For Sale. Fallen Lady. Never Used.

Chapter 162: Anyway, It’s A Secret Affair (4)

“Hehe… Thank you… But there’s one more thing left.”

“Huh? I thought that was everything I asked you for, Senior Faye.”

“Mm. Not this time, but what I mentioned last time.”

Last time? Could that possibly mean…?

“Have you already made the sensation-linked onahole?!”

“What?! You were thinking about that?! I never even mentioned such a thing!”

Oops, my bad.

With a deep sigh, Faye pulled out a staff and a wand from her spatial pocket.

“This is….”

“Right. As I mentioned before, I tried making a magic weapon. The magic amplification rate isn’t great yet, but it’s a success, so I wanted to show you. Sorry it’s not the sensation-linked onahole!”

“It’s a joke, a joke. But can you really make one?”

“If we have enough time and budget… No, rather than that, look at this first, Junior!”

“Ah, yes.”

I examined the staff and wand that Faye handed over. Uniquely, the gems at the end were integrated with the wood.

“The regular magic stones are hard to mold, so I extracted magic power directly, crystallized it, and then refined it. It’s much easier to handle, maybe because it went through my power once.”

“Ah? I thought it was a material I hadn’t seen before because you materialized the magic power itself and attached it.”

When I slightly imbued it with magic power, the crystal shone in response to my magic.

However, as Faye mentioned, the amplification rate was still subtle.

It felt like a beginner’s practice staff.

But the fact that it was a success was what’s important.

“I didn’t expect it to be successful so soon. With a bit more research on this…”

“Yeah. Not only increasing the amplification rate but also being able to make various magical tools. I have to study enchantment too, so it will take some time.”

“Maybe you could talk to Iris about that? If Senior Faye makes a good vessel for enchantment, Iris could engrave the magic on it or something. That might be a good idea.”

“Um… that would stray a bit from my goal….”


Right. Faye wanted to prove that a complete product could be made solely through alchemy.

Working in division with Iris would fundamentally change the current system.

“Then you could just learn enchanting from Iris. Even you wouldn’t have to self-study everything, right, Senior Faye?”

I playfully tapped Faye’s hand, and she flinched, grabbing my finger.

“O-of course not! If that were the case, I wouldn’t have joined the academy in the first place!”

“Great. Then I’ll talk to Iris later and get another communication crystal before we go to subdue the cult with Iona tomorrow.”

I was planning to stop by the mansion to pick up robes and masks for Carla and Elisha before the cult subjugation.

I would mention it then.

A brief smile of satisfaction at Faye’s growing success.

Suddenly, Faye started twisting her body and asked in a playful voice.

“Hehe. Hey, Junior. I did everything you asked, right? I did well, didn’t I? Eh?”

“Uh… I’m not sure what you’re referring to, but Senior Faye always does well.”

“Really? Is that right? Then, I have a favor to ask…”

“A favor? Tell me. I’ll listen as long as it’s reasonable.”

“Really? Then, can you come with me to the village I grew up in during the holidays? I want to introduce you to my mom…”

“Senior Faye’s mother, you mean…”

“Yeah. Not to my father in Nidavellir, but to the grave in Rockwood Village, where we used to live together.”

After mentally calculating the dates, I nodded.

“…Okay. Since I’ve already promised to join the Church of Righteous Radiance in the cult subjugation, we can all go after that.”

“Wow…! Thank you! Junior!”

Faye jumped around in excitement.

Along with her bouncing chest that was a good sight; a part of me also felt the anxiety that it might fall out.

So, I grabbed them and secured them with my hand.


“Come here, Senior Faye.”

I pulled Faye, whose chest I had grabbed, to sit on my lap.

Then, I whispered softly in Faye’s ear, hidden among her tousled hair.

“So, you’re saying you can make a sensation-linked onahole, right?”

“…I told you, right? With enough time and budget, anything is possible.”

“Setting aside time, how much budget do you think we’ll need?”


Whisper, whisper.

“About this much?”

“Sounds good. Let’s start working on it today.”

It was a substantial amount, but it was a very satisfying investment.

The next morning.

