Chapter 2502: Black Iron

Li Wuji would’ve only trusted Li Yao’s “credibility” if his brain had been damaged because of sinking in the septic tank for too long.

However, having lost his entire fleet, he did not have a second option.

Also, according to his secret observation in the Blue Sky Market, what Boss Bai was trying to build was indeed not a bloated, gigantic regular fleet, but a rapid response fleet that was small but elite. As a result, abundant starships would certainly be outdated. They could be used to establish a mediocre fleet that was commanded by someone.

In that case, why couldn’t the “someone” be him, Li Wuji?

Revenge was a dish best served cold. Whether or not he was to settle the scores with Boss Bai for his insult, there was no need to end on bad terms with the guy right now. Instead, he needed to cooperate with the guy without reserve and recover his fleet first.

Having made up his mind, Li Wuji discussed with Li Yao and Boss Bai respectfully on the battle plan of the next phase, before he bowed at the two of them deeply and stepped backward out of the room.

“I never knew that there could be such... Divinity Transformation Stage experts.”

Looking at Li Wuji’s back that was getting further and further away, Li Yao said with mixed feelings, “Why do I feel that there aren’t many real heroes at the magnificent center of the cosmos and that the people in the Nascent Soul Stage and the Divinity Transformation Stage here are far worse than the people of the same level at the edge of the cosmos?”

“It’s perfectly normal. The two parties have entirely different living environments and training methods. Even if they are at the same level, they are not exactly the same.”

Boss Bai said casually, “The trainers at the edge of the cosmos have all groped independently and struggled to succeed in the harshest environment with the slightest resources. While the odds for us to advance into the Nascent Soul Stage and the Divinity Transformation Stage are very low, and our advancement is much more dangerous than that at the center of the cosmos, we will earn a lot after we succeed. Our bodies, our souls, and our minds will be polished in the most extreme way!

“What about the trainers at the center of the cosmos? Hehe. They often have the best family environment, the most perfect training facilities, and astronomical training resources. Whatever they want, they could extend their hands and get it, unlike us who have to fight bloody battles for the slightest resources!

“I was told that there is even a lot of massive magical equipment in the Imperium of True Human Beings that can deal with the ‘apocalypses’ attracted by the advancement into higher levels. Think about it, even the apocalypses are no longer a threat to the high-level trainers. Such high-level trainers are purely piled up by resources and the environment. They are the flowers in the greenhouse that have never seen any real wind. How can they compete with us?

“It’s like there are two magnates in the mall. One of them is born in a renowned family, studies in the most excellent schools, and inherits the family enterprise the moment he graduates. But the other is born in a poor family and builds an enterprise from scratch one coin after another.

“If the two of them boast equal assets, Li Yao, who do you think is the more determined and ambitious one and who is more likely to win the business war?”

Slightly stunned, Li Yao nodded his head quickly in epiphany. “That sounds very reasonable. It is exactly the case in Long Yangjun’s Ancient Sages Sector. The barbarian soldiers born in the remote, bitter lands whose wilderness is not entirely tamed may turn into elite troops after some training. They are often much more brutal and tougher than the army of the central dynasties. Right now, the Cultivators from the Star Glory Federation are exactly such ‘wild barbarians’!”

“That’s exactly right!”

Boss Bai laughed aloud. “That’s why I’ve always been telling my brothers. In training and fighting, the level is certainly very important, but it is not the most important thing. For the people at the same level, every warrior from the edge of the cosmos can defeat two or three flowers in the greenhouse that is at the center of the cosmos. That’s certainly not an exaggeration!”

Li Yao recalled the battles that he had experienced after he came to the Imperium and realized that it was right.

“The key is not the level, but the belief.”

Boss Bai extended his hands at the artificial sky, trying to grab a piece of the blue sky into his palm. He said, “I am fighting to break out of the Pangu universe and cruise among the billions of stars. You are fighting for all human beings in the Pangu universe... or at least for the Star Glory Federation. That is the reason why we are fighting and the source of our strength!

“But what about Li Wuji? He is not even fighting for his family; he is only fighting for himself alone.

“In our fists lie billions upon billions of stars, but there is only himself in his fists. Even if he is as strong as us, the victory will be predestined long before we punch each other.”

Li Yao was silent for a moment. He then sighed and said, “Boss Bai is right. It is rather odd that after I came to the center of the cosmos, the territory was much bigger than before, but the people were much more narrowminded than before. All the conflicts are purely about interests, and few are actually about beliefs!”

“It is not strange. It’s also because of the environment.”

