behind his servant.

Pausing for a bit Feng Ming’s brain flickered through the list of ancient monarchs whom carried themselves with benevolence and righteousness in their interpersonal relations.

The main challenge was his lecture’s delivery, considering how Rong Tian had a cunning nature.

He moved to face Rong Tian, “I never thought you’d be reluctant to use Miao Guang to trade Rong Hu. Every man has a conscience and you as the King…nnnhh…”

Feng Ming was determined to drill a hole in Rong Tian and inspire him to become a fair ruler as righteous as the legendary Liu Bei*. Before he could continue mentoring the King, Rong Tian had already gathered him in his arms and occupied his lips.

“Nnh...I haven’t finished…mmm…” Feng Ming managed to breakaway slightly, fending off Rong Tian with a pair of raised fists. They didn’t provide a challenge to Rong Tian’s polished skills, in a flash, Rong Tian had pinned Feng Ming’s arms behind his body.

“What could you want to say? The bottom line is that you want Miao Guang’s release for Rong Hu’s return.” Chuckling at his lover, Rong Tian’s gloomy expression was nowhere to be seen.

“That’s it!” exclaimed Feng Ming.

“I’ll ask you something simple, whose status is more important, Miao Guang or Rong Hu?”

“Let me tell you, human lives are of equal value. They are just as precious as each other!” Feng Ming’s large eyes glared defiantly, he stood his ground with his chest puffed.

Saving people is a basic principal of a good ruler. Feng Ming was deeply invested in cultivating Rong Tian to become a man of integrity if he was to rule all the lands under the heavens one day.

He refused to allow Rong Tian to disregard the lives of his subordinates like a cold hearted Cao Cao.

Rong Tian loosened his grip and took a step back to study his lover through narrowed eyes.

The King clicked his tongue, “Not bad, King Ming has an influential power. Let me ask, did I ever say I refused to exchange Miao Guang for Rong Hu?”

“This…your attitude just…” Feng Ming was thrown off.

“Rong Hu has served by my side for countless years, being my confidant. I hold him and his brother in my heart like if they were my very own younger brothers. Sacrificing Rong Hu for a childish girl?” he snorted, “If it was Rou Yan instead I might have considered it.”

Feng Ming’s eyes lit up, his cheeks revealing slight dimples, “So you’ve decided to accept Rou Yan’s proposal for the hostage exchange?”

The King grunted and nodded which was followed by words completely out of line, “But I want to eat a satisfying meal tonight.”

Feng Ming scratched his head, “Are you really hungry? You can probably order Chiu Lan to prepare some dishes to eat?”

“Don’t play coy. You know what I want to eat.” Rong Tian seduced him with his handsome smirk.

“I also want to eat you.” Feng Ming chirped in a small voice.

Rong Tian released a laugh, grabbing Feng Ming by the waist.

“Let’s determine who will be eating who tonight.” He teased.

“Hold on, we are digressing from the issue!” Feng Ming slapped Rong Tian’s big hand and looked at him sternly before preaching, “As a King, how can you change the direction of the conversation when we are discussing important affairs of the state. Firstly, your decision to exchange Rong Hu with Miao Guang is commendable. Secondly....”

He looked at Rong Tian accusingly, “Why did you act so strangely, going as far as to mislead me. As a King are you planning to make a habit of teasing the great King Ming for your kicks? Can you go a day without making me worry? I’m warning you, my body is weak and there may be lingering traces of poison, so don’t go upsetting me or you might agitate me enough to fall sick again.”

Rong Tian did not show the slightest hint of shame. Instead he lunged forwards and clamped his hands around Feng Ming’s slender waist, drawing the younger man into his arms. After helping himself to countless kisses all over his lover, he finally replied.

“In my capacity as King, I must possess great strategies to deal with state affairs and a deep understanding of the will of the people who serve me. After this incident, Rong Hu and Li Er will treat you with renewed respect and serve you with upmost loyalty. They will act undaunted by dangers to protect you and ensure your safety. The great King Ming will have the best personal guards in the realms and the great Rong Tian can have a little peace of mind.” His laugh softly, his tongue traced along the side of Feng Ming’s earlobe.

