Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 315 Florida Man Discovers Backyard Guest: Killer Whale Taking a Vacation from the Ocean!

Chapter 315 Florida Man Discovers Backyard Guest: Killer Whale Taking a Vacation from the Ocean!

Chapter 315 – Florida Man Discovers Backyard Guest: Killer Whale Taking a Vacation from the Ocean!

In the deepest void, known as the Abyssal Star Sector, the former territory of Kishin Douji was located there. However, his solar system was replaced by a galactic entity – The Void Tree.

The Void Tree was a giant semi-transparent purple tree floating in the middle of the void. It had already grown five times larger than what Kishin Douji had witnessed before.

The tree trunk was straight and smooth like a refined cylinder, but the top of the tree split into branches, which sprouted countless rainbow triangle leaves. Each was as large as Earth's total flat surface area.

Those were void leaves that Kishin Douji had mentioned. They were the tickets to the higher realm that the Void Principality had advertised.

On the branches of Void Tree, a million sparkling crystals of various sizes glittered, drawing anyone who had the opportunity to see them closer. However, nobody got the chance to admire them.

Surrounding the Void Tree were a thousand whales, which swam in the void. They had a hundred eyeballs. Each was two billion times bigger than the Solar System's Sun. In addition, their savage mouths were so wide that they could swallow any star whole, except for the Void Tree.

The space whales were known as the Planet Eaters. They were the mutated neutron stars, which absorbed enough Qi and waste from thoughtless cultivators and entities in the universe. They gained sentient and copied the emotions of every lifeform they ate.

Among the planet eaters, one was larger than the rest. It was as large as a billion-star galaxy. Unlike the others, its entire body was made of countless fleshy masses, animal limbs, eyeballs of various sizes, and crimson tentacles. This anomalous being nested on top of the Void Tree, claiming it as its home.

The giant planet eater was none other than Overlord Planet Devourer, one of the three transcended beings in the universe other than Leo and Priscilla.

Suddenly, Planet Devourer opened one of its million eyes and woke up from slumber. The eyeball shifted left and right as if it were searching for something.

"Was it my imagination?" Planet Devourer uttered.

He sensed the shift in the current timeline. His predicted future was off by 0.1%, causing some of the future images in his mind to glitch.

"Who was it that interfered with my future? My chance of ascension should be 100%, not 99.9%. Priscilla and Sieg are supposed to fight each other to the death. Eleanor should have killed Ellen and stolen her body. After she consumes Esen, she would have ascended as the fourth transcended being… Ah, right. That information was outdated. How long have I been sleeping?"

That prediction was over 50,000 years ago. He had been sleeping for a long time after he drove off Priscilla and Sieg's coalition forces.

Planet Devourer suffered from a similar symptom as any human cultivator. He was too absorbed in cultivation that he forgot about time. To him, repeating his Qi circulation was so addictive that he never wished to end it.

Still, that 0.1% change made him hesitate. Even if it was a one-in-a-thousand chance, the probability of him failing to ascend was too high.

Unless he could guarantee his ascension, he couldn't sleep peacefully.

Paranoid, Planet Devourer closed his eyes and activated his ultimate system ability – The Akashic Record System.


<Please input your command.>

"Recalculate my chance of ascending to the higher realm!>


<You have a 99.8% chance of entering the higher realm!>

The probability dropped again. This alarmed the overlord.

"Which factor or variable contributes to my failure of ascension?"


<Individuals who possess at least one true entity fate crystal have emerged.>

The million eyes of the grotesque whale snapped open. It bellowed in anger.

<The following individuals are qualified as variables…>

<1. Overlord P. *Error* Data Redacted Due to True Fate Crystal.>

<2. Overlord E. *Error* Data Redacted Due to True Fate Crystal.>

<3. Overlord L. *Error* Data Redacted Due to True Fate Crystal.>

<4. Overlord S. *Error* Data Redacted Due to True Fate Crystal.>

Upon seeing the list, Planet Devourer narrowed his eyes. He spread his sense throughout the universe and read everybody's karma. The past events of the universe flashed in his mind as if he saw through countless memories of fallen souls.

Then, he saw the series of events involving Eleanor, who contributed to the changes the most. Then, the face of a male divine elf appeared.

He was none other than Aslan Ariel, who ensured the safety of his two children. However, the faces of the children blurred as if a higher power interfered with his calculation and memory reading.

Although Planet Devourer couldn't see their faces, he could still read someone else's memory to learn of their identities. He started following the movements of Aslan and Eleanor, whom he could read.

The names of two individuals came up – Leonardo Ariel and Simba Ariel.

"Heh. Akashic Record, is Overlord L. and Overlord S., by chance, Overlord Leonardo Ariel and Overlord Simba Ariel?" Planet Devourer asked the system.

<There is no evidence of those individuals being the same person.>

"Of course! True Entity Fate Crystals probably conceal their identity. Even you can't confirm it. But how about this? What are the chances that those people I listed are the same person?"

<The probability is 75%>

The percentage was not low, but it was not that high either. Despite the uncertainty, Planet Devourer was certain that they might be connected.

As he couldn't rely on the true entity fate crystal's system to reveal all information regarding other competitors, he could only rely on his ability. He continued calculating karma to find the truth.

