Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2104 - Wuying Lan’s Metamorphosis!

Chapter 2104 Wuying Lan’s Metamorphosis!

Wuying Lan rushed into the central area of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” like an enraged crystal train.

Many people had learned that the beehive prison had gone out of control and a large batch of prisoners and mutated beasts had escaped. The central area was now in turmoil. The Immortal Cultivators had lost their condescending demeanor when they had everything under their control. They were now more like the ants on a hot pan.

It couldn’t be helped. Those people were the honorable guests that Wuying Lan had invited over. They were the leadership of the major families and even the military of the Imperium. It was impossible for him to block the news from them.

Besides, with their keen senses, they could more or less hear the explosions and the screams from far away.

Some of the prisoners and mutated beasts had even just fled to the area and were engaged in fierce battles with the Immortal Cultivators.

Both the guards of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and the honorable guests from afar were obliged to join the battle and defeat the prisoners.

Wuying Lan closed his eyes in pain while forcing himself to not think about his dim future as he marched to the energy core at the highest of his speed.

If “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” was a bloody flower blossoming on the Other Shore, the energy core was exactly located on the “pistil”.

The defense system of the space fortress, the spiritual shield, the heavy turrets all over the body and the anti-gravity system were all founded on the basis of the energy core.

If the energy core was damaged, the entire space fortress would be turned into a cold city of death. It could even barely withhold its own weight, and it would only fall to the surface of the planet after dismembering into giant remnants.

He would never allow such a thing to happen!

Wuying Lan encountered an overwhelming tide of prisoners on his way.

When thousands of prisoners lunged at him through the narrow pathway, roaring and shouting, they did seem rather unstoppable, and it was like the end of the world.

As it happened, they boasted not only the tusks, the sharp claws, and the tough fists, but also the most advanced magical equipment that they looted from the arsenals and the dead Immortal Cultivators. Having marched all the way here, the prisoners now had almost as good weapons as the Heavenly Eye Legion did.

Wuying Lan went through quite some trouble to get himself away from the furiously burning tide of people.

But his personal guards who were acting with them were almost entirely trapped and swallowed by the prisoners.

The prisoners almost filled up every pathway in every direction. Now that their lust for killing had gotten the better of them, they couldn’t care less whether they were faced with a noble, an important official, an expert in the Core Formation Stage, or even one in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Even if they must die, they would still spray their blood on the faces of the Immortal Cultivators. If they could bite a part of the Immortal Cultivators, they would never let it go until they were completely burned into ashes.

Wuying Lan had never seen such a dreadful army before. It also never occurred to him that such an army of exasperation would be built by him in person.

After ripping apart almost a hundred prisoners in a row, his breath turned more and more hastily.

After he finally reached the energy core in a path of blood, the entire cabin of the energy core was already enshrouded in furious flames and dark smoke that was as thick as thin.

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The ever-rising explosions suggested that the heart of the entire “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” was suffering the most violent attacks.

Under his feet, corpses of the Immortal Cultivators were lying in a mess everywhere. The bodies were so deformed that they could barely be recognized. The faces that had been extremely twisted were written with fear although they could not be identified anymore.

The eyes whose pupils had relaxed and had only whites left deeply intimidated Wuying Lan.

He had always been aware of the importance of the cabin of the energy core.

Stationed here were all the elites of the elites of the Heavenly Eye Legion.

However, it was not hard to tell from the miserable deaths of the “elites” how fragile and defenseless they had been under the enemy’s attack.

Who is it exactly…

Wuying Lan’s pupils constricted violently. An intense explosion took place behind him, completely blowing up the channel through which he entered the energy core cabin. His retreat was blocked, and it would take a significantly longer time for the reinforcements to enter.

In the black fog up ahead, dozens of crimson countdowns vaguely showed up. Some of the countdowns had only several seconds left, and some still had a couple of minutes.


After every countdown reached zero, a certain critical unit near the energy core would have an earsplitting explosion. Colorful flames of light spurted out and turned into gorgeous springs in the black fog.

Time bombs?

Wuying Lan found it hard to imagine what kind of insane enemy would be playing such a dangerous game with him at such a place.

The blasts raised by the explosions slightly blew apart the smoke, allowing Wuying Lan to notice a gargantuan crystal bomb more than three meters in diameter, or so he believed, that was closely attached to the shell of the enormous crystal reactor at the center of the energy core cabin right before his eyes.

There was also a terrifying countdown on the device, implying that only five minutes was left!


Wuying Lan could not imagine what would happen if the seemingly complicated and precise device was truly a crystal bomb that would explode five minutes later.

