Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 1997 - Rising to Fame Through Secondary Quests

Chapter 1997 Rising to Fame Through Secondary Quests

The three players of Immortal Cultivators crushed the opponents in the arena to their hearts’ content. While establishing the reputation of the Red Viper Squad, they also earned a lot of standard boxes of crystals, which were the currency in the Land of Sins. They purchased abundant weapons and ammunition on the black market as well as three unattractive secondhand crystal suits.

It was obvious that they did not want to expose their background or make use of their Cosmos Rings and crystal suits easily.

Li Yao simply observed them acting meek and crushing their opponents, while he carried out the duties of a spiritual puppet obediently. Together with the two little fellows, he took care of the three secondhand crystal suits as well as all the aggressive magical equipment as some sort of ‘servant’.

Since Cosmos Rings were unavailable, the storage and shipping of crystal suits and other heavy magical equipment, as well as the transportation after abundant trophies had been garnered, could be very troublesome. ‘Servant’ was a very necessary profession. Almost all the gangs and experts would take a lot of servant soldiers with them.

That was perhaps why the three Immortal Cultivators had not killed Han Te and Liu Li yet.

In the meantime, Li Yao paid some attention to the black market but did not find any ‘high-molecular layer-by-layer scanning magical equipment’. On second thought, it did make sense, it was a piece of ancillary magical equipment that was only required in high-precision maintenance and modification. Li Yao did not think that there were many specialists in the Land of Sins who knew how to use it.

From that day on, the three players of Immortal Cultivators were devoted to the Battle of Liberty City golden quests.

First quest: Hunting of the Wolves.

Location: Tusk Valley, to the east of the Bloody Plateau.

Target: An armed team of vehicles that are carrying a lot of crystals and ammunition to Liberty City.

Description: Loot the shipping team of Liberty City and stop any assets from entering Liberty City.

Participants: The Black Bear Gang, the Bloody Butchers Union, the Gold Stone Alliance, the Red Viper Squad, and the War Hammer Squad.

Difficulty: Three stars

On the Bloody Plateau, many steep hills rose abruptly like the tusks of thousands of beasts, forming a narrow and rough valley. The place could not have been more treacherous, but it was the most convenient channel for the communication of Liberty City and the other areas in the northwest part of the Bloody Plateau.

Liberty City had quite a few large black markets and asset warehouses in the valleys in the northwest of the Bloody Plateau. Now, all the resources needed to be transported to the home camp.

A team made of dozens of tanks and an equal number of trailers rushed forward on the uneven valley in deafening noises.

The men on the turrets of the tanks and above the trailers, however, seemed to have been nailed on the vehicles. They were not moving at all however bumpy the road was, implying that they were the most elite bandits.

A few other men were hovering in the sky with metal wings that were as thin as paper on their backs under the boost of anti-gravity rune arrays and the propulsion system, like wary hawks.

When the team was about to drive out of the Tusk Valley, the ‘hawks’ in the sky suddenly hovered faster and released blood red fireworks in cracking noises, sending out the warning of incoming enemies.

But there was no time!

Several pillars of smoke rose abruptly from behind the steep hills. After clusters of pieces splashed out, their speed became much higher. In several streaks of brilliance, they hit the ‘hawks’ in midair precisely, blowing up the scouts from Liberty City without leaving any survivors.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thunderous explosions echoed in the front of the valley and behind. A few tusk-like hills were blown off and rolled off the slope.

The tanks at the bottom of the valley released a storm of bullets at their best. The many tough bandits attacked and blew quite a few tusks into pieces with their brute force. But still, a number of rocks hit the trailers brutally, knocking over almost five of them and loosening the compressed food and the crystals inside that were covered in sand and straw.


From the two sides of the valley, almost a hundred single shuttles that were fully embedded with stings rushed out. In animalistic roars, the riders charged at the shipping team while waving their chainswords and vibration sabers, like a pack of ravenous wolves.

A fierce battle immediately began.

Broken bones, opened guts, chopped limbs. Blood spurted and flew everywhere, dying the gray and brown ‘tusks’ red.

“You are bold enough to mess with the shipping team of Liberty City. Do you really think that the Fist King is capable of taking Liberty City? You’re asking to be killed!”

With a devastating roar, a tank was ripped apart from the inside by brute force. A muscular man, or a ‘monster’, who was more than 2.5 meters tall and still expanding—with sharp spurs growing out from the spine, the elbows, the knees, and even the skull—dashed out of the broken tank.

He was holding an enormous gun in each hand. What shot out of the barrels were not ordinary bullets but heavy grenades that were almost the size of fists, raising a destructive wall of fire around the shipping team. The members of the Black Bear Gang, the Bloody Butchers Union, and the Gold Stone Alliance were all jumping and screaming.

“This is the guy!”

From a crevice not far away, Red Viper, Black Spear, and Flash Point locked onto the muscular man at the same time.

