2215 Prison Turmoil

The mental devil shrieked, “That’s right. As long as General Lei Chenghu dies in the Godly Might Prison that is controlled by the four Kurfürst families and the issue is exposed to the public, the conflicts between the frontline and the rear will be completely irresolvable!

“With the selfishness and the proactiveness of the Immortal Cultivators, they are probably not going to sit down and talk to each other nicely to settle the issue in peace. The four Kurfürst families will only move one step further and suppress the smaller nobles and warlords, and those troops that do not belong to them will certainly rise in resistance for their own lives. When the war between the parties is at the most heated moment, the army of the Covenant Alliance will launch an unstoppable counterattack that nobody will be able to resist!”

“Damn it, the Covenant Alliance has infiltrated the Godly Might Prison to such a remarkable level. Right now, many assassins must be running to the spot where General Lei Chenghu is caged!”

Li Yao gnashed his teeth. “Li Linghai’s fleet is still waiting to launch the ‘unexpected assault’ half an hour later. Little do they know that Lei Chenghu will be as dead as anyone can be by then. We have to seize every second and get Lei Chenghu out of the place before the assassins of the Covenant Alliance do!”

Li Yao took a deep breath. The last cell on his body had been fully recovered, emitting powerful vitality and vigor.

Although his face was still blue as if frozen, the brilliance flowing out of his pupils was already as dazzling as the diamond under the sunlight in the middle of a day.

All the panicked jailors and staggering war puppets nearby were in his eyes. A series of numbers popped up from the head of every jailor. They were the basic estimations that Li Yao could see of the enemy’s speed, strength, battle style, and level of danger.

The entire underground spaceport seemed to have turned into an enormous chessboard. Everybody was a black-and-white chess piece, and he was the only player sitting on this side of the chessboard watching the player of the Covenant Alliance who had yet to reveal his true self on the other side of the board!

Li Yao soon locked onto his target.

It was one particular jailor that he suspected to be a “captain”. The guy had activated more than ten light beams on his crystal processor on one of his knees, contacting his superior in anxiety and learning the latest updates from deep inside the Godly Might Prison.

Li Yao rolled his tongue and delivered a Cosmos Ring out of his lips.

“Cosmos Ring” was just a name. They were not necessarily crafted in the shape of rings.

This particular Cosmos Ring, for example, was like a small button. It was no thicker than a razor.

Li Yao sent a telepathic thought to entangle his Cosmos Ring softly and send it to his left hand.

He waved his left hand, and a crystal bomb was immediately stuffed to his back in secret. After a huge explosion, the hibernation cabin was blown up into pieces, and a tremendous black fog was raised, blocking the sight of everyone within a hundred meters.

Right when the crystal bomb exploded, Li Yao had already leaped up into a streak of brilliance with a speed faster than the blast, blinking to the back of the captain that he had locked onto a moment ago.

He cut the back of the captain’s neck with his hand neither too heavily nor too lightly. When his spiritual energy flooded into his enemy’s brain crazily, the guy passed out immediately without having the chance to even grunt.

While taking off the guy’s clothes with both hands, Li Yao fixed his crystal processor with spiritual energy and released all the light beams to study the latest battle reports that had been sent over.

The situation inside the Godly Might Prison was rather rough.

Supposedly, with three main energy supply bases and one backup base powered by geothermal energy, it was impossible for the automatic defense and barrier system of the Godly Might Prison to crash. No enemy could break the three main energy supply bases at the same time.

But the problem turned out to be the backup base powered by geothermal energy.

“Geothermal energy” was an inexhaustible treasure house.

Any solid planet, no matter how low the temperature on the surface was and what an ice world it appeared to be, must have an extremely high temperature at the core of the planet. The energy of billions of years had been stored in space in the form of high-temperature and high-pressure magma.

When the geothermal energy was released slowly, it could provide heat for the entire Godly Might Prison to resist the bitter coldness and serve as a backup source of power in emergencies. It was supposed to be a marvelous design that killed two birds with one stone.

However, once the geothermal energy base was controlled by the enemy, who somehow made the magma of iron and nickel mixed with unknown elements to spurt out, tearing apart the rock stratum and activating the most violent force in the seismic area, it would certainly be a terrible disaster.

It was exactly what was happening right now.

At first, the pressure of the high-pressure magma below the ground suddenly increased by dozens of times, resulting in the gaps on the valves and tubes that connected the backup energy base to the magma area.

In the next moment, the mainframe crystal processor of the backup energy base was hacked by the Covenant Alliance and selected as a wrong defense measure. Instead of guiding and dredging the furious geothermal energy, it simply blocked the gaps trying to hold the energy back.

The strength of mankind was always limited. However huge the Godly Might Prison was, it was nothing more than a grain of dust compared to the entire planet. How could it block the most primitive, scorching, and violent forces at the deepest part of the planet?