Feng Ming was feeling flustered and touched by the King’s words, he looked at his lover forgivingly. Now that their “state affairs” discussion was over, Feng Ming decided to let the King off lightly this time.

“I want to devour you tonight,” Rong Tian whispered as he nibbled on Feng Ming’s ear.

Feng Ming’s face washed over with a hue of red, he firmly rejected by shaking his head to correct him. “No, I’m the one who will be dining tonight. It should be the same arrangement as last time.”

“Last time happened only due to your condition. You were unfit to be on the bottom. Now that you’ve been cured, it’s my turn. I have exercised self-control and waited countless days for you to recuperate. It is time I reaped my reward.”

Feng Ming frowned, “Don’t be corny, you are a King! Shouldn’t you be giving out awards instead of asking people to bestow them on you?”

“Well, then I’m going to bestow upon you the reward of me getting to take a bite out of you.”

“Quit it!” Rong Tian moved onto his prey, and attacked him with light kisses over sensitive spots, making the younger man giggle uncontrollably.

Rong Tian clearly won the round but decided to let Feng Ming off for now. He didn’t forget about Li Er waiting for word their final decision.

He released Feng Ming and said, “Tell Li Er of the good news, I will return tonight to bestow your award.”

Feng Ming stuck out his tongue in disbelief, he had forgotten about Li Er waiting outside. He suddenly felt ashamed how he got carried away.

“Li Er come in here!” Feng Ming had quickly manned the door to let his servant in, Li Er’s eyes were reddened and he nervously ran from the area he had been pacing.

Feng Ming stared at the younger boy, and sighed heavily.

“Oh dear, Li Er…”

“King Ming…” Li Er studied his master’s face with his black eyes too afraid to even blink.

Feng Ming relaxed his expression and winked, “Rong Tian has made a promise. We feel that an exchange for Rong Hu is worth it.”

Li Er froze momentarily, scared to believe the words delivered to him. He blinked a few times to check that it was reality and fell down to his knees crying, “Thank you King Ming, Thank you!” He bowed down deeply at Feng Ming’s feet before swiveling around to Rong Tian’s direction. “Thank you, your Highness!” He repeated his grateful bowing.

“Alright, you can get up.” Feng Ming support Li Er to his feet and gave him a beaming smile, “Now you can stop worrying about it.”

“Ahuh.” The youngster replied and left his masters in peace.

Thus Miao Guang’s fate was determined.

It occurred to Feng Ming that they would need to establish specific details for the exchange he looked at Rong Tian and asked, “What sort of restrictions will we set for Miao Guang’s return?”

Rong Tian looked at him with surprise.

Feng Ming felt a little embarrassed and blushed, “Did that come across as devious and dishonest? What I honestly mean is, considering Ruo Yan’s repertoire of drugs if he has laced Rong Hu, we should be prepared to take precautions and mandate an antidote should be given at the hostage exchange.”

The King laughed heartedly. His eyes shone full of praise, “Feng Ming, looks like being kidnapped by Miao Guang has improved your awareness!”

“Rong Tian!!” Feng Ming warned.

“What you’ve said is correct, but what if Ruo Yan discovers his sister was poisoned during the exchange, he might react by taking Rong Hu’s life. You shouldn’t worry about Rong Hu having problems, if he was exposed to any poison, it can be revealed by checking his pulse and we can also use it as a reason to execute Miao Guang. Ruo Yang isn’t the type to step carelessly.” Rong Tian continued to explain, “Both Ruo Yan and I are Kings, it is highly unlikely either of us is willing to tarnish out reputation by doing lowly acts.”

“Oh…” Feng Ming gritted his teeth feeling a bit downcast and disappointed at himself.

“Sorry, I don’t know why I came up with doing something so bad.” He muttered softly.

Rong Tian placed his lips against his lover’s ear, in a soft sultry voice he replied, “Silly fool, the fault lies…in it being a bad idea. Do you understand?”

