Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1943 - Five Attacks, Divinity Transformation!

Chapter 1943 Five Attacks, Divinity Transformation!

The second attack was aimed at the nebula!

What Li Yao condensed with his soul, will, and life was more like a crazily-bursting crimson fire that extended from the Tartarean Skeleton’s head to thousands of meters away than a black saber of light.

The outbreak of the nebula was even more violent. The countless high-energy particles and super-powerful radiation spurted out and smashed at Li Yao like a flood that had just broken the dam.

At this moment, the most sensible choice for Li Yao was to turn around and run away. He had only just entered the turbulence of particles and radiation. If he ran immediately, it would be possible for him to escape from the savaging range of the nebula storm.

But in such a case, he would lose the opportunity to enter the Divinity Transformation Stage again.

The opportunity of Divinity Transformation could only be happened upon, not forced. Such a feeling of clicking could never be brought by any training.

Losing the opportunity to enter the Divinity Transformation Stage twice in a row in one year would be a serious shock to his belief. Perhaps he would not find such a feeling again in the next decades or even for the rest of his life.

Therefore, even if the stars of the entire universe were pressed on his shoulders, he could only march forward!

Li Yao roared crazily, feeling as if ten thousand crystal bombs had exploded at the same time inside his throat. The power rune arrays of the Tartarean Skeleton released explosive flames of spiritual energy, while the Colossus stepped forward heavily against the high-energy particles and powerful radiation. The natural, immaculate, and unstoppable second attack was slashed out brutally!


An amazing thing happened!

In Li Yao’s perception, he was faced with an overwhelming, unstoppable river made of ten thousand dazzling colors.

However, the great river beyond the nine heavens had been split apart down the middle by his destructive saber and divided into two branches.

He was like a rock at the center of the river, and the running river bypassed him from his two sides!


With a low chuckle, Li Yao narrowed his eyes and looked at the vast, unpredictable nebula of the Devilish Scorpion Galaxy again. The saber of his soul did not stop at all when it was raised high again.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The form of the saber had yet another drastic change. It was even more aggressive, hideous, and unstoppable, as if it could chop a whole planet in half!

All kinds of illusions were appearing before Li Yao.

The surging tides raised by the nebula storm suddenly turned into mighty and magnificent human images.

They were Yan Xibei, Xiao Xuance, the star child, Elder Nether Spring, Lu Zui, Heiye Ming, Lu Qingchen, Extraterrestrial Devil Mo Xuan…

All of them were the enemies that he had fought at the risk of his life in the past hundred years.

Absorbing the power of the nebula storm, the enemies all turned into daunting giants who raged and pressed Li Yao overwhelmingly like collapsing mountains.

Li Yao was not frightened at all. The Tartarean Skeleton took three steps forward, leaving ripples in the void after every step. His third attack swept out and blew all the illusions of his enemies into dust!

The dust danced up and down like colorful fireflies before new illusions were condensed again.

They were no longer his enemies but himself in different phases of his life, when he was panicked, hesitating, scared, anxious, and furious.

Li Yao saw the version of himself in the magical equipment, struggling to survive for one more second while crouching in the garbage dump, a version of himself who was highly malicious to the entire world because of the torture of the uncanny dreams.

He saw the Li Yao in the Crimson Nimbus No. 2 High School who trained himself hard to be a Cultivator for nothing more than fame, fortune, and respect.

He saw himself entangled by the star child during the fierce fight in the Flying Star Sector and mired in the swamp of the Immortal Cultivators, almost unable to free himself.

He also saw himself being misunderstood by the people to be the Blood Devil and a ‘traitor’ after he returned to the federation from the Blood Demon Sector.

Countless versions of himself were roaring in desperation, shuddering in confusion, or bursting into fury and jumping to their feet.

With the utmost tranquility, Li Yao examined his past with neither sorrow nor joy.

But his saber did not hesitate at all as it slashed hundreds of illusions of himself.


All the illusions of ‘himself’ were gone. Or rather, he had returned to his true self.

Like a breeze brushing his soul, all the hesitation, panic, and fright in the past were blown away, giving him a brand-new epiphany.

The barrier that confined his Nascent Soul had been riddled with holes and cracks.

All he needed was one last attack to march into the brand-new level completely.

Raising his head, Li Yao looked into the depths of the nebula of the Devilish Scorpion Galaxy. He seemed to see Earth burning furiously and withering into the core of a rotten apple!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Li Yao heard the explosion of his every brain cell and the calling from the deepest part of his soul. The black flames of spiritual energy around the Tartarean Skeleton all retreated to the gap of the plate armor, and the hideous saber was reduced to a plain-looking thing no more than twenty meters long again.

