Fishing the Myriad Heavens

Chapter 607: Hatred of the Ten Sins!

Chapter 607: Hatred of the Ten Sins!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The two armies clashed once again, killing many soldiers every second. Yet, no party had the intention of backing down!

“Even if it meant death, I must tear some of your flesh off!”

“Haha, go to hell!”

One Ten Sinners Camp soldier was pierced by a spear through his chest, but instead of falling, he swayed the spear in his chest at the neck of a Hundred Wars Camp soldier, beheading him in a frenzy!


Before the Ten Sinners Camp soldiers could react, the dragon horse of the beheaded rider stretched forward and bit off half of the enemy’s body!

Many things were taking place on the battlefield at that moment, but the Ten Sinners Camp did not stop proving their determination to fight till their death!

After the battle ended, large piles of corpses were stranded on the field, amounting to tens of thousands of people!

Ten Sinners Camp had also suffered the loss of 2,000-3,000, leaving them with 7,000 soldiers, while the Hundred Wars Camp had 40,000 soldiers left!

“Has Ten Sinners Camp gone mad?”

“What a pack of wolves! We must tear out their flesh even if we have to die!”

Both parties were bent on bringing their enemies to their graves!

“Your Majesty, we cannot go on like this!”

“The Ten Sinners Camp has indeed gone crazy. Even if Hundred Wars Camp won, their combat capacity would be halved!”

A few officials stepped out and pleaded with Yong Xuan.

“So are we going to let these people off just like this?!”

Yong Xuan’s heart ached as he knew the loss his Hundred Wars Camp might suffer would be too great for the nation.

One general stood out, and asked, “Your Majesty, why not just pardon their sins and allow them to join our Hundred Wars Camp?”

Upon hearing that, Yong Xuan became silent. The Ten Sinners Camp was indeed strong!

If he let them enjoy the benefits and resources of the Hundred Wars Camp, they could become the most powerful troop amongst the 10 countries!

Gaining that troop would even mean a chance to conquer the neighboring 10 countries!

Yong Xuan was starting to feel swayed by the suggestion, but was too proud to agree.

Then, Yong Xuan turned his eyes to the few officials near him.

He was hoping someone would step forward and help him make the decision, thus saving his face.

“Please! No!”

Zhou Wu’s heart almost stopped when he heard the suggestion. Stepping forward, he said, “Your Majesty, these people are ingrates, so even if you ask them to join the Hundred Wars army, they might turn on you again!”

Suddenly, supporters of Zhou Wu stepped forward, and said, “Your Majesty, General Zhou is right. These traitors should not be trusted!”

Since officials had stepped out to object the suggestion, there was no way the emperor could use the soldiers of Ten Sinners Camp.

“Ten Sinners Camp committed a sin by revolting! Here is Our decree: execute all of them, including their clans!” one eunuch announced through the hall and across the field.

Hearing that, the soldiers of Ten Sinners Camp did not say anything.

Though the officials in the hall did not have much of a reaction, the generals in the field could not help but frown at the emperor’s order.


The general of Hundred Wars Camp could not help but cuss. He knew the condition of Ten Sinners Camp too well, and was worried about the oncoming battle.

At that point, the Ten Sinners Camp had no regard for death, all ready to fight till their death as the order had dashed all their hopes!

They would dare to charge forward no matter who stood in front of them!

They knew they could not fail, as their families would be implicated should they lose the battle.

Hatred floated in Jin Wu Xue’s mind, making him want to win the battle even more!

Hundred Wars Camp soldiers were all trained and led by him during the battles in the north, so naturally he felt attachment to his men. Like a united family, he wanted to fight together and leave no man behind!

What was ironic was that his men were about to die in the hands of insiders, not outsiders.

Baiyue had become stronger in the recent years, but instead of thinking how to make Baiyue even stronger, their system started to become corrupt. Everyone only wanted to use their power to benefit themselves!

These thoughts appeared in Jin Wu Xue’s mind, but eventually he cast them aside. He understood that he had to carry the ruler’s burdens as his subject.


With a loud order, the two parties collided once again.

The battlefield became a grinder once again, killing many people every second.

This time, the two troops had different mentalities as they fought, causing the battle to last longer than an hour!

On the Ten Sinners Camp’s side, survivors who were carrying injuries looked more determined to fight than ever!

On the other side at the Hundred Wars Camp, everyone looked drained by the hour-long battle.

Both parties had lost many men, leaving Ten Sinners Camp with 3,000 men, and Hundred Wars Camp with 20,000 men!

One could say that Hundred Wars Camp would suffer a great loss regardless of the result after the battle. After all, 10 years of time and great amounts of money had been invested in the Hundred Wars Camp!

Jin Wu Xue came forward and faced Ten Sinners Camp as he spoke, “Let’s stop. We respect your spirit, but why exactly do you want to revolt?”

“Despite having fought in the Northern Battles as frontline warriors, we have not been granted our freedom. Where is the freedom His Majesty promised us?!

“Not to mention that most of my men were set up by feuding families, my men and their families had to even endure your misuse of power!

“Our General had always been a great leader and abiding subject, and yet he was executed under the crime of treason. Even if every one of us has to die, we must get him justice!”

An old rider with a bleeding slash wound across his face and whose helmet had cracked answered him. Though fresh blood was still sliding down his face, the old man looked unfazed, and raised his arm, ready to brandish his sword!

In the hall, everyone watched the battle silently.

“My dear lord, are you satisfied now?” Yong Xuan asked Zhou Wu coldly.

“Your Majesty, I am doing this for you. These people are wolves in sheep’s skin, so we cannot keep them.”

“Since we can’t keep them, you shall join the battle and eliminate them.”

Green veins popped up on Yong Xuan’s forehead as he could not bear the loss of 30,000 elite soldiers and all the resources invested in them!

“Your loyal subject will not disappoint you!” Zhou Wu had more to say, but was too afraid to voice it out.

He could only go to war head on as he understood that the emperor was already unhappy with him, so by asking him to personally join the war, there would be a chance for him to die in battle, which would be a well-deserved punishment!

The suggestion was made by him, after all, so he ultimately had to answer for the Hundred Wars Camp’s losses.

Zhou Wu understood that he was no longer valued by the emperor, and thus he might be demoted even if he survived.

Even so, the most urgent thing to accomplish is to kill the enemies in Ten Sinners Camp!

Zhou Wu’s heart pounded hard as he thought about the consequences he might need to suffer if the emperor found out about his devious plots that had caused all these events!

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