"I will ask Mother to take me to the noble court as soon as I hear that the Master is in the Wizard Kingdom. I have already talked to a servant in the royal palace to give you a position in the kitchen if possible" said Kenai, excitement oozing out of his voice. "That way you will be able to make energy potions for the Master." 

The wizard who Kenai had pointed at was delighted. 


Suddenly, there was noise on the outside of the house. Kenai walked to the window and drew the gauzy blue curtain slightly to peep. His eyes became wide with surprise when he saw that his mother Yanga was hopping in excitement. She was squeaking like a child around the royal couple. He stared at them incredulously. 

"Adrianna and Dmitri are here!" he yelped. He shuffled two steps back and clutched his chest with his fists. 

Others looked at him in bewilderment. 

"What?" one of them exclaimed. 

They all got up from there and peeped outside in order to believe what Kenai said. Upon seeing Dmitri walking inside, the wizard grabbed Kenai's arm and said, "Go and receive the Master." 

Kenai couldn't believe that he was getting so lucky. At first Lenny was able to get Dmitri and today she had convinced them to come to her house. A smile built on his face as the surprise sank in. In a shaky voice he mumbled, "Yes." He was very thankful to Lenny for bringing Master so close to him. Once he would go to his Master, he would recognize him. He would ask him to come to the royal palace, and then— and then— he would stay by his side forever. He would serve him. Together they would rule the Wizard Kingdom. His heart raced and his skin tingled at the thought. His dream was about to become true. He gulped his saliva to contain his excitement. 

"All of you get out of here immediately. I don't want any suspicions to be raised," he instructed the team. There was also a lot of security that had accompanied the royal couple. He didn't want his partners to get into trouble. Everything had to be planned extremely carefully now, he thought. 

"I am going outside. You all should go to the bathroom and then disappear. Don't think of doing it in my room because even a small movement will raise the doubts of the security. Even Haldir is here along with the Mozias. So you better be careful."

They nodded. Kenai walked out of his room. There was a wide smile on his face. He noticed that Yanga was on her toes to greet the couple. Adrianna and Dmitri were already sitting on the sofa of the main hall. Nefasky was standing in the corner along with Haldir with a stone cold face. There was no one else. Perhaps the Mozias were stationed outside. On the inside, Kenai was happy. Less people meant he could easily get close to his Master. So the first thing he did was to bow at the Royals.

"Hello Kenai," Adrianna said with a smile.

"Hello," he greeted back gruffly. Now she was nothing in front of him, he thought. He turned his gaze to Dmitri and said very politely, "How are you, Master?" 

Dmitri frowned. 

Suspecting that Kenai had upset the King, Yanga jumped in the conversation. "I am so honored that the royals have come to my humble abode. What can I do for you? What would you like to have?" She snapped her fingers and four servants appeared with trays that were loaded with various snacks and wine and fruits. They placed all of the eateries on the table in the center and left. 

Yanga walked up and served the couple. She turned to Haldir and Nefasky and said, "Please come and have something." But the two were poker faced. 

Yanga turned her attention to Adrianna and asked, "What brings you here, my Queen?" She looked at Adrianna without blinking her eyes. She was about to leave for the ministry when she saw her carriage landing in front of her house. "And where is Lenny? Has she already gone to the ministry?" Yanga chuckled. "You see she is a diligent child." Her chest became wide with pride. 

Ever since the two of them had come, none of them had spoken a word. It became awkward. 

Adrianna took in a deep breath and looked at Kenai. He was staring at Dmitri. "Do you find Dmitri so good looking?" she asked. 

Kenai jerked his head and lowered his gaze. 

Dmitri crossed his legs. 

"So when was the last you actually met Vikra?" Adrianna asked with furrowed brows. 

Kenai's eyes bulged at the question. He stuttered, "Wh- what do you mean? I- I have never met him. What kind of a question is this?" On a reflex his hand went to his wand. 

"It's a straight question," she answered tilting her head. 

Yanga was confused as to what was going on. 

"I have never met him," he said confidently.

It was her next that made him sweat. 

"And when did you join the cult?" she asked very casually. 

Kenai looked at Dmitri who was now staring him back. He had to protect his Master. Why wasn't the Master saying anything?

"I haven't joined any cult," he snapped lying through his teeth. A low pain was beginning to form in his tattoo on the wrist. 

Adrianna nodded. "Do you know where Lenny is?"

"How would I know? She went with you!" Kenai became restless. He left his wand and pressed his wrist slightly. 

"What is going on?" Yanga asked with worry on her face. 

"Tell us Kenai. What is going on?" Adrianna glared at him. "Answer your mother."

The pain in his wrist increased. His forehead was now covered in sweat. His anger was about to burst. 

Dmitri leaned in front. Placing his elbow on his knee, he rested his head in his palm. "Tell about your plans Kenai or would you like me to spill them out for you."

Kenai rubbernecked at Dmitri. He was aghast. "What are you saying M—?"

"Do you know what I did to all the humans and werewolves who were with you in the heinous act?" Adrianna said as her face became red in anger. "I have burnt them all."

Kenai's mouth fell. The pain in his wrist was unbearable now. It was as if the trident had become alive and pricking his skin. 

"And I am going to do that with the wizards who did that to the King," she continued as she glowered at him. "I am going to shred your soul in so many pieces that you will never be able to collect yourself, exactly the way I have done with Lenny." 

Yanga rose from the chair. Her breath choked. She caught her chest and looked at Kenai with wide eyes. "What—?"

Kenai looked intensely at Dmitri. 

Dmirti tilted his head and scoffed. "You Master has been transported to the Land of Gaira." 

"No!" Immediately, Kenai took his wand out. But he was too slow for Adrianna. She snapped her fingers and his wand forced its way to her. 

The pain in his wrist was excruciating. He looked at his wrist. Blood was flowing out from there. He saw the trident tattoo wriggling out of there as if trying to get out of the skin. In a moment, it ripped outside his skin and floated in the air in front of his eyes. He screamed with pain. The trident became larger and pointed at his throat leaving him with a bloodied wrist. 

Adrianna broke his want into two pieces. "Arrest him!" she barked. 

Kenai tried to run to his room, but stopped with a shock when he saw his friends gliding out, all leashed in barbed electric beams. Their bodies bled. He realized they were doomed.


Isidorus came out of the Land of Gaira. 

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