Florida Man's General Store in Cultivation World

Chapter 331 Florida Man Announces Retirement from Drug-Dealing Career to Police

Chapter 331 Florida Man Announces Retirement from Drug-Dealing Career to Police

Chapter 331 – Florida Man Announces Retirement from Drug-Dealing Career to Police

Despite the anger, Leo retrieved Aslan before the baby could fly into space. He brought the boy back to his mother and gave his former father a meaningful look.

The nurse wrapped Aslan with warm towels and returned him to his mother. Esen carried her child and giggled at them.

"You're quite naughty, father-in-law. We thought you were dead. Was this your plan all along?"

Aslan yawned and shivered because of the previous skydiving. He closed his eyes in exhaustion and transmitted his sound to their mind instead of talking.

"Can I have a year or two of recuperating? I'll explain everything to you after that."

Leo scoffed, "How about no?"

Aslan slightly opened his eyes in annoyance. Ignoring his son, he shut them and fell asleep.

Realizing how fragile Aslan was, Leo smacked his lips while Esen was unable to contain her laughter. Their family's relationship was so absurd that it was hilarious to her.

"I can't believe your father wants to be your son, Leo."

Leo smacked his forehead and complained, "This motherhumper…"

"You're not wrong. He DID hump your mother, though."




In the end, Leo accepted the fact that Aslan wanted to be his son. He came to terms with it.

Leo sat in his bus, gazing at his newborn son in his wife's arms. As he looked down at the tiny bundle, he couldn't help but bitterly smile.

Aslan Jr. was his son's new name. Naming his son after his own father seemed like the right thing to do. Not only did it honor his father's memory, but it also made it easier for everyone to differentiate between the two generations of Aslans.

Excited to share the news with others, Leo made the announcement to the elders and the local cultivators of the town. They were touched by Leo's gesture, unaware of the true reason behind the name choice. To them, it was a beautiful tribute from a devoted son to his late father. Leo's actions were hailed as an example, and he became revered for his filial piety.

As time passed, the tale of Leo's devotion to his father's memory spread throughout the town. The story took on a life of its own, morphing into a legend of a disguised father who selflessly served his son as a trusted companion. People were awed at their relationship, and his reputation as a good son only grew stronger.

Despite the rumors and the fantastical fairy tale that circulated around him, Leo paid them little mind. His focus was on his growing family and their future. With the arrival of his son, Leo decided to invest in a space colony.

The colony was moderately small as it matched the Earth's size. Leo adjusted its flight course and followed the solar system. With the radiation from the sun and abundant soul stones as the source of energy, Leo didn't need to worry about the colony for a long time.

As this place required a new food source, Leo got busy. He purchased and built new farms, fish ponds, and ranches. After upgrading everything, he got new mannequin dolls to work for him. However, they weren't enough to take care of the cheating farms, which produced crops every hour.

He needed more helpers. Thus, he called for Esen's subordinates.

Ivy, Marc, a hundred Molgs, and undead soldiers that Esen had once created followed them to the new colony.

The undead soldiers were the population of Esen's dantian universe. She brought them out as she knew that Leo always lacked manpower whenever he expanded the territory.

Leo was also inspired by her. He employed lizardmen from his dantian universe to work for him in exchange for cultivation resources and cultivation methods.

The lizards readily agreed and worshiped Leo as their lord. The group also improved the fish pond as their primary diet was fish.

Esen was happy with the arrangement. Exploiting her authority, she forced Leo to build her a castle or a mansion for her and her son.

Leo couldn't reject Esen. He ended up purchasing a modern mansion and upgraded it to the maximum level, turning the resident into another small world inside. He also built another alchemy workshop, a blacksmith workshop, and a time chamber in the mansion for Esen's personal usage.

After a month of hard work, the new colony was fully functional and self-sufficient. Leo delegated the management to Esen and returned to the headquarters.

Upon arrival, Leo noticed that Beatrice remained in the store. When Leo asked Beatrice for the reason, she disclosed a shocking piece of news.

Beatrice and Wu Buyi were secretly dating, and they planned to marry in a few months!

Leo was baffled. He couldn't believe that the obnoxious nerd managed to charm the prettiest death knight. Nonetheless, he congratulated them.

After the series of investments, Leo rechecked his lifespan balance.

[Your current lifespan: 1,331,816,131 Years.]

It dipped by a lot, and Leo already spent all the backup credits. Still, he had several millions of essence stones and soul stones in his inventory, so he could easily bounce back.

Most projects were already completed. It was about time for Leo to invest in the void leaf experiment and fate crystal upgrading. He opened his system inventory and scanned the available fate crystals.

- 1,800,000 Earth Fate Crystals

- 640,000 Sky Fate Crystals

- 47,000 Heavenly Fate Crystals

- 260 Entity Fate Crystals

Leo almost choked as he never paid attention to the number. When he realized how rich he was, he thought of Planet Devourer, who monopolized the Void Tree for a long time. He wondered how many fate crystals the guy had eaten and digested.

"This is going to take a long time." Leo laughed and wondered how long it would take to upgrade them all.



A year quickly passed by. Aslan grew up healthy, and his cultivation base improved. He became the first one-year-old boy who ascended to the deity stage.

In addition, Aslan's physique improved enough and allowed him to make a proper conversation. Thus, Leo, Esen, and Aslan gathered to have a heart-to-heart talk in the colony's mansion.

