Chapter 2117 Li Yao’s Ambush

The sinners living in the seashore area all witnessed the apocalyptic scene to their astonishment.

The ever-rising tides far exceeded the most enormous tsunamis that they had seen in their entire life. Roaring like spears and ferocious beasts, they overlapped with each other and charged at the shoreline relentlessly.

Countless remnants also hit the shore directly, raising a splendid ocean of fire!

Mushroom clouds were rising to the sky and raging in the dim sky, as if it were another “Judgment Day”!

Before they realized what was going on, the largest remnant, which was the main body of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” that Li Yao and Li Lingfeng was at, had already landed heavily.

The blast had already pressed the ocean into a dent thousands of meters in diameter before it touched the ocean. The tides rising at the edge of the dent reached an altitude of hundreds of meters. Even the sky and the sun were almost blocked!


The collision of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and the ocean raised such an explosion that the eardrums of countless sinners living ashore were directly ripped apart. Blood zigzagged out of their ears, making them unable to hear the rumbling sound when the surging tides swallowed the shoreline. They could only see an azure highwall devouring the sky and the earth and coming at them unstoppably!

It was a great collision that could’ve been observed by the naked eye outside of the atmosphere!

The tides that spread out in circles did not die down until almost half an hour later.

The waves in many places even scourged to more than a hundred kilometers into the land, resulting in a rampant flood.

Both the Immortal Cultivators and prisoners within “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and the sinners living near the shoreline were consumed by the waves. Some were even brought a hundred kilometers away in the moment. Everybody was mired in chaos.

Li Yao was certainly among them.

He had been waiting for the moment of the crash of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky”.

The immense collision at the moment, the hazy mist when the seawater was vaporized by the scorching spiritual energy, and the ubiquitous explosions and blasts were his best cover.

The moment the space fortress hit the ocean, Li Yao who had been preparing it for a long time retreated his Colossus at the highest speed. He did not even put on a crystal suit as he reduced his breath, heartbeat, pulse, secretion of adrenalin, and the waves of his soul to the minimum, pretending to be a dead body that was everywhere to be seen while the surging tides consumed him and tossed him to the depths of the land!

Despite Li Lingfeng’s Cultivation in the Divinity Transformation Stage, he was also faced with the shock and chaos when “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” crashed into the ocean heavily.

When his Tempest God leaped out of the tides hundreds of meters tall and scanned the whole field with his telepathic thoughts, how on earth could he possibly locate Li Yao?

Even someone in the Divinity Transformation Stage could not find a drop of water from an ocean.

Besides, Li Yao’s “heartfelt advice” was still ringing in his ears.

When he thought of the troubles that he was about to be faced with, Li Lingfeng felt such a great headache that he almost jumped to his feet in fury and vomited blood hard!

“I won’t let go of you! I absolutely won’t let go of you!”

From deep inside the rampant ocean, Li Lingfeng’s desperate and crazy roars were coming over.

Ten minutes later, in the flooded area near the seashore, among the ragged reefs, Li Yao, who was heavily wounded all over his body, lay in the mud with all his limbs stretched out, as swollen as tea leaves that had been overly soaked in the pot. He stared at the pieces of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” that passed the sky while leaving black flames behind now and then and laughed while vomiting blood.

He did not expect that he could really poke down the man-eating nest of fiends!

Despite the minor error from his anticipation, which resulted in the heavy blow to “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and the surface of Land of Sins because of the crash speed that was almost four times higher than it was supposed to be, the “forced landing program” did not lose effect entirely and preserved the city to the highest extent.

Otherwise, it would not be as simple as the scourge of the tsunami within the hundred kilometers from the seashore. “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” would’ve been completely vaporized during the moment of collision, and a super crater almost a hundred kilometers deep might have been caused. The blast would certainly sweep across the surface of the entire planet and annihilate all the creatures on it.

Li Yao could vaguely feel the vigorous, messy, and obstreperous waves of spiritual energy from everywhere around.

They were humans! The survivors!

Both the prisoners and the sinners from the Land of Sins were sturdy guys who had practiced all kinds of techniques. Most of them had struggled to survive the double blights of blasts and tsunamis before they were gathered together, driven by their natural instincts for survival.

Some of them were excavating the remnants of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky”. Some were pulling the starships that had crashed together with the space fortress, trying to inject fuel into it and perform maintenance. Some of the less patient guys, seeing that the shackles in the sky had been completely shattered, even rose to the sky with their bare bodies or the minor magical equipment such as flying swords and crystal suits, flying to the beyond of the atmosphere!

Yes. People here had been sealed for too long. They had not seen what it was like beyond the sky for almost a thousand years.

Now that the seals had been completely lifted, almost none of them hesitated to escape from the Land of Sins and take a look at the space.