I finished all the preparations by picking up robes for Carla and Elisha from the mansion early in the morning and arrived at Iona’s lab.

Knock, knock.

“Professor. We…”


Before I could finish speaking, the door opened by itself.

“Come in! Come in! Did everyone remember everything? Have you been to the bathroom? Are you wearing the lost child rings?”

“Was this ring called a lost child ring? We’re not kids…”

It was unclear if it was meant to prevent us from becoming lost or to actually get us lost.

Well, from Iona’s perspective, we all probably look young, so I get the gist.

But my smile faded quickly.

Catching on late to the unexpected naming, I noticed Iona’s outfit was a bit different from usual.

The sleeves that used to cover her hands were now tied snugly around her wrists, and what looked like a skirt covering her lower body was tied around her waist, revealing her legs.

Overall, it felt a bit more revealing and tight, prioritizing ease of movement over being fully covered.

It seemed like Iona’s version of battle mode.

Barely lifting my gaze that kept drifting towards her legs, I saw Iona smiling playfully.

“You’re naughty! Naughty! Where are you looking?”

“To immobilize the opponent, you must first target their legs…”

“I, Iona, am a good vampire!”

Iona, who jumped in shock at the light joke I threw, relaxingly shrugged her shoulders, finally sighing as if relieved.

It was kinda cute seeing someone much stronger than me act like this.

“Anyway. Anyway. If everyone is ready, shall we depart now?”

I looked back at Carla and Elisha.

Though the masks were not yet complete, only the robes were ready, but they must be wearing reasonably good equipment underneath.

As our gazes met, both of them silently pulled out their staffs and wands.

I also pulled out a staff and a dagger from my inventory and nodded.

“We’re ready, Professor.”

“Good! Good! Then let’s hold hands and start the departure!”

I took the hand that Iona offered. True to being a vampire, her cool body temperature felt pleasantly good.

On the other side, Carla took my hand, and Elisha took Carla’s, connecting us all.

Seeing us all connected, Iona raised her free hand.

“We’ll teleport directly, so don’t unnecessarily raise your magic power to resist. If you do, you might end up deep in the sea or buried deep underground by mistake! Or maybe even lose an arm!”

“…I’ll keep that in mind.”

I nodded firmly, holding onto Carla and Iona’s hands tightly after the stern warning.

As soon as she confirmed our acknowledgment, Iona began to gather her magic power.


A tremendous amount of magical energy started to whirl and condense at the tips of Iona’s fingers.

A dark red magical light.

It was similar in color to the teleport gate Iona had used previously when we entered the practice dungeon.

However, the outcome this time was slightly different.

Instead of creating a huge door, Iona twirled her fingers, shining with magical light, over our heads in a circle.

Then, the magical light poured down like a curtain.

Perhaps it was because we were surrounded by such powerful magic. My core began to boil and rebel against my will, independent of my desires.

Of course, following this instinct would lead to the terrible accident Iona had warned us about.


It wasn’t long before I could hear Iona’s incantation.

Although it was a quiet murmur and too fast to understand exactly what she was saying, the will contained within it was clearly transmitted.

How many times did I repeat soothing my core to the background of her chanting?

The magical energy obscuring our vision gradually faded and then disappeared as if it had never been there to begin with.

And the surroundings that were revealed… were a completely different landscape than before.

Though it was certainly Iona’s lab a moment ago, we had been thrown into a forest in the blink of an eye.


“This is… impressive.”

Carla and Elisha looked around with sparkling eyes.

However, I couldn’t do the same.

The trees were so densely packed that they could even block out the sunlight.

Yet the silence was profound, without the sound of birds or insects.

And lastly, a small cabin sat quietly in this desolate space, as if no one was around.

“…Isn’t this too rushed, Professor?”

“Huh? Huh? Is this the right place?”

“The location is correct, but… it’s too precise; that’s the problem.”

That cabin. No, the entirety of the underground in this area belonged to the Boiling Silence Church.

It would have been better if we had landed a bit farther away.

“Everyone, get ready with your magic. It would be even better if we sprinkled some Undead Assimilation Potion.”


A hand with nothing but white bones sticking out emerged from the ground.

It was the welcoming hand of the dead.

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