Boss Bai said, “When we were at the edge of the cosmos, while the place was narrow and the resources were few, we had the most precious thing—hope!

“We knew that the center of the cosmos was a better, more prosperous haven than the edge of the cosmos. We knew that a long road was waiting ahead of us. So, no matter how ugly and painful the reality was, we were filled with hope, which burned us and propelled us to push forward and climb upward!

“But what about the people at the center of the cosmos? They have already occupied the most fertile and prosperous land in the entire universe. They have explored the entire known universe and defeated almost all the enemies. There is no road ahead of them anymore. They have nothing to conquer or explore anymore, which means that they cannot see any new hope.

“Then, is it useful at all to keep exuberant curiosity, resolution, and hunger?

“Even if the Imperium is to continue for ten thousand years, it will only keep the current status for ten thousand years. By the time the Covenant Alliance is annihilated, there will be absolutely nothing that they can conquer. What else can they fight except each other? What possibly deserve them to sacrifice their lives for?

“Therefore, for the Divinity Transformation Stage experts such as Li Wuji, they are not just a tragedy of the Immortal Cultivators but also a tragedy of mankind. If we do not find a way to break out of the Pangu universe and find new hope for the civilization of mankind, even if the Star Glory Federation replaces the Imperium and the Covenant Alliance and governs the tiny universe, it will still decay, corrupt, and lose the vigor to stride forward and work hard. It will be utterly deformed, clinging to its possessions without letting go of them at all.

“When that day comes, no matter what a high level the Cultivators of the federation are at, they will be exactly like Li Wuji today.”

Picturing what Boss Bai just described, Li Yao shuddered hard.

“You’re right, Boss Bai. If a dragon is raised in a tiny pond, its pride will be worn out, its bones will be softened, and its claws and scales will be eroded eventually, turning it into a giant earthworm.”

Li Yao said, “If the civilization of mankind is truly a dragon, we will have to lead it to the ocean!”

The two of them looked at each other, even more determined than before.

Outside of the training field, Li Jialing was waiting for them. Although he tried to be solemn, the excitement was still beaming out of his face beyond his control.

“Are you ready to go?”

Li Yao asked with a smile.

“I have never slacked for a single second during the one and a half months of special training. I’m totally ready!”

Li Jialing declared resolutely.

“Very good. The mission to persuade Jin Yuyan, the director of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, is very important and full of risks and unexpected factors. Only the most excellent elites are qualified to go with me.”

Li Yao said, “Boss Bai, Long Yangjun, and the Fist King were all very eager to team up with me, but after much deliberation, I still rejected them heartlessly. Why? It’s very simple. It takes two brothers to fight a tiger. I trust you, Jialing, and I believe you won’t disappoint me.”

“That’s right, boy. You better not disappoint us either.”

Boss Bai glared at him and said coldly, “It broke my heart to give such a precious opportunity to you. If you screw it up, hehe...”

“Rest assured, Brother Yao and Boss Bai!”

Li Jialing blushed. “I certainly won’t screw it up. I still need to go back to the capital and save... the queen!”

Looking at Li Yao, Boss Bai asked suspiciously, “Li Yao, let me ask you one last time. Are you sure you are going with this guy?”

“He can do it.”

Li Yao said firmly, “I trust Jialing. He is absolutely qualified for the job!”

“Very well.”

Boss Bai said in fake anger, “I’ll stop competing with such a junior then. Here, clean yourself up with this.”

He tossed two cans of drugs at Li Jialing.

Li Jialing picked them up, only to be stunned. “What are these?”

“Depilatories and rinses.”

Boss Bai said, “You are not going to the Blue Sky Market in such an eye-catching style, are you? You would be recognized the second you enter the port.”

Li Jialing’s appearance was indeed attention-grabbing.

By logic, he had long advanced into a rather remarkable level, and with the assistance of Li Yao, Boss Bai, the Fist King, and so many other experts, it shouldn’t be a problem to restore his previous look.

However, there was no telling what unique methods Li Linghai adopted, but Li Jialing’s appearance had been changed on the cellular level. It could not be restored despite the attempts that Li Yao and the rest of them made. The best result was that he was slightly more like a regular human being for a short while.

Li Jialing seemed to have been used to the style of the “golden lion” too. He was rather stunned at the depilatories and black rinses in his hands.

However, when he raised his head again and saw Li Yao’s eyes that were full of trust and expectation, he finally made up his mind.

Gritting his teeth, he nodded his head and said, “Got it. I’ll clean myself right now!”

The golden lion then rushed out of the room.

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