Chapter 394: Reunited (1)

It has to be said that Zhao Youlin’s words had a certain effect, as everyone’s attention was instantly focused on the old master. Their gaze was inquisitive.

“Actually, this is not entirely my baseless speculation. That day after you talked about what happened back then, I sent my men to investigate what happened back then. Although it had happened a long time ago, as long as we really wanted to check it, we could still find some clues.”

The old master looked at them and said in a low voice, “Take this nurse who helped your mother deliver the baby for example, my men found out that she resigned from the hospital shortly after she delivered the baby for your mother. It was as if she had done something guilty, as she had left Shalnork in such a hurry.”

Zhao Youlin’s eyebrows knitted together, “Since that nurse had done such a thing to swap babies in secretly, she must have felt guilty, worrying that grandfather and father would find out and expose her. Leaving Shalnork at that time was a logical thing to do.”

The old master shook his head. “At that time, we did not even think about this. Leaving in such a hurry like this actually attract suspicion more easily. And according to the investigation, that woman happened to have been offered a promotion. If there was no accident, she only needed to work longer in the hospital and she would get promoted, but she still decided to give up the opportunity and resigned from the hospital and leave Shalnork. It did not look like she was afraid of being discovered by the Zhao family for what she had done, but rather like she was worried about being discovered that she had left the child alive.”

Upon hearing that, the expression on the faces of Zhao Youlin and other people darkened. If the motive of the person who had bribed the nurse at the beginning was to kill Duan Yarong’s child, then that nurse’s actions at that time became a little logical indeed, however…

“If the motive of this premeditated plan was to kill the child from the beginning, then why did the nurse change her mind in the end and leave the child alive? Also, since the woman left, where did the child go afterward? How did my brother end up at the orphanage?”

Zhao Youlin’s questions caused everyone in the room to be stunned. The gaze toward the old man grew more intent.

The old master smiled a little. “This question of Youlin has brought us to the heart of the matter. The reason why I had that speculation before is because my men later found something else when they were looking into the nurse.”

“What is it?”

“The husband of this nurse had a little accident when he was young, so it was impossible for him to have children in this lifetime.”

The old master’s light-hearted words caused a shock to everyone present, and speculation started to form in their mind.

“Grandpa, you’re saying that…” Zhao Youlin obviously did not expect that the story would turn out like this either.

“Perhaps it was fate. When that nurse and her husband left Shalnork and return to their hometown, they had a child with them, a boy.”

The crowd was silent. It was clear that the couple could not have a child, yet in the end, they returned home with a child in their arms, the child’s identity was a no-brainer to everyone.

In that case, all the previous questions made sense, about why that nurse would replace the newborn child with a dead baby that could not be processed in time, and why did she leave the baby alive.

At that time, looking at the small life that she could never have in her life, it was indeed difficult for her to really be cruel and strangle him to death.

Because she could not bring herself to do it, and because she had just delivered a dead baby before him, that’s why she…

“Could it be possible that…it was actually because that nurse liked the baby too much when she saw the baby and she wanted to take him for herself, that’s why she took the risk to…” Xiao Jingyao, who had been standing on the side silently, could not help but interject when he heard that.

“I had thought about that too before, so I had my men go to great lengths to check the nurse’s bank account. We found that before and after that incident, there had been a huge amount of money going in and out of her bank account.”

Upon hearing the old man say so, Xiao Jingyao had nothing more to say. Before and after the incident, her account suddenly recorded a huge amount of money going in and out. If one has to say that it was just a coincidence, then it just seemed too coincidental.

Zhao Youlin, however, caught a key point of what he said, as she asked, “Grandpa, since you have found out the bank account of that nurse, you should have also found out the identity of this person who sent her money, right?”

The people in the room were once again stunned. That is right, since they were able to find out about the transference of money into that nurse’s account, they thought they should be able to find out the mastermind behind the conspiracy as well.

The old master shook his head and replied in a helpless manner that was not usually seen on him, “I did check the source of the two funds, and I did find that the two funds were from the same person. The problem was this person also died shortly after that, now there is no way to find out.”

As soon as the old master finished speaking, several people’s expressions changed a bit.

There were generally only two possibilities to explain a situation like this. One possibility was that that person was actually the mastermind behind the whole thing, and another possibility is that that person was actually just a middleman. After he was used, in order to eliminate the trace and shut him up, he was killed.

Between these two possibilities, several people clearly believed that the latter was more likely to happen.

Zhao Youlin pondered for a moment and redirected the conversation back to the questions she had asked at the beginning. “Grandpa, there is another thing I cannot quite understand.”

‘What is it?”

“Didn’t you just say that the nurse and her husband later took brother back home with them? In that case, it is logical to think that my brother should live in their home and be raised by that couple, so how come he would end up in the orphanage? Is it possible that she changed her mind later?”

Upon hearing Zhao Youlin’s question, not only Duan Yarong and the others were curious about the answer, even Han Yichen himself was really curious too.

For as long as he could remember, he had grown up in an orphanage, even his last name was given by the director of the orphanage. He did not know who his parents were, let alone the reason he was abandoned.

If the truth of the matter was really as these people say, he was stolen and taken away.

So what was the reason for the nurse to abandon this child, whom she had gone through great lengths to bring home, and then left him alone in a place like an orphanage?

“The couple did not send the child to the orphanage out of regret. It was because the second month after they returned home, they had a car accident when they brought the child shopping. The adults died on the spot, while the child survived because of where he had been seated at the time.”

“What? a car accident!” Duan Yarong could not help but exclaim once again. Her gaze toward Han Yichen became more worried and panicked.

She could never have imagined that her child, who had barely survived, would have gone through so many dangers. He had brushed with death twice not long after he was born!

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