Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2113 - Bluffing the Truth!

Chapter 2113 Bluffing the Truth!

Gao Kangda had never thought that a Colossus would stand before him one day and resist infinite blades and flames for him.

He had seen the magnificent performance of the Colossi in some of the promotional videos of the Imperium of True Human Beings. They were truly the ultimate weapons that had been blessed and cursed by all the deities and devils in every universe, and something they did not even dare to think about how they could deal with!

In the original plan of Starlight, once the Imperium’s Colossi showed up, the only solution was to ask all the warriors to lunge at them relentlessly and buy a tiny bit of time for those behind them with their lives so that they could cause greater damages to “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky”.

However, the ridiculous idea collapsed abruptly the moment the Tempest God showed up. It couldn’t have been more pale and absurd.

Faced with an exasperated Colossus, even if they were all shattered into smithereens, it was impossible for them to deploy it for long!

But right then, their own Colossus showed up!

The Colossus that belonged to the Cultivators and the Immortal Cultivators’ Colossus had an open, splendid, and brilliant confrontation of dreams!

At the moment, Gao Kangda seemed to have truly seen dazzling golden light focusing on their Colossus from billions of stars, further highlighting the mysteriousness and the unstoppable momentum of the black Colossus!

“Come on, our Colossus!”

Together with all the warriors of Starlight, Gao Kangda clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, trying to trigger the hot waves from the deep part of his soul and send them into the power units of the black Colossus to give it a hand!


The more they fought, the crazier the two Colossi became. Their original bodies were both only about forty meters tall, which was nothing but a grain of sand in the boundless universe. But the flames of spiritual energy that they unleashed raged to thousands of meters away, like two shining, unstoppable shooting stars. The universe seemed to be falling apart after their every collision!

“Manjusaka, the City in the Sky”, as the “battlefield”, was savaged again. It continued collapsing and disintegrating, while metal torrents rose nonstop like volcano eruptions. The shell of Gao Kangda’s starship was also bursting under the blow and might be ripped apart at any moment!


The thousands of blurred shadows that the two Colossi created were all gone. The two of them grabbed each other by the arm and started to wrestle. From their bodies, an overwhelming image that was even larger than a starship was spurted out!

Invisible waves of spiritual energy spread out to all directions like surging tides. The starships of Gao Kangda and the rest of them were shaking like a lonely boat at the highest part of a tsunami!

Both the Cultivators and the Immortal Cultivators were so deeply shocked by the scene that they were almost choked.

Together with the overwhelming tides of spiritual energy, an intense telepathic thought was also sent to the starships of the Cultivators, which turned into a shriek.

“Hey, don’t come to get yourselves killed. Your mission has been accomplished. The doom of ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’ is inevitable. Fall back now!”

Gao Kangda and the crew bulged their eyes as they listened to the unexpected voice. It was not until half a second later that they realized what was going on. “S-senior! Are you the legendary ‘Cultivator that has been lost for a thousand years’?”

It was obvious that the voices of Gao Kangda and the rest of them could not penetrate through the multiple layers of plate armor and the vacuum to be heard by Li Yao.

So, they could only continue to hear Li Yao gritting his teeth and bellowing, “Do you hear me? ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’ has been blown up by us. The victory of this battle is ours! What matters most in the next is to retreat. Run. The more people who can escape, the better. There is no need to die for nothing here!

“You are seeds. You are hope. Your very existence is more important than anything else! Run. Run to the depths of the universe and tell the truths of what happened here to everybody. Disseminate the ideas of the Cultivators to everyone!

“The Immortal Cultivators will definitely try their best to disguise or even erase the battle. They will even deny the existence of you and me. But it doesn’t matter. You must’ve captured abundant videos. Together with yourselves, they will be the best proof! Tell the truth to everyone. This is your new mission and your new destiny!

“So, while I help you block this guy, you do your best to run off. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!”

In a roar, every energy transmission tube around the body of the Tartarean Skeleton in the form of crimson thorns was doubled in size, and the wings in the back even split apart into eight pairs. Under the output of spiritual energy that far exceeded the limits, Li Lingfeng’s “Tempest God” was pushed away by the force and hit a nine-barreled turret at the edge of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky”, smashing the turret into pieces!

The starships of Starlight all received the message sent by Li Yao’s soul.

They all felt that their noses were itching when they heard “victory is ours”.

However, it was not exactly the moment for tears of joy yet.

The “senior Cultivator” who “has been lost for a thousand years” was quite right. They had learned the sordid methods of the Immortal Cultivators in person many times. The Imperium, which had controlled all the media and public channels, could easily modify or even overturn the result of any battle and fabricate any “fact” that they needed free at will. For example, the miners who rose up in desperation could be embroidered as “rebellions”, and “Starlight”, as a resistance group of the Cultivators, could be described as an organization of terrorists!

