Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 305 Florida Man Erects New Capsule Hotel INSIDE a Convenient Store

Chapter 305 Florida Man Erects New Capsule Hotel INSIDE a Convenient Store

Chapter 305 – Florida Man Erects New Capsule Hotel INSIDE a Convenient Store.

At night, Leo slipped out of bed and visited the shopping mall in secret. As the mall was closed at night, nobody saw him entering.

In the shopping mall, worker mannequins tidied and cleaned the stores. As for Hua Taixu and his time chamber, it was still operating overnight as the sword saint's clone was still entertaining the guests.

Every mannequin worked hard even though it was past midnight. Even several workers from the recycling centers and warehouses came to help with mopping and floors.

Thinking of the workers, Leo levitated and avoided stepping on the floors with his shoes. Then, he toured the mall as it had been a long time since he last visited it.

The first floor was tidy and clean as usual as Qiang Qiang was there to intimidate guests. The fourth and fifth floors didn't need help due to the local alchemist mannequins, store managers, and Hua Taixu's influence.

On the other hand, the second and the third floors were a mess. As no system shop was open here, there were no golems to watch over these floors. As a result, countless rogue cultivators, local employees, and visiting merchants used this place as temporary resting spots.

Random litter, wet floors, broken containers, and dirty footsteps were all over the place. This didn't include the filth in washrooms and toilet stalls.

Leo looked at the mess left behind by the local population. He grumbled, "Didn't I tell the managers to let those local people set up their stores here for a fee? Why didn't they take care of this place? System, what did I do wrong?"


<The Shopping Mall… or now 'Shopping Complex' emits strong yin-yang Qi which is beneficial to the local population. It emits the most in the free store slots. However, because of the high-

quality Qi, cultivators can often get intoxicated by the newfound power and get distracted from reality. Thus, inconsiderate cultivators usually ignore common sense and leave behind litter.>

"I guess I should ban them from cultivating here, then?"

<It is not recommended to drive your customers away because your job is uncomfortable or troublesome. Instead of that mindset, you should solve the issues with your management skills or using system perks, such as adding new facilities to your Shopping Complex.>

Leo agreed. Since the local people didn't treasure his building, there was no point in allowing them to use them freely. He might as well add more employees and stores to milk their lifespan to the last drop.

He opened the new Fiefdom Management System for the first time.


Domain and Fiefdom Design System

In this mode, you can freely move, rotate, redesign, or remove any system building within your territory. This system encourages you to improve your faction's military strength and endlessly expand your territory until you conquer the entire universe.

Your Shopping Complex Headquarters is the heart of the territory, and it must be protected at all costs. If your headquarters is destroyed, the Domain System will be erased along with some of the True Entity Fate Crystal.

This system functions similarly to your previous Shop Domain System, except for the addition of purchasable facilities and system buildings. The more planets or stars you conquer, the more facilities and buildings you can purchase.

Moreover, improving technologies and recruiting powerful subordinates play a powerful role in this system. Try experimenting with it to see the changes!

Fiefdom Status

Fiefdom Level: 1

Number of Stars/Planets Own: 5

Number of Hero Units: 0

Army Type: One-Man Army

Headquarters Status

Shopping Complex Level: 20

Number of Qi Generators: 0

Power Consumption / Power Generated: 13/10

Stored Lifespan: 953,606 Years


Aside from the explanation, Leo was curious about the headquarters status and the fiefdom's army-type details. He wryly smiled while he asked the system.

"One-man army? Really?"

<Aside from you, you have no other powerful subordinate that you can rely on. When a war occurs, you will likely be the only one who can make a difference. As for the rest, they will become your deadweights. Therefore, the evaluation is correct.>

"…You're harsh."

Although Leo disliked the fact, he appreciated the system's frankness. At least, it never mocked or made fun of Leo for being silly.

"About the power consumption in the headquarters status, what is that?"

<Your system facilities require Qi from your headquarters building to operate or function. Currently, your factories, workshops, restaurants, and service facilities consume 1 unit. The airport consumes 2 units, and your Tesseract Time Chamber consumes 5 units. And lastly, your workers consume 5 units.>

<In short, the headquarters require 13 units of energy to function. However, the headquarters, by default, can only generate 10 units of energy. Therefore, some of the buildings cannot function normally.>

<Please move or construct a Qi Generator to enable every facility and worker.>

Leo clapped his hands as he understood the explanation. He was familiar with this system as he remembered ancient real-

time strategy games of the pre-apocalypse era. Base-building games often ask players to build power plants or power generators to enable the other buildings or structures. The Qi Generator and the headquarters worked the same way.