The shell of the super enormous crystal reactor was certainly indestructible.

But so was the shell of the energy relay station in the beehive prison, which the mysterious enemy had somehow successfully destroyed.

With cold sweat leaking out of his forehead, Wuying Lan searched the black fog around him gloomily.


A hollow, unpredictable voice suddenly came over from the black smoke. “Such desperation is what all the people on the Land of Sins have been tasting every day. Now, you should savor it well while you still can!”

“Who are you exactly?”

The cold sweat on Wuying Lan’s forehead was frozen into ice. In a hoarse voice, he asked, “Who sent you here? Do you have any idea who you are going against?”

A light chuckle came over from the black fog.

“Of course I do. I am going against the entire Imperium of True Human Beings. But so what?”

The voice in the black fog said casually, “I am just a random Cultivator. Isn’t it only natural that I go against the Imperium of True Human Beings?”

“A Cultivator?”

Never had Wuying Lan expected such an answer.

Wuying Lan wouldn’t have been as surprised if the enemy was sent by the queen, by the other three Kurfürst families, by the competitors who did not wish the Heavenly Eye Group to skyrocket and swallow their interests, or even the Covenant Alliance.

“A Cultivator!”

Wuying Lan bellowed in fury, “Nonsense. How is it possible? The Cultivators are already obsolete things that are not worth mentioning at all. How could they have raised such an expert as you?”


The voice in the black fog said, “It is a long, long story. If you are interested, why don’t we sit down and have a nice talk? But I need to remind you that you do not have much time left.”


The countdown of another crystal bomb reached zero, and it exploded brutally right before Wuying Lan’s eyes. His heart was chilled immediately.

“Do… Do you know the ramifications if you destroy the energy core?”

Wuying Lan bellowed, “The entire ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’ will lose the energy support. It will crash to the Land of Sins all the way from beyond the atmosphere like a broken shooting star. Everybody will be killed by then!”

“It is exactly my purpose!”

The voice in the black fog was utterly unaffected. “I never planned to escape alive under the heavy siege of the fleets of the Imperium. I am exactly here to die together with ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’. Look at the countdown. You have already wasted one minute and thirty-two seconds, and you have three minutes and twenty-eight seconds left—Twenty-seven, twenty-six!”


Wuying Lan grinned hideously and charged into the black fog in a streak of brilliance like a hurricane.

After every step he made, his body went through drastic changes. Sharp bone spurts protruded out of his face that was as handsome as a marble statue. His muscles were more like “bouncing” than expanding. His skin, which was as warm as jade, turned into a gray shell. Even his starry eyes turned into two clusters of green, demonic flames!

His overwhelming auras were more violent than ever too, which almost focused into a second raging image around his body that was as gigantic as a mountain. Within a breath, the halo already enshrouded more than half of the energy core cabin, pushing out Li Yao who was hiding in the black fog.


Wuying Lan and Li Yao had a punch that was devoid of all tricks. Wuying Lan was blown back by three steps, while Li Yao flew back into the black fog again.

“Unparalleled strength very close to the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage. If you are really a Cultivator, you should be the greatest expert of Starlight in the past hundreds of years, shouldn’t you? What a horrible negligence the intelligence department has made to overlook you!”

Looking at his fists whose bones had been shattered, Wuying Lan put on a smile of hatred. “With such a strength, no wonder you were bold enough to sneak into ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’ to sabotage and to set free those wretched prisoners.

“However, if you think that you can mess with me when you are only so strong, you will be too na?ve a Cultivator!”

Wuying Lan bellowed. Thousands of streams of brilliance dashed out of the Cosmos Rings that had been deeply buried in his flesh. His magnificent body, which had expanded abnormally, was now covered in a crystal suit, which made it look even more hideous than before.

It was a terrifying crystal suit that had mixed the features of multiple kinds of insects. As a product of the essence of the magical equipment development in “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” over the past hundreds of years, it was more of an extra-sized Ares Extension than a crystal suit. Wuying Lan, whose body size had been multiplied after he went into the berserk state, turned into an iron giant that was even more enormous than “Fist King Lei Zonglie” after he put on the super crystal suit!

“Cultivator? Let me show you the real strength of ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’!”

After the metamorphosis, Wuying Lan’s personality went through certain changes too, as if some extremely brutal and violent things deep inside his heart had been woken up. “You destroyed the beehive prison and wasted all my experiment materials. Hehehehe. I will not let you die so easily. You are destined to be the very first ‘guest’ of the brand-new beehive prison, where you will understand what living is more miserable than dying means, and you will beg to be sent into the deepest level of hell!”

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