Planet Devourer also changed his approach. Instead of following people around Simba and Leo, he spied on Priscilla and Sieg.

Again, as both transcendent beings possessed true entity fate crystals, there wasn't much to see. However, he witnessed the collapse of Fate Stadium and the brief moment when Sieg was killed by Priscilla.

"Aha! As I've predicted, they indeed killed each other in the end. But that's weird. One of them was supposed to be half-dead, but Priscilla are still in good condition. What did…"

Planet Devourer rewinded the video-like event memory to see what went wrong.

Then, a man with a blurred face came into the picture. He briefly made contact with Sieg, and they fought. At first, Sieg almost caught the person, but the man was too slippery. After a couple exchanges, Sieg fell into the man's trap and suffered a critical injury. Then, Priscilla ambushed Sieg and stole his fate crystals.

"Ah, so this was why the calculation went wrong. Priscilla survives the ordeal, and she is healthy enough to pose a minor threat to me. Well, I just need to get rid of her, and my chance should be 100% again!"

Planet Devourer burst into laughter. He simulated the future without Priscilla in his mind. While he was at it, he asked the system to help him calculate.

"What if I hunt down [Overlord P] and kill her first? What would my chance of ascension be?"

<After the variable 'Overlord P' is removed from the calculation, your chance of ascension is 99.9999999%>

"Ha! As I thought!"

Planet Devourer was relieved. Still, the probability was not 100%.

"So, the other variables are insignificant. Even if the three combine forces, they only have one in a billion chance to defeat me. I can just remove one more and ensure my safety. But then again, I should focus on Priscilla first. She's the strongest variable after all."

Planet Devourer slowly rose from the top of the void tree. He bellowed and commanded everybody.


The planet eaters jolted and gazed at their lord. They all turned around and swam in one direction in unison.

After sending his subordinates to attack Priscilla's territory, Planet Devourer smirked and closed his eyes. He used another ability of the Akashic Record System.

"Play me the future events when I and Priscilla fight. I want to see the results!"


A thousand video clips of their fight played in Planet Devourer's mind.

Out of a thousand different fights, Planet Devourer came out as a victor 999 times. However, there was one future that he lost. The video was also glitchy and incomprehensible.

Planet Devourer opened his eyes and frowned. This wasn't the first time that glitched prediction appeared. Whenever it showed up, it implied that other variables intercepted that future.

"So, she got some help from other variables? That's annoying. But she is destined to die by my hands. Even if she manages to win, she can't possibly kill me! I have void leaves inside me! I can't possibly be killed by another transcendent being! HAHAHAHAHA!!"

Planet Devourer kicked the void tree and followed his subordinates, swimming the void toward his destination.

But suddenly, a faint signal from a faraway star pricked Planet Devourer's skin. One of his eyes shifted and gazed in the direction by reflex.

The eyeball squinted and transmitted the sense to the overlord's soul. Then, Planet Devourer stopped on his track and turned around in confusion.

"Huh? A newborn planet eater?"

For a minute, Planet Devourer hesitated. As his kin could never reproduce, new blood was more precious than fate crystals. However, he already ordered his troops to move. It would be illogical to personally travel across the universe and bring back a newborn baby at the moment.

"Tsk. I'll just send one of the soldiers to fetch it, then. Hey, number 47. Come here!"


One of the eyeball whales turned around and stopped in front of Planet Devourer. The karmic sovereign monster beamed his boss with a heinous smile, showing ten thousand piercing sharp fangs full of cavities and grimes.

"See over there?" Planet Devourer pointed in the general direction of what he had sensed earlier.

The whale nodded and continued smiling.

"There's a newborn kin over there. Go fetch the new blood and come back to join the troops. Make sure to bring back some herb stars for the baby to eat. Remember, the more population on the stars, the better. Babies need memories and emotions of the living to grow."

The whale nodded again. He wagged his giant tail and swam through the void at light speed, vanishing into the distance.

After sending his servant off, Planet Devourer turned around and followed his troops.

"Hahahaha! It's over, Priscilla. Your fate crystals can't help you anymore! Once I'm done with your population, I'll mutate you into a seedbed for our kin. Then, we can populate this universe!"



Meanwhile, at the surface of a floating platform in the void, a giant naked woman sat in front of a divine elf, who was seated on a couch.

Ellen, the current queen of Divine Elf and the president of the DEZNUTS council had a private meeting with her new ally – Overlord Priscilla.

Next to Ellen, two entities sat on the same couch. They were Overlord Lucky and Overlord Xiaomao, who also formed a truce with the Divine Elf after the collapse of the Fate Stadium.

Priscilla gazed at the three. She smiled at Ellen.

"How was the true entity fate crystal? Is it useful?"

Ellen's expression grimaced. She understood the weight of the treasure.

Although unwilling, Ellen adhered to the promise, "As promised, the Divine Elf will cooperate with the Phoenix Race. We will join forces to fight Planet Eaters and secure the Void Tree together."

"Good. Now, about you two…"

Priscilla gazed at Overlord Xiaomao, who was an elderly fisherman.

"Overlord Xiaomao, would you like one of the true entity fate crystals as well? I can guarantee its usefulness."

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