Paragliders that were similar to wings extended out of their silver backpacks, and they turned into three streaks of brightness, charging at the enemy from three different angles.

The guns in the man’s hand were still roaring like ferocious beasts, but his giant head had already soared into the sky. Boosted by the blood, it did not start falling for a long time. There was both cruelty and confusion on the face of the head. Then, everything was done.

The three-star quest ‘Hunting of the Wolves’ was accomplished perfectly!

Sixth quest: The Fist King’s Warning

Location: Scorching Fire City, to the east of the Bloody Plateau

Target: The leader of the Scorching Fire Gang

Description: The leader of the Scorching Fire Gang used to be the leader of Liberty City’s right-hand mand and has received financial aid from him in secret to expand territory and increase his strength even after the man left Liberty City. Therefore, a lot of gangs in Scorching Fire City have ignored the Fist King’s invitation with an ambiguous stance in the competition between the Fist King and the leader of Liberty City. It is very likely that they will stab the Fist King’s army in the back at a critical moment.

In order to intimidate the gangs in Scorching Fire City, the Scorching Fire Gang must be completely decimated, and the leader of the gang must be killed!

Participants: The Godly Fist Union, the Ghost’s Wrath Gang, the Celestial Warriors Alliance, the Red Viper Squad and nine other battle squads.

Difficulty: Six stars

With the elites of the Godly Fist Union that were under the Fist King’s command, the ferocious bandits had already broken into Scorching City unstoppably. As they charged at the headquarters of the Scorching Fire Gang overwhelmingly, they chanted, “The Godly Fist Union is on a mission to eradicate the Scorching Fire Gang, and irrelevant people should stay clear!”

The forces in Scorching Fire City large and small did not dare respond to the Fist King’s invitation only because of the deterrence of the Scorching Fire Gang. Since the Fist King’s troops had gone to attack in person, they would certainly not fight side by side with the Scorching Fire Gang. Therefore, they simply closed their gate and stayed out of the matter, leaving the Scorching Fire Gang to fight alone. It did not take long for the Scorching Fire Gang’s headquarters to be conquered.

However, before the nest was taken, hundreds of tanks escaped in the direction of Liberty City.

Countless battle squads were hovering in the sky or prowling on the ground, waiting for the leader of the Scorching Fire Gang.

It was within everybody’s expectation that the Scorching Fire Gang would be defeated, and only whoever killed the leader of the Scorching Fire Gang as a warning for everybody else would be deemed to be the greatest contributor to the quest.

On the Bloody Plateau, a game of hunting and evading began.


A tank that was running at a high speed suddenly rose high into the sky, turning into a fireball. From the fireball dashed three people who were burning furiously, but they had already been chopped into multiple sections before they hit the ground.


Three shuttles that were rushing at their best performance could not outrun seven hunters who rushed close from the sky. They jumped above the vehicles and hooked the shell with the special iron claws below their feet. They then stabbed their chainswords into the car, raising a storm of blood easily.

“There’s the leader of the Scorching Fire Gang!”

Dozens of streaks of brightness charged at the solidest tank at the same time, strangling it into garbage immediately. However, from the gap of the metal scraps, a slim shadow in red armor dashed out and, dodging more than ten fatal attacks with unbelievable body movements, hijacked a single shuttle. Burning air currents spurted out of his back.

He was about to escape the siege when two bullets shot at his shuttle from two different directions. He had to dodge in a hurry. However, the moment he dodged, a large-caliber anti-shield bullet pierced into his left ear precisely and burst out from the right side, bringing away most of his skull, brain matter, and life!

The leader of the Scorching Fire Gang was executed on the spot!

Under the stares of the shocked and confused assaulters, Red Viper, Black Spear, and Flash Point unveiled the mimic camouflage and stood up from the blood red fungi with smiles.

The six-star quest ‘The Fist King’s Warning’ was accomplished perfectly!

Seventeenth quest: The Eagle Plan

Location: Liberty City.

Target: The nineteen defense arrays at the south of Liberty City.

Description: Perform reconnaissance on the south of Liberty City from a high altitude, capture images from every angle, and figure out the specific deployment and levels of the defense rune arrays to provide intelligence support for the final battle to come.

Participants: The Red Viper Squad and another thirteen elite battle squads that have distinguished themselves.

Difficulty: Seven stars

As days went by, the atmosphere between the Fist King’s army and Liberty City grew more and more intense. Both parties were ready for the final battle.

In the sky of Liberty City, dark smoke was raging to block the eyesight of the scouts at a high altitude.

Aggressive lines of bullets tore apart the black smoke and darted at the clouds now and then, driving away the malicious guys who approached from the sky.

A lot of airborne hunters from Liberty City were hovering in midair like the most brutal falcons all day. The most brutal battles broke out in the sky every now and then.

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