Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 265 Karen Called Cops on Florida Man for Marrying Her Daughter Whom She Attempted to Murder.

Chapter 265 Karen Called Cops on Florida Man for Marrying Her Daughter Whom She Attempted to Murder.

Chapter 265 – Karen Called Cops on Florida Man for Marrying Her Daughter Whom She Attempted to Murder.

The fortress "Parodies" was located in the middle of the province. Not only it was the home of Vendettito, but it was also the primary assembly point for soldiers. Thus, many strong sages and deities garrisoned in this fortress.

The primary materials of this fortress were strange white bricks and stones. They exuded strong yang Qi, soothing everybody within the fortress. Because of its nature, the weather inside the fortress was warmer than the outside.

In the fortress, Leo inspected the interior of the fortress. The ceiling was quite short as it was only two meters tall. Only two people could fit in a hallway at once, and many random jars and tables sometimes got in the way of walking. Moreover, no light source existed except for the glowing white stones on the floor.

The interior of the fortress was designed to hinder potential intruders or troops. As the hallways and the ceiling were small, not many troops could enter the fortress at once, making it easier to defend.

In addition, the hallways and the passageways in this fortress were a maze. He had been following Vendettito for 10 minutes in this building, but they hadn't found the stairs to the higher floor yet.

Leo grumbled while he followed Vendettito into the fortress. The room temperature was already 60 degrees Celsius, which was absurdly uncomfortable for someone who always lived in a cold climate. Despite being in this environment, Leo never broke a sweat.

Vendettito, on the other hand, seemed comfortable in this temperature. He sneaked glances at Leo and inwardly smirked.

"How is the fortress, Sir Florida Man? Does the yang Qi of our palace suit your liking?"

Leo snorted, "Are we there yet? We have been walking in this maze for a while."

"We can't help it. This fortress is already old. It was designed this way to defend against a siege."

"Yeah, right. Siege. A warship could have bombarded this place to the Stone Age. What's the point of this floor plan?"

"Hahahaha! You must haven't heard about the Styx Clay before. This fortress and the walls are built using the Styx Clay. No anti-domain gun or mandate domain can put a dent on it unless you're a karmic sovereign."

"That's what I'm saying. It's pointless. If a karmic sovereign can destroy it, why bother making it complicated? Those guys can just simply teleport randomly and enter your house, no? I bet housemaids never last a month working here. Cleaning these hallways and the entire maze is a hassle."

Vendettito narrowed his eyes. He knew that Leo was strong, but he didn't believe that Leo was capable of destroying this fortress. He continued bringing Leo deeper into the fortress to buy more time.

However, Leo was tired of this farce. He stopped walking and placed his hand on a wall.


A large chunk of the wall vanished into Leo's system inventory. He planned to research this material late.

Vendettito didn't notice the disappearance of the wall. He continued walking, leading Leo.

Seeing how Vendettito no longer paid attention to his actions, Leo grinned and hurried his feet. He followed Vendettito while he randomly touched things, storing and stealing everything he touched.

Leo got greedier. Instead of touching the walls, doors, or random furniture on the way, he reached out and touched the short ceiling.



Like a monkey, Leo walked while he raised his hands to the sky. He snickered and kept up the pace.

As Leo stole more walls and white blocks, the wind blew into the hallway. Vendettito noticed it and turned around.


Leo instantly stopped playing around. He deeply inhaled and unleashed his time and space domain.


The clocks stopped ticking while the time in the solar system froze.

'Time to finish this. I should start by getting rid of this fool.'

Leo didn't bother waiting to confirm Vendettito's motive. He threw a punch to the elf's face, exploding his head upon impact. The pieces of flesh scattered in every direction for a few seconds before they were suspended in mid-air.

Unfortunately, killing an entity was not a simple task. As soon as Leo destroyed Vendettito's head, his soul was ejected from the body and flew away even though Leo's time domain was in effect.

"Nope! You're not getting away!"

Leo extended his hand into a grasp motion. As soon as he clenched his fist, the transparent blue orb of Vendettito's soul shattered into dust.


