The pain was extremely unbearable for Adrianna and she tried to remove the crown from her head. Dmitri could feel her pain. He became anxious and his skin lined with goose bumps. He got up from his place and ran to her to help her get out of the clutches of the crown, but as soon as he was just a few feet away from where Adrianna was sitting, an invisible force threw him back and he landed on the ivory rug. "Adriannaaaa!" he cried.  

He stretched his hand for her when he heard a voice hissing in his mind, "She is miiineeee! Don't you dare touch herrr!" 


Dmitri was shocked as to whose voice was this. He looked at Isidorus with a plea in his eyes but Isidorus looked stoically at him. Isidorus turned his gaze to Adrianna who was still struggling with the excruciating pain. Fleur came to Dmitri and requested him to sit back in his chair, even though she was also extremely worried.

Suddenly, Adrianna felt as though something was floating around her mind – something that was like a cold fluid. It was bumping around her brain creating more pain. She cried louder and wondered if she would be able to survive this ordeal. "Leave me!" she begged the crown as tears ran out of her eyes. She could feel her mind getting lost in a thick mist. 

She felt metallic taste in her mouth and unexpectedly her nose started bleeding. Feeling her pain Dmitri got up once again and cried, "Leave her!" Qnce again he tried to go near her, but was thrown back with a fiercer force further away. 

Everyone watched Adrianna in stunned silence. No one dared to even move a finger. All her reactions were absolutely new. The crown did not cause so much pain in all the previous rulers as much as it was causing to Adrianna. It was as if it was hell bent on killing her. If the ordeal continued, Adrianna would actually get killed soon. Her pain, her cries were so loud that their souls shook. Suddenly, they saw that Adrianna was surrounded in a thick mist. No one could see her. Even Isidorus had to step aside. 

Adrianna had closed her eyes as she was bearing the pain when she heard someone calling her name, "Adriannaaaa…" The voice was soft and whispery. 

"Who is there?" she asked holding her crown. 

"Your touch is gentle…" the voice answered back. 

When Adrianna opened her eyes, she found herself in her cell. Inside she saw a very handsome, god-like man. Her pain vanished and the thick mist in her mind cleared. Adrianna kept looking at the man in front of her, mesmerized and awe-struck. Looking like a God, he had thick long golden hair, very muscular body and very beautiful deep black eyes. He was glowing all over.

"Who are you?" asked Adrianna flabbergasted, as she stood in the whiteness of her cell. 

"Your cell is spotless… so white… I would love to live here…" replied the man. 

Adrianna was scared for a moment because she knew that the man was speaking the truth. It was as if he was informing her or foreboding her… 

"Who are you?" she repeated her question as she walked slowly towards him. 

He looked at her and covered the distance between them. Stroking her hair, he said in a husky voice, "I am the Crown." 

Amazed, Adrianna looked in his deep eyes and felt as though she was getting hypnotized by him. He extended his hand to her and she held it. Closing his large hand around her smaller ones, he walked a little further in her cell. She looked up at him captivated by his presence and aura. She started glowing. 

He smiled as he felt her glow and said, "I was the first king of the wizard kingdom. Over the thousands of years of its existence, I now live as the Crown. In order to become the ruler of this world, one has to pass my test. I look around the cells to find out everything about you. In case I find flaws, I reject them immediately." 

"Is something wrong with me?" she asked with a surprise and fear. 

The Crown laughed and said, "Adrianna, don't be surprised. I had waited for you for a long time… Your cell is spotless and there is no flaw in you. And that is why I am going to live here now. I accept you as the new ruler of the Wizard Kingdom."

Adrianna stopped walking with him and looked at him with unblinking eyes. He laughed again. "But I have to warn you that people have become extremely power-thirsty after having me in their cell. They have killed mercilessly to rule. If I feel that you are going awry in your decisions or becoming blind by the power, I will punish you. Vikra is one such case. So be careful. Be wise and I shall always remain with you." 

Adrianna felt comfortable now. He kept his hands on her shoulders and said, "My Queen, together we will rule the Wizard Kingdom!" Saying that he embraced Adrianna. 

"Together?" asked Adrianna now very confused. 

"Of course! I am a part of you now. Since your body has accepted my metal. I will always remain in your in active or dormant stage. Once you will wear the crown, I will become active and you will have me near you always but once you will remove it, I will become dormant. Remember one thing – The moment you wear the crown, I will now allow anyone to come near you for I am very possessive. Even Dmitri can't come near you. He is your husband but when you will wear the crown, he will not sit next to you. He would sit on a separate chair next to the throne. For me all are equal in this world."

Adrianna was astonished. She argued, "He is my husband, my soul mate."

"Yes, but I am a part of you…" he said, meaning that he was even more important. "And do you know one thing?" 


"You are my direct descendent. The first of its kind with the strongest powers, even stronger than mine. Do you now know why do you glow when you are happy?" 

Adrianna gaped at him. He glowed when she met him for the first few moments ago. The Crown laughed, kissed her forehead and vanished leaving her alone in the cell. 

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