Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2171 - Who Is He Exactly?

Chapter 2171 Who Is He Exactly?

After ending the conversation with Queen Li Linghai, Jin Tianzong moved from the head of the Colossus to the feet on the multipurpose maintenance platform.

At this moment, dozens of refiners were busy doing their work around the Colossus on different maintenance platforms. But hesitation and caution were on all their faces.

Those qualified to participate in the maintenance of the Colossus were naturally the best refiners in the Deep Sea Fleet.

The average age of the refiners was very young. They carried both the vigor and fearlessness of the youth and the immaturity that was typical of the novices.

It couldn’t be helped. The so-called “Deep Sea Fleet” was a secret armed force that directly belonged to the queen of the Imperium in name but an out-and-out “rebellion” in the politics of the Imperium today. Why would any respected, experienced refiner join a rebellion army?

The fields that required technological reserve and experience were all dominated by the noble families and the magnates. It was not hard to imagine what kind of talents the queen could hire.

All the refiners knew that Jin Tianzong had just spoken to the queen. It wasn’t hard for them to guess that the queen must have asked if the overall maintenance plan for the Tempest God had been proposed. They all felt more or less ashamed because they were stuck in the engine parts.

Thinking for a moment, Jin Tianzong announced, “Let’s wait a moment. Later, a new refiner will possibly join our team. He is recommended by Her Grace in person and perhaps has unique understandings on the maintenance of the Colossi.”

Jin Tianzong was unaware that Li Linghai’s solemn request was meant to figure out the origin of Li Yao’s school from the traces in his refining skills so that she could ascertain if everything he said was true.

If Li Yao’s refining arts came from a certain renowned school of the Imperium, it would mean that Li Yao couldn’t have just arrived in the Imperium.

Then, everything he said would only be a shameless lie.

For Li Linghai, she couldn’t be more cautious when she decided to keep such a dangerous person as Li Yao by her side and entrust important tasks to him.

Therefore, although Li Yao’s statement was flawless, Li Linghai still wanted Jin Tianzong, the master of refining in the Divinity Transformation Stage, to check him in person.

But naturally, she wouldn’t speak her intention out straightforwardly to Jin Tianzong.

Jin Tianzong, however, misunderstood Li Linghai’s intention. He thought that the queen had truly found a remarkable talent recently and wanted him to check the quality of this “Vulture Li Yao” before she filled the guy in his team.

Such things happened before. Almost all the specialists had been interviewed by him in person.

Of course, only the seasoned refiners that could be called “specialists” were qualified to waste Jin Tianzong’s time.

The elite refiners of the Deep Sea Fleet were all greatly surprised. They all knew that they were out for a battle mission. How on earth did a seasoned refiner pop up out of nowhere?

“Master, who is going to join our team? Which university or magical equipment center do they come from?”

A middle-aged man with a headful of short, rising hair, who looked rather arrogant but tried to be respectful before Jin Tianzong, asked.

The man’s name was Ye Qingyun. He was from the well-renowned “Luminosity Crystal Suit Center” and had profound expertise in the production of crystal suits. However, exactly like Jin Tianzong said, he was a proud, disobedient man who preferred the irregular approaches.

Because of his extreme character, he had almost pissed off all the big shots in his circle, and he had no choice except to come to the Deep Sea Fleet as Jin Tianzong’s first assistant.

Ye Qingyun respected none but Jin Tianzong. Naturally, he was most sensitive about the seasoned refiner who would arrive soon.

“Her Grace said that the refiner’s name is ‘Vulture Li Yao’ and that he has a lot of experience on the maintenance of the Colossi,” said Jin Tianzong.

“Vulture Li Yao? Never heard of the name before. Is there such a person in the circle of refiners in the Imperium?”

Ye Qingyun looked at the refiners around.

Although the refining team in the Deep Sea Fleet might be young and immature, they had one advantage, which was that they were made of talents of various worlds and schools of the Imperium. You could find any kind of person in it.

Even the refiners from every corner and every field of the Imperium knew nothing about the name “Vulture Li Yao”, which meant that it was not because he was ignorant but because the man was really not known by anybody else.

Ye Qingyun couldn’t help but feel amused. “If he is capable of maintaining a Colossus, he shouldn’t be a Mr. Nobody. But the name of ‘Vulture Li Yao’ does not ring any bell at all.”

Jin Tianzong sighed and said, “It is perfectly normal to use a fake name and a fake face when you are new to the place and still cautious.”

Ye Qingyun, however, sniffed and said, “Then, I’m going to see with my own eyes what kind of expert this ‘Vulture Li Yao’ is and how he is qualified to come to the Deep Sea Fleet!”

At this moment, a few refiners nearby speculated, “He is perhaps a refiner from the laboratory on the Land of Sins. The laboratory on the Land of Sins suffered heavy losses in the attack of the Cultivators. Even ‘Manjusaka, the City in the Sky’ has been shot down. Naturally, the refiners inside must’ve died or run away. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if some of them are saved by us.”

“That is indeed very possible.”