Feng Ming’s eyes widened like a new born baby deer, shaking his head with confusion, “I don’t understand, ‘being a bad idea’?”

“It was rather clear yet you failed to understand my intention. Xi Rei’s King Ming will always be the subject of people’s schemes, so don’t attempt to calculate others.”

Rong Tian pointed his finger playfully at the tip of Feng Ming’s nose and chuckled mockingly.

Feng Ming’s natural reaction was to give the King the strongest punches he could muster and use some of the fighting skills Rong Tian had taught him to settle the score.

Rong Tian got a good laugh out of their remedial couple playtime before he had to leave to deal with today’s agenda on the never ending list of state affairs.

“Feng Ming, tonight.” He winked with his left eye before took his exit, making Feng Ming blush allover.

Feng Ming was beet red as he stared fiercely at him and brandished the small dagger he kept behind his back.

“Don’t you dare hurt me or else…” He tried to sound threatening.

Rong Tian didn’t wait for Feng Ming to finish his decree, he effortlessly snatched the knife that waved in front of him and tossed it aside. He lent into Feng Ming’s ear and laughed, “It won’t hurt, I’ll be cautious. General Chu has been waiting outside for nearly an hour. I’ll need to get going,” he sighed, “Being a great King isn’t an easy task.”

“From where I stand, you seem to be enjoying every single moment and anticipating the day you will conquer the world.” Feng Ming rolled his eyes back.

The King snorted, “How could a man of character lack great ambitions? I pledged to rule the land under the heavens!” He drew the younger man into a deep and passionate parting kiss before taking his leave with a confident stride.

How could a man of character lack great ambitions?

Feng Ming repeated in his head as he watched Rong Tian’s tall and well-proportioned figure exit the room. The King’s pride had no match.

I want to be your pillar of support to help you seize this world. In my point of view, Rong Tian you are worthy of standing upon the highest mountain and having the masses submit to your will. There is no doubt in my mind that you are fully capable of ending all wars to bring an era of peace and harmony across the lands. At that time, when you reach your goal I will contribute all the scientific knowledge to allow the people to live in prosperity.

With his own objectives set before him, Feng Ming felt a bit emotional as he stood alone in the Prince’s chambers with his own thoughts.

When Chiu Lan entered the room, she chanced upon seeing a very rare occurrence, her master was standing motionless and engaged in his thoughts, there was an alluring air about him.

The maid smiled. “What is on King Ming’s mind? Has King Rong been gone for a while? Why are you standing alone?”

Chiu Lan’s voice snapped his attention back to reality. He became aware that he had excessively thought about the future.

Feeling slightly flustered, he scratched his head nervously.

“Standing up is good exercise for the body.” He managed.

“If King Rong is not here, should King Ming play with us? Be careful of falling into depression!”

Chiu Lan glanced out the window and assessed the sky, “The weather’s good, would King Ming like to go for a horse ride? King Rong has mandated you must take Li Er if you leave the palace and you are forbidden to leave the capital.”

“That’s great! King Ming promised to take us along if he went out for a ride,” Chiu Yue exclaimed as she just happened to enter the room.

Chiu Xing followed in closely behind her sister echoing, “That’s right, King Ming should take us along, we can also serve King Ming and we will be safer in numbers! Isn’t that right Li Er?”

She turned around making eye contact with Li Er who was the last to enter.

Li Er’s red eyes had disappeared. He conjured a smile and clapped his hands in approval. “That’s right! King Ming has been restricted indoors for the past few days to recuperate so you must be bored out of your mind! How about we head out on a ride? And maybe we can do a ‘picnic’ like you described to us the other time.”

“Sure, bring along the fruit that were offered as tribute and some food. We can sit on a nice patch of grassland and enjoy the breeze whilst filling our bellies. Chiu Xing can entertain us with her songs.”

Chiu Lan was excited and eager to serve, “I’ll go and prepare the food boxes! I will make sure to include a lot of candied fruit and other things that everyone loves to eat.”