As this matter was urgent, Leo opened the map of his domain. Then, the world map showed up in the new system screen window.

Leo ignored the world map and pressed on the Pylon Tower, now renamed as Qi Generator. He moved it into the shopping complex, placing it on the third floor.

Five of the slots were occupied instantly. The rooms merged and created an alternate world inside.

Leo didn't stop there. He remembered that the maximum level of his headquarters increased to 50. He spent his abundant life force to upgrade it to the maximum level.

It was pricier than before. Increasing the headquarters level from 20 to 21 cost him 210,000 YOL. From 21 to 22 cost 210,000. Then, so on.

In the end, Leo spent a little over a million YOL to increase his headquarters level to 50.

Leo didn't mind the cost as a million years of lifespan was nothing to him.


The Shopping Complex underwent an evolution. New floors were created on top of the old floors, and the entire building was transformed.

Rising on top of the previous building was a 10-story cylinder-

shaped building. New elevators linked the shopping complex's old floors to the condominium-like structure. Combining two buildings together, it became a 15-story building.

That was not all. The greenhouses on the shopping complex rooftop were swallowed by the headquarters and appeared on the second floor, taking up available slots.

Leo observed the internal changes. Aside from the relocation of the greenhouses, there was nothing worthy of his attention. He visited the rooftop to see the changes next.

On the cleared rooftop of the shopping complex, a large signboard was erected there.

It showed one message.

[Only entertainment facilities can be built here.]

Leo was bemused, "Only entertainment facility? What can I build here?"

<Water Parks, Public Gardens, and Theme Parks, and so on.>

"Ah, I get it."

He left the empty rooftop for the moment. He went to see the newly erected condominium building next. Then, surprises awaited him.

In the condominium building, the rooms were replaced with empty lots. A wooden signboard [Residential Building or Hotel Building Only] occupied every space.

"Huh? This too?"

<This area has been allocated as the residential district. You can move residential-related buildings to occupy the empty slots. This area consists of 25,000 slots, so you should plan carefully which system buildings you wish to put in here.>

"The heck?" Leo had a wild inspiration, "What if I put the hotel building in one of the slots, will the entire place fit in?!"

<Some buildings may require multiple slots. For example, a level 50 single house only requires one slot. A mansion requires two slots. A five-story apartment requires three slots. A ten-story condominium takes four slots. Anything higher than 10 floors takes five slots.>


<You guess it right. Yes, you can put a WHOLE CONDOMINIUM inside another condominium's room.>

"…Wait a second. The hotel has a similar perk like this. Their rooms and stores contain more pocket dimensions inside. If I put them there, will those pocket dimensions remain the same?"


"…Wow. Dimension-ception! Are you Backrooms System?"

<I am a sophisticated system whose existence is programmed to serve you, not a random horror myth.>

Leo was convinced that his system was utterly broken. With this, a congested population might not be an issue.

As the condominium was geared toward residents, Leo had a clear idea of which system buildings he should incorporate into the free rooms. He opened the purchasable building list from the Online Shopping System menu.

Upon sorting the list, the most expensive buildings appeared first.


Space Colony (5 trillion square kilometers)

Price – One Billion YOL


Leo dryly laughed. He wanted one because it seemed funny.

"Say, system."


"Will it take only 5 slots if I stuff THE WHOLE COLONY INSIDE?!"

<Yes. Broken, right?>

Leo burst into laughter. He reached out to press the button. However, the system gave him a warning message.

<Please note. The upgrading cost is equal to the purchasing price. Are you sure that you wish to spend 49 BILLION years of lifespan to upgrade it to the max level?!>


Leo sweated profusely. He pulled his finger back.

"On second thought, maybe not."

For the sake of his long-term investment, he postponed the residential plan. Leo returned to the shopping mall and invested in something else, which was more worthwhile.

After fiddling with the system, Leo upgraded the Vehicle Factory to level 50, which changed its name into "Land Vehicle Construction Yard". He also picked a few of the facilities and placed them on the shopping complex's fifth floor.


Spaceship Construction Yard

Price – 10 Million YOL


Tech Center

Price – 1 Million YOL

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