Even the nebula of the Devilish Scorpion Galaxy seemed to have sensed the massive spiritual energy that was fluctuating inside Li Yao’s body. The nebula storm spurted out at much greater magnitudes than before. The high-energy particles and the super powerful radiation that were enough to melt the shell of a starship and burn up all the components on the starship flooded at Li Yao like an irresistible tsunami.

But it was too late.

At this moment, even if the entire three-dimensional universe collapsed in front of Li Yao abruptly, it would not be enough to stop him from launching the last slash.


The saber swept out, raising tides of spiritual energy thousands of meters tall, which collided into the nebula storm brutally and broke the illusion of the black Earth into smithereens immediately.

What was shattered at the same time was an invisible barrier inside Li Yao’s brain. He only heard a clear and pleasant crack before the whole world became different from before.

The first difference was the color of the nebula of the Devilish Scorpion Galaxy and the storm.

The nebula contained a lot of invisible light that was beyond the recognition for the naked eye of human beings. Ninety-nine percent of the high-energy particles and the powerful radiation were not readily visible.

However, Li Yao could see the billions of colors in the nebula and the storm. He really saw the river that was running at him aggressively. He could even see every turbulence inside the river and analyze the level of the high-energy particles and powerful radiation.

The vacuum of space could not transmit sound, but he could hear the roars of the nebula and the storm clearly. He could also hear the flapping sound when the flames of his spiritual energy ripped the void apart!

Of course, it was not a real ‘soundwave’ but a wave of a higher level, a hundred times more complicated than a soundwave.

Waves existed everywhere in the universe. However, with the organs such as eyes and ears, ordinary people could only analyze a few waves such as sound and light.

Having grown a ‘spiritual root’, Cultivators could perceive, absorb, and train with the waves of a higher level—the spiritual waves.

Li Yao, however, seemed to have grown a few brand-new organs, virtual organs constructed by spiritual energy that allowed him to perceive and understand more waves.

What he saw was no longer a dark, cold universe, but the most glamorous new world that was filled with swirling, flowing greasepaint!


He could almost hear the rhythm of the universe. His brain and his heart were pounding along with the pace of the universe, too, and soon surpassed what his fleshly body could bear. As a result, he expanded as a whole!

“This is…”

Seeing the incredible picture before his eyes, Li Yao’s pupils constricted violently. He realized that he did not have an organ named ‘eyes’ right now.

His soul had completely broken free from the boundary of his physical body, allowing him to examine himself from a higher level. He observed the Tartarean Skeleton, which was still holding the saber downward, like a bystander.

It was not exactly the state where his soul left his body.

Li Yao could manage to move his soul away from his body before, too. However, in such a state, even after his soul left his body, it would be like a candle in a freezing wind that could die out at any moment.

His soul right now, however, was constructed into a thorough and stable model evenly in the hundred square meters around the Tartarean Skeleton.

Even the ‘venom’ that the nebula spurted out crazily could not shake his soul at all.

Instead, it provided the best training for his soul.

In such an amazing state, the hundred square meters around was his ‘absolute domain’ that was under his complete control. He was the ‘god’ in the hundred square meters!

I’ve made it!

This is the legendary Divinity Transformation Stage!

What—What a powerful level. No wonder it is named ‘Divinity Transformation’. To quote the ancient Cultivators, my soul has been perfectly melted into the universe in the hundred square meters around myself. I am the universe, and the universe is me. I am utterly invincible in the hundred square meters!

The high-energy particles and powerful radiation spurted out from the nebula of the Devilish Scorpion Galaxy are the best mediums to polish my new soul and to help me stabilize my hard-earned level of the Divinity Transformation Stage in the shortest amount of time possible!

This was the most critical and dangerous moment.

Countless seniors and experts had been overjoyed and lost control of their mind the moment they broke into the Divinity Transformation Stage, only to plunge from the Divinity Transformation Stage and perish on the spot.

It was like falling from the summit of a high mountain. The higher one had climbed, the more heavily wounded one would be after the fall. It was very possible that they would break into pieces.

That being said, if Li Yao’s soul could resist the violent spurt of the nebula of the Devilish Scorpion Galaxy, it would be like a well-tempered super alloy, and he would stand in the Divinity Transformation Stage steadily.

Together with his myriad of magical equipment and his sturdy soul that was much harder than that of general trainers, he would not necessarily be on the losing side even if he came across seasoned Divinity Transformation Stage experts from the Imperium or the Covenant Alliance.

Thinking about that, Li Yao dismissed all irrelevant thoughts. The soul that had broken away from his fleshly body turned into an indestructible saber while he slashed at the nebula storm brutally and restlessly. He focused on training under the scourge of the high-energy particles and the powerful radiation.

It was always the greatest pleasure to fight nature!

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