The mainframe that was hacked and controlled by the spies of the Covenant Alliance, on the other hand, sent false data to the staff in the backup energy base, misleading them into thinking that all systems were normal.

When the earth began to shake and the temperature in the backup energy base rose continuously until the floor was as sticky as if it were about to melt, nothing could possibly stop a small but high-intensity volcano eruption from taking place inside the Godly Might Prison.

The valves exploded, and the tubes were torn apart. The deepest parts of the Godly Might Prison were riddled with holes. The enormous pressure tens of thousands of times the standard air pressure pushed the magma weighing millions of tons into the backup energy base through the gaps, drowning the place immediately. In the next moment, it ran everywhere through the convenient tubes, especially the ventilation tubes that were broad enough for horses to gallop in, and swallowed everything like an unstoppable tsunami.

To make things worse, the outbreak of the “underground volcano” caused a chain reaction and woke up a hibernating seismic area. A series of small earthquakes were raised, which added to the trouble of the bottom floor of the Godly Might Prison that was already on the verge of destruction.

Perhaps it was not a coincidence, but because the Covenant Alliance had long figured out the tectonic structure near the Godly Might Prison and planted crystal bombs on key locations.

The mental devil said, “I’ve been studying the battle style of the Covenant Alliance these days, and it occurs to me that they are particularly good at taking advantage of the terrain on every planet.

“When you think about it, it does make sense. The Covenant Alliance is a puppet of the Pangu Clan, and the Pangu Clan was the dominator of the universe before mankind. Their civilization was much more developed than mankind’s. In their heyday, they must’ve explored all the habitable planets in the three thousand Sectors in great detail.

“The planet where the Godly Might Prison is located, despite the frigidity, desolation, and lifelessness, has a thin atmosphere with primitive lives such as moss and fungi. The Pangu Clan couldn’t have missed it.

“In other words, the Pangu Civilization’s database probably has stored all the files relevant to the planet, including the critical data such as the tectonic structure and the distribution of the volcanos, faults, and seismic areas below the ground.

“Now that the Covenant Alliance has received tremendous heritages from the Pangu Clan, it is perfectly reasonable that they have gained access to the data and learned the greatest weakness of the planet!”

Looking at the chaos deep inside the Godly Might Prison that was displayed on the light beam and the blinking redness on the 3D map that implied the areas that were partly occupied by the energy or in the middle of a fierce battle, Li Yao felt as painful as if his teeth had been plucked forcefully.

The volcano eruptions and the earthquakes made by the Covenant Alliance had completely shattered the Godly Might Prison’s indestructible defense, malfunctioning the four energy supply bases one after another.

When it was the last energy base’s turn, although it was still providing energy for the entire Godly Might Prison, it was also on the verge of collapse.

The explosions deep below the ground that Li Yao heard at the beginning were exactly the suicide attacks did by the spies of the Covenant Alliance who had infiltrated the Godly Might Prison. They were trying to completely destroy the energy supply base.

The captives of the Covenant Alliance deeply caged inside the Godly Might Prison somehow received the call and commands of their companions too. Taking advantage of the weakened defense system, they ran out of their cells and sabotaged the prison in a riot.

Not just that, the most ferocious criminals of the Imperium were also set free by the spies of the Covenant Alliance who quietly hacked the mainframe crystal processor of the Godly Might Prison when the energy bases were all compromised, and it was on the verge of a crash!

Those qualified to be locked in the Godly Might Prison, aside from the political opponents of the four Kurfürst families, were without any exception the perverted, murderous, and highly-dangerous guys who caused great trouble to the current system, if they were really guilty of crimes.

Think about it. If even the Immortal Cultivators thought that they were “unpardonable”, their brutality was certainly beyond imagination!

Those bloodthirsty lunatics couldn’t care less about the war between the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance. Besides, they did not know what was going on at all. Driven by their instincts to kill, they lunged at the jailors closest to themselves, cutting out and chewing their living guts and enjoying the ecstasy that had been locked for too long!

Mess! Mess! Mess!

The entire Godly Might Prison had been reduced to a mess!

Human-shaped monsters who feasted on human flesh in laughter were everywhere, turning the prison into a slaughterhouse that was even more dreadful than the deepest level of hell!

Even so, this was perhaps not a successful operation from the perspective of a prison break.

However subtle the Covenant Alliance’s plan was and vehement their assault was, and despite all the chaos in the Godly Might Prison, the most critical problem was not resolved—how could they get out of the place?

On the surface of the planet and the near-planet orbit, countless soldiers of the Imperium were watching closely. All the warships had locked onto every exit of the Godly Might Prison, ready to launch a destructive attack any moment while ensuring that not a fly could get away.

It was also the greatest reason why the Godly Might Prison never thought that the Covenant Alliance would come for a prison break.

But of course, if it had not been a “prison break” since the very beginning but an assassination operation under the disguise of a prison break, the case would be entirely different.

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