Today, they had secured a rarely-seen victory in the countless resistances in the past hundreds of years. Somebody must send the refreshing news out and tell the entire Imperium the truth so that the ever-burning flames could be passed on!

“We have won. Let’s retreat!”

Many starships of the Cultivators who were not deeply trapped in the space fortress all began to reverse, preparing to break away from “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and evacuate.

The starships of the Cultivators further away who hadn’t crashed into the space fortress yet also changed their directions and moved outwardly.

In the vast, boundless space where there was no restriction of any territory, it was barely possible to completely block a fleet that was dashing randomly.

Furthermore, the starships of the Immortal Cultivators were themselves deeply shocked by Li Yao’s unexpected arrival. They were also panicked and anxious because of the fall of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky”, their base.

They were not sure whether they should block the starships of the Cultivators that were dispersing in a hurry, or help Li Lingfeng to deal with the mysterious and strong Cultivator, or figure out a way to hold “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and stop it from falling.

The three missions were all terribly difficult. Having not received an order from Li Lingfeng yet, the commanders of the Immortal Cultivators’ starships were all lost for a moment.

Some of the Cultivators’ starships were too severely damaged to perform a space jump. Knowing that there was no way that they could survive, they simply turned around and crashed at the starships of the Immortal Cultivators to improve the odds of success for their comrades.

The Cultivators burst into laughter in the furious flames. “Let’s show you who we are. This is what Cultivators do!”

The universe could testify that they had never been more gratified and magnificent in the past hundreds of years!

Sensing that the starships of the Cultivators nearby were all taking action, Li Yao laughed aloud crazily while vomiting blood in the spiritual residence of the Tartarean Skeleton.

Li Lingfeng was indeed the strongest opponent that he had seen in his entire life.

The collision of the experts in the Divinity Transformation Stage was absolutely different from that in the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Perhaps, in terms of personal combat ability, the Divinity Transformation Stage was not much stronger than the Nascent Soul Stage, but it had much better control over the world nearby!

Li Yao felt that he had transcended the boundary of his physical body under the enhancement of the Tartarean Skeleton. He was “evenly distributed” to the thousand square meters around, which turned into a small world that was absolutely under his control.

Li Lingfeng on his opposite side, in the meantime, had also expanded into a small world where gloomy winds were howling with overwhelming flames of spiritual energy under the boost of the Tempest God!

The materials, spiritual energy, will, and even laws of the two small worlds were having the most mysterious and unpredictable collisions on every level while they tried to swallow each other.

After every collision, after the physical damage and the consumption of his soul, Li Yao even sensed that his beliefs were more or less shaking.

He couldn’t help but grow a deeper understanding of the dangers and the mysteries of the battles in the Divinity Transformation Stage.

After only one minute, Li Yao already felt as exhausted as if he had been fighting for three days and three nights. Li Lingfeng was indeed too strong for him to deal with right now.

However, he was not going to give up so easily either!

“Li Jialing said that Li Lingfeng’s Colossus was named ‘Tempest God’, which can condense the vortexes of spiritual energy in the form of tornadoes. It is truly impressive!

“However, my techniques at the very beginning were exactly perceived in the thunderstorm. I am a man who is capable of executing a tornado!

“Hehehehe. Come on. As long as I survive the battle, I will certainly be able to completely grasp the mysteries of the Divinity Transformation Stage and become an experienced expert in the Divinity Transformation Stage!”

Li Yao laughed crazily and burned his life and soul, waving out thousands of crimson flames from his bloody saber without caring about anything!

Li Lingfeng, who was bemused, was much more agitated and infuriated than Li Yao who had grasped abundant information. He did not anticipate that the Cultivator would have such a tough Colossus that it seemed to be even more advanced than his “Tempest God”, or that the user of the black Colossus was another expert in the Divinity Transformation Stage who boasted a “domain”!

Although the enemy was no match for him, he still felt that his heart was colder and colder, so he fought on.

Every expert in the Divinity Transformation Stage was the tip of an iceberg. There must be an inestimably huge force behind them.

Li Lingfeng immediately browsed through the files of all the experts in the Imperium of True Human Beings and even the Covenant Alliance as well as their Colossi, only to find absolutely no information about Li Yao and the Tartarean Skeleton.

He was even more panicked.

“Who are you exactly?”

After Li Yao blocked his attack for yet another time, Li Lingfeng finally couldn’t help it any longer and blew out intense waves at Li Yao’s Colossus. “Why are you insane enough to go against the Imperium?”

Li Yao thought of something. Chuckling, he sent the black waves of telepathic thoughts back at the enemy. “I am not half as insane as you are, because you were bold enough to steal the son of the queen of the Imperium!”


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