“I won’t be playing today,” Feng Ming declined uncharacteristically. He cleared his throat, “I can’t afford to squander my time and life. Listen up guys, from today onwards we must do our best to play our parts, we will need to share Rong Tian’s burdens. Li Er, you need to maintain good relations with Official Da’s trusted aides, so we can make enquiries and follow the movements within the esteemed council members. If there is news, you will need to immediately report to Rong Tian. Chiu Lan, your culinary skills are the best. Rong Tian works hard day and night, make sure you prepare and supply him with nourishing concoctions. Every morning, serve him an additional cup of milk and an apple, this way Rong Tian will less likely fall ill.”

He issued his command in an impressive display and his audience was dumbstruck.

Chiu Lan, Li Er and the girls looked at each other in dismay, passing looks between them which conveyed the same message -

Was King Ming unwell?

Chiu Yue asked prudently, “King Ming, what about me and Chiu Xing…”

“As long as you both stay out of mischief and stop playing pranks, it will be good enough.” Feng Ming waved his hand as he pointed out, “Don’t cause Rong Tian any trouble, and don’t make him worry or have him waste time to take care of any loose ends you cause.”

Everyone in the room silently cringed and shared the same thought.

This was a list of King Ming’s rules for himself, right?

His servants looked at him strangely.

“King Ming, please take a seat.” Li Er strolled to his master, lifted the man’s wrist to rest on top of a small tea stand to examine the King’s pulse.

“Everything is well, he doesn’t seem to be sick” He muttered with a frown and shook his head.

The girls were relieved, and patted their chests before quickly exchanging another bout of looks before breaking out in a fit of laughter.

Feng Ming stared at them, “Hey, what are you lot giggling over? Rong Hu has decided on the hostage exchange. While Miao Guang is still with us, I want to pay her a visit.” He stood up.

The smile on Li Er’s face immediately vanished, he asked in disbelief, “Why would King Ming want to see Miao Guang?”

“She’s a wicked woman! King Ming, it is better to keep your distance.” Chiu Lan nodded.

“She’s locked inside a prison cell what do I have to fear?” He said.

Seeing his master motioning to leave without any further discussion, Li Er quickly announced, “I will accompany King Ming.” In a flash he was quickly on Feng Ming’s tail.

The dungeons Miao Guang was held was a special facility built in an area just left of the palace, it was exclusively used to house political prisoners that were crucial in the balance of power. Hence, it was a class above normal prison cells being cleaner, spacious and the food was of higher quality. Naturally, behind the large gates there were a greater number of well-disciplined guards.

Feng Ming was worried that Miao Guang was mistreated or abused, but now seeing the Princess was fairing rather well, as her demeanor was unchanged and her stomach well feed, he could calm down. The only new additions were the shackles on her wrists and ankles.

“Hello Princess, I came to see you.” Feng Ming entered the cell, “I’ve come with good news, Rong Tian will be releasing you back to Li. Xi Rei’s King is generous, he is willing to look over your attempt to kidnap me and only hopes that you will won’t act to against us in the future.”

Li Er followed behind Feng Ming, his expression solemn as he stood on standby. If Miao Guang was to make the slightest move he would immediately take action.

Miao Guang removed her shoes and sat on her stone pallet, tucking her legs in and wrapped her arms around them. She glanced over at Feng Ming and sneered, “Thank you King Ming for your concerns, Miao Guang was already aware of the news. When you talk about the King of Xi Rei being generous, I can’t help but feel the need to remind you that I was the one that cured you of your poison.”

Feng Ming conceded, “Yes, you did cure me.”

“If it wasn’t for Miao Guang’s initiative to act out of mercy to cure King Ming, King Ming would have been a victim of King Rong’s scheme.” She looked at the young man and whispered, “People are unpredictable. The King of Xi Rei can toy with King Ming’s life with such disregard. Isn’t it better for King Ming to be more cautious around Rong Tian?”

Li Er scoffed, “How audacious, as a prisoner you dare to incite conflict between King Ming and King Rong?”

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