Leo laughed after confirming the kill. He turned his attention to the fortress next. He maintained the power of time domain and took advantage of it.

"It would have been a shame if we returned empty-handed. Time to loot."



In the flagship, Eleanor, Dowbad, and Overlord Lucky were about to teleport to the Parodies Fortress to assess the situation Dowbad vanished first as he was eager to play with the wanted man.


As soon as Dowbad was gone, the time domain of Leo reached them. Everybody in the ship and the other motherships were suspended in the grey domain.

"Heh, a time and space law? How cute."

Overlord Lucky snorted and broke out of the time domain. He rubbed his arms and prepared to destroy it.

Eleanor also easily broke free from the domain's restriction. However, her expression was still dark as she was still wary of a certain dead researcher.

"I told Mao Miaomiao to kill everybody, including Aslan and the local elves! How did he survive?!"

Eleanor ignored the time domain. Because of her anxiousness, she teleported away and reappeared 50 galaxies away from the flagship.

Below here was the karma river of this universe. Although it was called a river, the mass of white water was larger than Earth's water mass. They covered the span of 49 solar systems combined.

It was a radiant ocean in the void!

Countless souls hibernated in there, waiting for their reincarnation opportunities. At the bottom of the sea hid the embryos of new souls who were about to replace the destroyed souls.

Eleanor scanned through the White Sea and searched for the souls of Mao Miaomiao, Aslan, and the people who were involved in the project.

10 minutes later, she managed to locate some of the scientists and relatives of the local elves. However, she couldn't find Aslan and Mao Miaomiao.

This confirmed her worries.

"As I thought. Aslan, you're still lurking in this universe. That was not just a typical will. It WAS your consciousness and your soul!"

Eleanor smacked her lips as she remembered Aslan well.



Aslan was a famous divine elf who graduated from the royal academy at the age of 13. The man reached the entity realm at the age of 16, breaking all the records of divine elves.

His talent piqued Eleanor's interest in his bloodline and intelligence. She invited him to join her harem, hoping to merge his bloodline with hers to give birth to talented children.

Unfortunately, Aslan was uncooperative. Instead of joining Eleanor's harem, he accepted a lowly spy job and was deployed to Earth. Coincidentally, the task was related to Eleanor's secret project – The Soul Transfer Research Project.

Eleanor was enraged when she discovered the news. She traveled to Earth to visit Aslan. Then, she offered him to become his mentor, hoping to win him back.

Aslan accepted. He became Eleanor's disciple for a while, and their relationship got closer. However, Aslan always rejected Eleanor's approach when things got too intimate.

Because of Aslan's dullness, Eleanor got bored of him. She returned to her constellation as she had a domain to manage. She thought that Aslan would still respect her as his mentor.

Again, Aslan quickly betrayed Eleanor. He fell in love with a female human scientist and married her. She soon conceived a baby boy named Leonardo.

The news of Aslan's marriage quickly reached Eleanor. Her pride as the queen shattered, and she wanted him and his family dead in the most painful way possible. Thus, she started colluding with Dr. Mao, who was a harmless earthling.

Because of Dr. Mao and the local governments, the kid 'Leonardo' was forced to join the project as one of the test subjects. Aslan and his wife protested at first. But when Eleanor made her appearance and personally monitored the project, Aslan and his wife were forced to cooperate.

Still, Aslan was not stupid enough to sit idly and wait for his son to die. He scammed Eleanor to exchange her stars with the top overlord's blood to boost the project's success rate. He even seduced her, promising her that he would divorce his wife and join her harem.

Eleanor succumbed to Aslan's scheme and agreed to his request. She contacted several overlords, such as Overlord Xiaomao, Overlord Mustafa of Cathulhu, and the phoenix overlord for their bloodline. The valuable blood essence was cloned and distributed to the test subjects later.

With Aslan's help, the first few phases were successful. The test subject 'Leonardo' and 'Simba' evolved, and their physiques became compatible with a divine elf's soul.

But when it was time for Aslan to fulfill his promise and surrender himself to Eleanor, he escaped with his son and 'Simba'. They disguised themselves as commoners and hid in Florida for decades until Dr. Mao Miaomiao reported the news to Eleanor.