Ye Qingyun was greatly enlightened. “If he is a refiner from the laboratory on the Land of Sins, we will have to take a good look at him. I’m told that, although they do not have major breakthroughs in theories, they are backed with quite abundant real-life data, and their skills are very impressive too!”

“Qingyun, why don’t you greet this ‘Vulture Li Yao’ first?”

Seeing his eagerness, Jin Tianzong thought of something and said, “Her Grace said that they needed to pick a few crystal suits and possibly use the furnaces and maintenance platforms here. You will accompany ‘Vulture Li Yao’ during his pick. Whatever Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures and strengthening components he needs, just give them to him.

“Of course, if he runs into any problem during the maintenance and adjustment, you can help him fix it if you can.”


Ye Qingyun grinned and squinted his eyes as he looked toward the end of the maintenance workshop. Suddenly, with a weird look on his face, he said, “Master, is that ‘Vulture Li Yao’?”

Everybody looked at where his finger was pointing, only to discover that a plain-looking young man of medium height was walking to them slowly with a big, golden cat, or someone who looked like a cat, under the lead of Tu Zhengdao, the deputy leader of the Deep Sea Legion.

The young man did not have any of the tranquility expected of a master of refining at all. Instead, he was observing and touching everything, apparently fascinated by the entire magical equipment assembly line. Now and then, he even stopped and craned his head at them with his hands in his back, studying the structure of a certain mechanical arm or the purpose of the component being crafted, as if he had never seen such things before.

Looking at his eagerness for knowledge and his curiosity about everything around them, the many refiners including Ye Qingyun could only think of one thing—a bumpkin had just entered the city!

Is this the seasoned refiner from the laboratory on the Land of Sins who claims to be capable of maintaining the Colossi?

Everybody looked at each other in bewilderment and suspicion. Even Master Jin Tianzong couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Ye Qingyun even couldn’t help but chuckle. He hesitated for a long time, but still, he couldn’t hold back his insubordinate remark. “Has Her Grace been tricked?”

“Wow, this is truly impressive!”

As Li Yao and Li Jialing wandered in the magical equipment assembly lines in the maintenance workshop, he felt that he had entered a dazzling kaleidoscope and labyrinth. Even though he was a seasoned refiner, the technology of the Imperium of True Human Beings in producing the magical equipment on such a large scale still amazed Li Yao.

The traditional superpower truly deserved its name. Compared with the Imperium of True Human Beings, there were too many things that the Star Glory Federation needed to catch up with.

Look at their magical equipment assembly lines, their spiritual puppets, the efficiency of their multipurpose mechanical arms in cutting and assembling, their cooperation between the refiners and the puppets, and their management of the factory!

Li Yao couldn’t help but swallow hard, almost wanting to move the maintenance workshop back to the federation entirely.

Although he had seen it once on the comprehensive maintenance mothership of the Black Wind Fleet, the maintenance and production level on the queen’s flagship was much more sophisticated than what the Black Wind Fleet had. Li Yao couldn’t help but wonder to what degree the Mystic Skeleton Battlesuit and the Tartarean Skeleton could be strengthened if the maintenance workshop was completely under his control.

Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

Led by Ye Qingyun, almost ten refiners strode toward Li Yao.

They were all the best refiners of the Deep Sea Fleet. Such a luxury team also caught the attention of other common refiners nearby.

“Fellow Cultivator Li?”

With a smile on his face, Ye Qingyun bowed slightly at Li Yao respectfully and said, “I am Ye Qingyun, Master Jin Tianzong’s first assistant and the manager of this maintenance quarter. I’m told by Master Jin that you need a few crystal suits?”


Tu Zhengdao handed over a flowery light card on which countless patterns were changing nonstop. “This is the highest clearance offered by Her Grace. He has been authorized to pick any crystal suits in the warehouses on Dragon Abyss and to conduct any adjustment and modification.”

Ye Qingyun took over the light card and inserted it into his own mini crystal processor. He then connected it to Jin Tianzong’s crystal processor, and upon receiving the permission of the director of magical equipment, he put on an even more mysterious smile. But his eyes were focused on Li Yao’s hands as he went on, “Now that the highest clearance has been activated, you are free to use all the magical equipment and facilities in this place. I wonder, do you want to pick a mass-produced crystal suit or a high-level crystal suit? Dragon Abyss has stored almost a hundred advanced crystal suits that are carefully produced by the masters of various schools, but their maintenance and adjustment can be quite tricky. If you need any help, Fellow Cultivator Li, I’ll be right there.”

Li Yao was slightly dazed. He naturally sensed the subtle hints concealed under Ye Qingyun’s smile.

After he advanced into the Divinity Transformation Stage, his body of flesh and blood had been through too many drastic changes and looked more and more unrefined. When he was not working, they looked plain and no different from the hands of ordinary people. It was impossible to gauge his expertise in refining from his hands.

However, Li Yao did not intend to nitpick Ye Qingyun.

It would be too petty if a college student nitpicked a kindergartener.

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