Freedom, the natural-born instinct of any life!

Li Yao closed his eyes, spat out a little fish, and chuckled.

It was not exactly a perfect and flawless combat operation.

However, he had truly done everything he could as a lone wolf lurking at the enemy’s rear.

After the trouble he caused, some of the starships of the coalition fleet of Starlight would be able to flee, avoiding the outcome that they were all destroyed here.

Now that “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” had crashed at the offshore area on the Land of Sins, a lot of assets had been pushed to the ground by the waves. They should be enough to sustain the sinners for a while.

Most importantly of all, the seals that blocked the sky tightly were now gone.

Li Yao believed that, with the strength of the sinners and their desire for freedom, they would certainly be able to find a lot of useful things from the remnants of “Manjusaka, the City in the Sky” and repair some of the smaller starships to get out of the wretched, cursed place!

As long as the war between the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance continued in the frontline, it was impossible for the Imperium to deploy too many troops on the unimportant sinners from the Land of Sins. Even if a new “City in the Sky” was to be established, the project wouldn’t be completed overnight. It would take at least a few decades.

In decades—No, in only three to five years, Li Yao was confident to raise greater trouble at the heartland of the Imperium to help the sinners in a different way to get rid of their fate as “experiment subjects” forever.

“Run now. In any case, you are all free humans, not the experiment subjects or the puppets at anybody else’s mercy!”

Looking at the pillars of light that were rising to the sky, Li Yao grinned in delight.

Li Lingfeng’s roars were vaguely echoing from the surface of the ocean far away.

However, Li Yao had reduced his body temperature to almost the same as the reefs nearby, and the Land of Sins was now simmering itself. How could Li Lingfeng possibly detect him so fast?

Li Yao extended his middle finger at Li Lingfeng’s direction and waved it.

A streak of redness flashed and floated over his head. It was exactly Neltharion under the control of the mental devil.

“Li Lingfeng is right there. He is now befuddled and has gone completely mad.”

The mental devil said solemnly, “There are holes all over his body right now. This is the best opportunity to continue the attack and destroy him. How does it sound? Let’s go!”

Pondering for a moment, Li Yao vomited yet another mouthful of blood. “Forget it. Mercy is a great virtue. I am not a cruel and bloodthirsty person. So, I’m just going to… let go of him today.”

“Is that so?”

The mental devil sniffed, “Are you sure you are not going to have another fight with him, you know, to perish together with the enemy?”

“I don’t think so.”

Li Yao shook his head while vomiting blood. “Let’s bear the big picture in mind. I think I’m smarter than that…”

“You are smarter than nothing!”

The mental devil shrieked, “If you were anything close to smart, you wouldn’t have charged out in hot blood and fought a life-and-death battle with the man! How brave, how magnificent, and how thrilling and mind-boggling! Everything is perfect now. Our Colossus is broken and ragged. You can’t stop vomiting blood after the fight, dozens of your bones have been fractured, and your soul is seriously blown. It is no better than the wound a few days back. But now you are picking up your rationality again and realize that you are still smarter than that? Why don’t you go and continue challenging him, seeking chances of survival from unavoidable death with your smartness? I won’t stand in your way at all. Go now!”

Li Yao: “… Don’t burst into fury just yet. Listen to my explanation!”

The mental devil: “Hehe!”

In a bitter smile, Li Yao said, “Do you think that I fought a life-and-death battle with Li Lingfeng just now because of the spur of the moment, and it was a rash decision made by an unclear head?”

The mental devil: “Was it not?”

Li Yao chuckled and said, “Of course not. Haven’t we ascertained a lot of intelligence from Li Lingfeng’s reactions?”

The mental devil sniffed. “The intelligence could’ve been proved through other methods gradually. Besides, you exposed part of your own intelligence too, which made Li Lingfeng focus his attention on us. He won’t let go of us easily. This is not necessarily a fair deal!”

Li Yao said, “You’re right. Proving the intelligence was only the secondary purpose. Or rather, it was a cover for my real purpose. I only fought hard against Li Lingfeng to make preparations for our escape!”

“Is that so?”

The mental devil was rather surprised. “What do you mean?”

“Do you know what’s my greatest advantage in terms of pure fighting when compared with Li Lingfeng?”

His eyes glittering, Li Yao explained elaborately, “It’s true that he is an experienced expert in the Divinity Transformation Stage. In regards to level, battle experience, and fire support available, he was much better than me. I was absolutely no match for him in a head-on clash. It was terribly difficult even if I wanted to escape and get away from his hunting completely.

“However, I still have the greatest advantage which Li Lingfeng, or rather, most of the Divinity Transformation Stage experts of the Imperium, probably do not have. That is my studies and knowledge about the Colossi!”

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