Afterward, a tragedy struck.



Eleanor stopped thinking. She seethed her anger whenever she thought of her former crush.

"I taught you everything. I gave you wealth, status, and fame, yet you chose a powerless human. Very well, since that FLORIDA MAN is your son, I'll send you and him to hell together! But first, I have this!"

Eleanor burst into laughter while she pointed her finger at the karma river.

"I command you! From now on, I'm your master! You all shall join my dantian universe and become my power!"


As soon as Eleanor's mandate was in effect, the entire White Sea shrank and entered Eleanor's dantian. All quadrillion souls in the river vanished into her body.

Eleanor's cultivation base increased. As a karmic sovereign, every karma river inside her increased her strength by a stage. Moreover, each karma river could negate death, allowing her to self-resurrect whenever and wherever she wanted.

After digesting the karma river, she thought of Mao Miaomiao. Eleanor still doubted how that devil perished even though he could consume souls in his dantian universe's karma rivers to self-resurrect.

'Tsk. That moron. Well, it doesn't matter. With this, Aslan and that Florida Man won't be my opponent! I'll crush them myself!'

Eleanor teleported again and reappeared on top of the Parodies Fortress. Next to her was Dowbad, who had already broken free from Leo's restrictions.

The captain looked at his master.

"Are we attacking him together?"

Eleanor snorted, "Kill him in one attack. I don't care what happens to his soul. I want him dead."

"Good. I'll make the first move!"

A trail of water flowed out from Dowbad's fingers and the pores of his skin. They were the water from his karma river, which could instantly destroy any foreign entity or karmic sovereign's body upon touch.

But instead of aiming at Leo on the first floor, Dowbad gathered the water mass and targeted Leo's time and space domain. He made a slash motion.



Leo looked up as he sensed two karmic sovereigns on top of the fortress within his domain.

"…Ah. Right. The domain vulnerability. How annoying."

Leo retracted the domain. But instead of dispelling it completely, Leo cast a new spell to trick the two enemies.

A magic circle appeared underground, covering the entire fortress. It was Leo's combination between the nature spell and the creation spell.

The spell transformed the geometric symbols in the circle into words – SLOW.


The spell worked as intended. Aside from the caster, everybody in the domain moved in slow motion.


As soon as the spell replaced the time domain, Dowbad's attack hit the spell's magic circle. It shattered the word in one hit.

The slow-motion effect was dispelled!

"Wow. That was close!"

Leo laughed and kicked the ground, teleporting himself to the sky.

When Leo reappeared, he looked down and found himself above the fortress. On a fortress tower's rooftop, two karmic sovereigns looked up and stared at him.

Leo and Eleanor stared at each other. The latter raised her eyebrows in astonishment as Leo's face looked exactly like Aslan's.


Seeing the child of the man she once loved, Eleanor's heart softened. She ceased her killing intent.

"Florida Man, I assume."

Leo snorted, "You look like Esen. Are you her mother?"

"Oh?" Eleanor was surprised. She narrowed her eyes. "Do you know my daughter?"

"She's my wife, of course!"

Eleanor was taken aback. Because Leo's voice and face were similar to Aslan's, the PTSD of the past resurfaced. "You father and son are the same. Your stupidity knows no bounds."

Leo ignored her comment since he was used to being called stupid. "Well, if you're her mother, I must express my gratitude. Thanks for giving birth to my cute wife and throwing her away. I'm not sorry that I banged your daughter, and I ain't refunding or returning her. Finder's keeper!"

"…You, what?"

"Anyway, what's your problem? Why the hell did you kill and curse your daughter? Are you one of those 'I'm a proud single mother, but I can't raise children for shit' mothers? Also, who's her father anyway, I'm curious. Don't tell me that you don't remember whose dick you rode, bitch. Should I change the questions to… wait a second. Out of context, what's your body count? 5? 10? 50? Spartan 300?"


After witnessing Leo's weird tone and manner, Eleanor changed her mind. She wasn't into freaks or men with mental issues. Eleanor raised her arm and unleashed her power.

"Go to hell."

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