Leo stared at his ex-father and asked the most important question.

"What else are you hiding from me, father?"

Aslan brightly smiled and revealed his grand plan, "I'm planning to visit the higher realm."

"Oh, THAT higher universe?"


Leo thought of the Void Tree and the Void Principality. He was curious about the upper realm as well, but he didn't feel like migrating or having another adventure.

He was content with this lifestyle. He had enough.

"You're actually older than me, father. Don't you have enough in this life?" Asked Leo.

"Look, you little shit. I got stuck inside you for 50-freaking-thousand years. I was so bored watching your life, and I wanted mine."

Leo understood the point, but he had other concerns.

"You raised me, protected me, and tempered with my bloodline. Then, you reincarnate as my son and reap the fruits that you sowed. Now, you want to go for an adventure outside the Matrix. Do you think you're ready right now?"

Aslan shrugged. He was aware of his shortcomings as his physique was still too young and too weak.

"I know. It's not like the gate to the higher universe will open any time soon. We just need to prepare for that day."

Leo deeply sighed, "Let me tell you this. I ain't going."

"Huh?!" Aslan was taken aback, "But you can get stronger. There are higher cultivation stages beyond the transcendence realm, you know?"

"I know. Singularity Realm, right?"

Leo snorted and walked toward the balcony. He opened his system inventory and pulled out a hand-sized crystal.

[True Karmic Fate Crystal]

Aslan widened his eyes as the system, created by his true entity Fate Crystal, informed him of its details. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Wait a minute. I thought it never existed in this universe! How did you get that?! And what the hell? It's the TRUE version?!"

Leo snorted and pulled out a dozen crystals of the same appearance and quality. He juggled them while he stared at Aslan.

"Who do you think I am? Do you think I'm stupid enough to ignore the possibility of upgrading these crystals with my flesh and blood?"

"…Holy shit."

"Yeah, this body was made by you." Leo laughed, "Aren't you proud of your creation?"

"…Yeah, I'm proud of you."

Leo flickered a true karmic fate crystal to Aslan and stored the rest in his inventory. Aslan received it and glanced at Esen.

"Leo, have you given one to Esen?"

Aslan was concerned that Leo might be monopolizing the fate crystals and felt bad for Esen, whose cultivation base stagnated at the karmic sovereign realm.

Esen giggled and confessed, "Don't worry about me, father. I already have seven inside me."

"WHAT?! SEVEN?!" Aslan was shocked.

Esen opened her system menus and read what they could do.

"I have a Seven Virtue System. Whenever I do a good deed, I gain lifespan and improve my cultivation strength. The second system is the Good Wife System. If I please Leo in bed or do chores, I gain currency to exchange for some unusual artifacts from the higher universe. The next is-"


Leo and Esen looked at each other and laughed.

"I guess I have to reintroduce you to the current stage of our general store."


Leo and Esen brought Aslan out of the Colony and entered his headquarters planet – Aka the Florida Planet.

The local residents changed the planet's name to "FLORIDA" to fit the local daos. When Leo and his family arrived, they found a thousand flying vehicles in the sky, traveling across the snowy world.

Aslan hadn't seen Florida Planet for a year. When he saw the thick snow and white clouds, he deeply frowned. He complained.

"I sense thick yin Qi in this world. Did you mutate it into a monster realm or something?"

Leo shrugged, "Nope."

"Then, why am I sensing monster Qi and miasma from the north?"

"That's probably Kishin Douji's work, I guess. He somehow creates a monster army there and prepares for some idiotic crap." Leo gazed at the north while his cheeks twitched, "I'm planning to settle things with that idiot soon. You don't have to worry about it."


"Oh, have you consumed the true karmic fate crystal yet? You should eat it before Cat sees you. She will snatch it off your hands in a jiffy."


Being wary of Cat's gluttonous behavior, Aslan pushed the fate crystal into his chest and merged it with his soul. He closed his eyes, waiting for the crystal to generate a new system for him.


<You have assimilated with True Karmic Fate Crystal.>

<Installing a new OS…>

<Installation completed. Opening the Bloodline Collector System!>

Aslan's mouth was agape when he saw the name of his new system. He read through the new perks and smiled.

"I guess I'm a protagonist now."

Leo scoffed, "Yeah, you probably are."

"Say, Leo. What about your system? You have a bunch of true karmic fate crystals with you. Do you get anything good?"

Leo paused and pondered for a moment. He looked around and mischievously grinned.

Esen noticed her husband's expression. She shook her head, "Don't destroy your headquarters."

"I know. Hehehe." Leo giggled and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the Florida Planet. The local population looked up as they sensed their lord's power. However, Leo and Esen already vanished.

Aslan came back to his senses and looked around. Unfortunately, he couldn't find his parents.


A few minutes later, Leo and Esen returned and caught Aslan before he was exhausted flying alone. They smirked at the boy, showing their glossy skin and healthy faces.

Aslan sniffed and caught a sultry scent. He glared at them.

"What was that, Leo?!"

Leo and Esen giggled, but they didn't say anything. Both parents spoke in unison.

"That's a secret."


Nobody but Esen and Leo knew that both of them stopped the time of the entire universe for several years. The evidence of their lewd deeds was still fresh, and Esen was still sore from the marathon activities.

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