Chapter 438: Past Life (3)

Zhao Youlin was silent for a long time before she asked in a muffled voice as if she had finally regained her voice, “Because of all this, you started to suspect me?”

Mu Tingfeng hesitated and shook his head. “No, even if I knew that you and the previous Zhao Yulin were very different, but at that time, there were only doubts, not suspicions.”

The fact that Mu Tingfeng would have such feelings, Zhao Youlin could understand. After all, this kind of thing was too supernatural, most people would not think in that direction in the beginning.

“Then you…”

“How I knew you knew Officer Zhao is because Secretary Xia heard the conversation between you and the mister from the detective agency at the hospital.” Seemingly anticipating what Zhao Youlin wanted to ask, Mu Tingfeng had already answered her question before she could ask it.

However, when Mu Tingfeng mentioned Qin Huai, his eyes quickly crossed with a touch of coldness, he did not forget that that man was also one of his hidden love rivals.

Zhao Youlin was dumbfounded. Her conversation with Qin Huai at the hospital that day was actually overheard! And it was heard by Xia Zhetao, that guy…

In this case, everything made sense.

Xia Zhetao was Mu Tingfeng’s personal secretary. After he heard those words, of course he would tell Mu Tingfeng everything.

The conversation between Qin Huai and her that day, it would have been quite confusing if others had heard it, but when it reached the ears of Mu Tingfeng, who had been suspecting her for a long time, it was no different from giving him the crucial clue.

“Other than that…” Mu Tingfeng looked at Zhao Youlin’s constantly changing expression and added, “It was probably a few months ago. Secretary Xia once saw you at the cemetery on the outskirts of the city.”

Zhao Youlin stiffened. The only time she had been to that cemetery since her rebirth was to visit her grandmother in name. That place where her previous life was buried, and where she first met Mu Chen after being reborn.

So at that time, Xia Zhetao was also in that cemetery?

“After Secretary Xia told me everything that happened, I asked him to look up Officer Zhao who shared the same name as the eldest young lady of Zhao family, that is, your past life, and I found out quite a few interesting things.”

Mu Tingfeng raised his head and took a deep look at Zhao Youlin as if he wanted to imprint her into his eyes. Then, he suddenly took a step forward and got closer to Zhao Youlin.

“For example, the eldest lady of the Zhao family grew up in the Zhao family from a young age. She had a narrow social circle. It would be impossible for her to get acquainted with Luo Weibing, Mu Chen and others, while that person and you are very close to both of them.”

Zhao Youlin’s expression changed slightly and she subconsciously stepped back.

“Another example is that the eldest young lady of the Zhao family grew up being bullied by her own stepmother, her illegitimate sister. She simply did not dare to defend herself, nor could she defend herself. While that person and you both can fight better than men, which is enough to beat up those two women and even the man who offended you.”

Zhao Youlin’s expression sank for a moment, but she started to step back even faster.

“The most important thing is that the eldest young lady of the Zhao family has been very timid since she was little, she did not even dare to kill a fish, let alone kill someone. But that person and you did not hesitate to raise a gun and pull the trigger on your own enemies, and… you both shoot with godlike accuracy.”

Whenever Mu Tingfeng took a step forward, Zhao Youlin took a step back.

The room had only a little space, and in the end, Zhao Youlin simply had no place to retreat. Her back was directly against the wall.

And Mu Tingfeng directly held up one hand against the side of her face. He said in a low voice, “Some things, once or twice is a coincidence, three or four times is a certainty.”

Zhao Youlin was stunned. She never thought that she had given herself away so many times during the days she spent with Mu Tingfeng. It would be really strange if Mu Tingfeng still could not find out.

“Since you have long suspected it, then it should be very clear that the current me, to put it bluntly, is a ghost that possessed other people’s body, and you… are not afraid?”

Mu Tingfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Zhao Youlin, who was confined between him and the wall and had nowhere to escape. He frowned and said, “Why should I be afraid? You are the woman I love, human or ghost, demon or god, for me, there is no difference. You can only be mine, in this life, in the next life, in all lifetimes!”

Mu Tingfeng’s words were just as domineering as him, strong and clear. His words mixed with undisguised possessiveness.

Zhao Youlin was a little stunned. In the face of Mu Tingfeng’s blunt confession, she could not control the rising temperature of her face and the corner of her lips that desired to curl up.

Although Zhao Youlin’s heart was greatly relieved because of Mu Tingfeng’s words, she did not show it at all on her face. She said stiffly, “Who’s yours? I belong to myself. I don’t belong to anyone. Don’t use the tricks you used on underage girls on me. It won’t work on me.”

Mu Tingfeng’s eyes flickered slightly. He understood the meaning of Zhao Youlin’s words after thinking for a moment. Underage girl?

Zhao Youlin had only been 16 years old when she started pestering him. That made her an underage girl, right?

“I have never said that to any other girl, in the past, present, and in the future. I just want you.”

Zhao Youlin only said that because she was caught up in the moment. Plus, there was something that had been bothering her. After she said that, she was shocked to find herself sounding like she was a little… jealous.

Zhao Youlin, who just realized that, knew that it was too late for her to take it back.

It’s just that Zhao Youlin did not expect Mu Tingfeng to answer her question, which sounded unreasonable at first, so seriously.

She could not deny that when she heard Mu Tingfeng’s denial of his feelings for the previous Zhao Youlin without hesitation, when he claimed that he had never confused her with the eldest young lady of the Zhao family, Zhao Youlin’s heart was undoubtedly leaping with joy.

After all, before this, whether it was Duan Yarong and the others, who were related to the original Zhao Youlin, or Mu Chen, who had known her for nearly a decade and was now a stranger, none of them had noticed her difference.

And she had to keep hiding her true self in front of those people she cared about. Carrying the secret alone was like carrying a boulder weighing more than a thousand pounds on her back, which was crushing Zhao Youlin.

But today, there was a person who told her that he had never confused her with others. The only person he had been watching was her, and it had never changed.

She suddenly had another person to ease the burden of the boulder that was weighing on her. Such a sense of surprise greatly affected her.

At this moment, Zhao Youlin finally understood the reason why so many girls like to listen to those sweet words boys tell them. This… was simply a vital stab. This was almost illegal!

Mu Tingfeng saw that Zhao Youlin did not react for a long time. He finally realized the intriguing thing in Zhao Youlin’s words. His eyes flickered slightly, as he playfully teased, “Could it be that you are jealous?”

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