
“James? Is everything okay?

“Why aren’t you moving?”

Sister Nuan’s voice seems faint against my mind.

What’s… going… on..?

All I see is the eye. The Blank. Fish. Eye.

My improved scan is working against me, making it so that I can tell the amount of danger I would be in if I made the wrong move. And with this, I can’t seem to focus on anything else, out of the pure fear coursing through me.

Adding to that, it seems like the mere knowledge of such an existence with the subconscious probe aspect of my scan is pressuring me in ways similar to when Sister Nuan had done so… but on a mental wavelength rather than a physical one. Most terrifyingly, I can tell it isn’t even intentional.

My scan intuitively checks out the deeper aspects, even if I’m filtering it, so that I can view it.

But my constant blessing comes in to play again. My healing aura washing over me, causing my paralyzing fear to stop and easing the mental pressure. Which is only possible because it wasn’t really the scan that was causing the pain… but the existence of the creature itself.

Fuck. There’s only one real way around this, isn’t there?

For the first time in a long time, I turn off the scan. Letting all the different kinds go dim.

Right as I do so, I can feel the gaze and presence of the existence in the pools waver and weaken. Though, it’s still not enough.

I further restrict my now subconscious awareness ability, that would let me sense things with my natural senses, even while asleep. Another drop in pressure, albeit lower.

Okay… this should be good enough for now.

Sister Nuan has gone silent, now just using her spiritual sense to go over my body, to determine what might be wrong. To save her energy, I finally feel secure enough to explain.

“Sorry Nuan, I was in a bad state for a moment there.

“Whatever is down there… it overwhelmed me when I watched with my scan. Though I could tell it didn’t feel hostile. Just mostly apathetic.”

My thoughts turn back to that massive, empty eye.

“… James? You’re shivering.”


As she says that, I notice that she’s right. I started shivering in fear at just the thought. Letting my healing wash over me, to make sure all influences are off of me. Which comes out as positive.

It’s just my body reacting to the still present gaze. One which had never left this whole time.

But as the muffled sounds of spider pedipalps landing on web travel around the corner, I can feel the softening of the apathetic demeanor.

As I started to suspect a correlation, I can see Gong round the corner, having handled everyone else already. With the gaze from the gaze now unmistakably affectionate toward her.

… It all makes sense now.

Gong stops before me and asks a question, seeing my expression.

“James, what are we dealing with here?”

“Well… It looks like a fish-like spirit beast, far above anyone we know in power. But I have an important question for you. I promise it’s related.”

“Fish..? Ah, I see now. Okay, what’s the question?”

 I knew she would catch on quickly.

“Who told you to stay here?”

She pauses in place, seeming slightly confused.

“Well, my friend and I were already visiting and trying to build this place up at first. After she was taken away… by the iridescent worms, I moved away. Not too long after, though, Big Sis told me I might be safer back in these tunnels.

“Could it be there was a reason for it?”

Considering these words, I decide to take another risk.

I walk over to Gong, with her looking confusedly at my sudden action.

And I hug her.

“Uh… there there?”

She awkwardly hugs me back. And while it is nice, my real goal is achieved.

I can feel the apathetic gaze towards me specifically lessen a bit from the creature. I use the chance to raise my scan back up to half its normal amount, making sure not to orient it towards the deep waters in the pool area.

No issues.

Separating myself from her, I finally explain.

“Gong, I think she put you here, to either have you protected or positively influence the fish creature in the pools. From the little I can gather, it seems to like you and those you support.”

“… I’ve been living here for years, though. Don’t you think there would have been something that would indicate something?”

Sister Nuan is the one that speaks up before I can.

“Not exactly. If a higher realm, whether cultivator or spirit beast, wished to keep their presence hidden, there would be little a mortal could do to find out about them. It is curious that Matriarch Crane had you stay here, even after being healed of the curse.

“You would think that a spirit beast of such power would recognize the danger and what it would mean for demihumans to have cultivation again.”

And there’s the key.

Right as she says that, we all come to the same realization.

That’s the whole point.

As I run through my scan for details, Sister Nuan keeps speaking out loud.

“… I know little about the history of it, but I read there were several factions at play within each of the spirit beast, human, and demihumans camps. It’s always possible this being is in the pro-demi-human camp.”

Gong looks intrigued by this and waves a hand, sending a spider on an urgent errand. One that I can easily guess is tied into this mystery.

Soon enough, a familiar face from her group pops up in front of us.

The lion demi-human, Xavier.

Even back when I first met him during the contract time, he was an imposing figure, despite his small size at the time.

Now? He’s huge, towering over me by at least two feet. Packed with defined, but not overly large muscles. However, it’s the intelligent light in his eyes that shows his true strengths.

With a slight bow to me and the others, he turns to Gong, his deep voice resonating through the caverns.

“You requested my assistance?”

“Yes, though my partner, James, here is the one that actually needs you.”

Already on it and have my answer.

“It looks like you were right, Sister Nuan. While a little less, I believe the fish spirit beast has a slight fondness and protectiveness towards all demi-humans with cultivation. I would hazard that even normal demihumans would prompt a positive response, albeit a little less.”

My voice drops a little, for my next words. Directing it at Sister Nuan.

“For us, on the other hand, I think it’s only our positive relations with her that gives us a positive to neutral standing with the spirit beast. I’m not sure what would happen if we were hostile. Though it’s always possible they are sealed, unable to affect much.”

I take a glance at Xavier, realizing that he won’t understand much of what we are discussing. Gong also notices this and speaks some words to him, causing him to nod, bow, and run back down another tunnel chain.

His footsteps echo down the tunnels in our ears, mostly from our improved bodies.

“So. What do we do now, then?”

“Well, I say we head directly to the pools and get a closer look. I don’t think it’ll hurt any of us, as long as we don’t do anything stupid.”

They look at each other, clearly doubting my words.

Oh, come on, this isn’t jinxing it.

I think. Right?


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