Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2561 - Fierce Battle Among Stars!

Chapter 2561: Fierce Battle Among Stars!

In the exclamations of the Immortal Cultivators of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, the black ripples expanded larger and larger, gradually turning from intangible waves into concrete lumps. When the lumps were connected, they almost filled up the whole hologram of the space zone.

A series of numbers ran down like a waterfall, suggesting that thousands of massive objects had appeared out of nowhere. It was impossible to detect the specific number at all.

In the boundless sea of stars, irregular gaps that were darker than abysses and muddier than swamps were ripped apart. Narrow, long glittering streams of materials and information spurted out of the gaps, congregating into their forms in the three-dimensional world.

The space warships that had been armed to teeth surfaced like whales. The emblem of the Imperium and the sigil of the four families glowed with each other, emanating devastating brilliance.

The space torpedoes that had been sprayed all over the space zone immediately reacted. As their power rune arrays unleashed glamorous brilliance, they darted at the invaders leaving aggressive exhaust flames behind.

For a supermassive warship to complete a space jump and get rid of the space ripples that lingered, it would take several to dozens of minutes.

In the meantime, it barely had any ability of defense or mobility. It was even very vulnerable when it was in the “half-unfolded” state between the three-dimension and the four-dimension.

Tremendous space torpedoes flooded forward like suicidal crystal bombs, exploding next to the nearest invader. Countless brilliant light balls were immediately glowing, and the storm of destruction swept across the entire starship.

The soldiers on those starships were mostly torn into shreds by the destructive storm before they recovered from the dizziness and nausea caused by the space jump.

The pieces of the bones and the starships were also jetting to all directions, leading to a chain reaction. As long as a piece the size of a fingernail happened to be at the spot where another starship jumped over, making the two parties overlap, it was possible that a fusion on the atomic level would be caused, leading to another explosion.

As a result, one area of space torpedoes could often trigger a series of intense explosions, transforming the space zone within ten thousand kilometers into a flickering ocean of fire. When the flames died out, the only things left behind were the scorched debris that was almost orange and the invaders’ bodies that had almost been melted.

It wasn’t the only trouble that the invaders encountered.

To resist the aggression of the coalition fleet of the four families, the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors had not only established countless space torpedoes in the whole space zone but also dumped garbage or even perfect goods on various sailing routes. Even the most inconspicuous and harmless goods would still raise catastrophic consequences once they were hit by the starships that were having a space jump, just like a tiny sparrow might’ve caused a destructive strike on a shuttle that was flying at a super high speed.

On the other hand, the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors boasted countless space fortresses near the Seven Seas Grand Market as well as permanent bases modified from asteroids. The orbit of the Seven Seas Grand Market boasted the most brutal firepower too.

Some of the invaders, who were less fortunate, jumped into the range of the space fortresses, permanent bases, and orbit defense network of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors in the very beginning.

The defenders were patient enough to not open fire until those starships were more than half teleported. Thousands of fiery snakes danced crazily in the dark vacuum, blowing those starships into wasted iron and copper before the enemy opened their spiritual shields.

Furthermore, even planets themselves were the most useful weapons.

The Seven Seas Space Zone had twelve planets in total. Among them, Planet No. 7 had a size and mass thousands of times than any of the other planets. If the starships of the invaders unfortunately jumped into the gravity sphere of the gigantic planet, it was often the case that they were ripped into smithereens by the huge gravity tide before they had any chance to react or dragged to the surface of the planet and squeezed into a thin plate before the power units were teleported yet.

Of course, even the most unbelievable ways of death could not compare to the starships that had unfortunately jumped to the nearby if not the inside of the sun. The starships whose landing points were too close to the star were vaporized at the very beginning.

The scourge of space torpedoes, the barrage of defense network, the ripping of gravity tides, and the direct immolation of stars made the invaders lose 5% of their strength in the first hour.

A “blind jump” without the navigation of space gates was like a “beach landing” in a dark night against a whole beach of bastions. 5% was an acceptable loss.

There were too many invaders who were too scattered. It was impossible for the space torpedoes of the defenders to lock onto all the targets.

Part of the starships of the invaders was mired in fierce fights, but most of the starships took the opportunity to evacuate to the edge of the Seven Seas Space Zone. Countless spiritual towers were released and turned into nodes of the Spiritual Nexus with super high performances. Tremendous data and information were flowing on the Spiritual Nexus, paving the invisible network to the whole space zone. The command chain of the invaders connected one warship after another before it weaved a highly-efficient battle network where all the data were shared among tens of thousands of warships.

At first, all the starships of the invaders were dizzy, not knowing where they or their allies were.

The arsenal warships did not have the ammunition supply from the comprehensive supply ships, the comprehensive supply ships did not have the defense of the shield warships, the shield warships lacked the ability of cyberwarfare, and the cyberwar warships did not have lethal spears and hard shields. It was impossible to fight the war when everybody was on their own.

However, as the “Flying Lightning Super Command Chain” system was unfolded, every arsenal warship automatically scanned the nearest shield warships, comprehensive supply ships, and the cyberwar warships. Also, according to the information that had been inputted into the database earlier, they were automatically matched into a temporary unit that was best to carry out their specialties. The optimal sailing route was also set so that those warships could approach each other.

Furthermore, based on the key parameters such as the military ranks and the levels of their commanders, different permissions were given to them, and a leader of the temporary battle unit was nominated for them in case the Immortal Cultivators who might not know each other had conflicts.

The four families had truly gone through a lot of trouble to unite the warlords and local magnates of the hundred Sectors.

The defenders, naturally, could not allow the attackers to gather easily.

The defenders were not 10% as strong as the attackers in terms of comprehensive capabilities. The only advantage they could take was the attackers’ weakness when the attackers were separated after the jump.

If all the battle units of the attackers were gathered, and the battle units congregated into fleets in rigorous battle formations, the defenders would be doomed!

Therefore, the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors put all the stakes on the table as soon as possible and released all the fleets!

Even the weakest half-armed garrison fleets, which were basically modified from carrier fleets, had temporarily accommodated abundant space torpedoes and interferential magical equipment, searching for the spiritual towers that the attackers had projected to space.

The spiritual towers had to send intense spiritual waves and abundant data to all directions all the time. They were like the glittering stars on a dark night and could be found very easily.

Once they detected the spiritual towers, they would destroy the devices without any hesitation or release powerful interferences to cover and block their signals.

After a spiritual tower was taken down, a node of the Spiritual Nexus of the attackers would be erased. The remote information transmission devices installed on the starships were far from enough to satisfy the demand of data transmission of the “Flying Lightning Super Command Chain” in a vast space zone with a diameter of almost ten billion kilometers by themselves.

Many starships of the attackers had just been connected to the battle network and matched with the most suitable allies around. They were about to join their allies when the battle network was suddenly cut off. The information of all their allies vanished. They were like a grain of dust compared to the vastness of the universe, and they had no idea where they were at all.

In the next second, the hunting fleets made of the mercenary and assassin groups would show up unexpectedly and force them to surrender.

Although the starships of the mercenary and assassin groups were mostly weaker than the regular army in terms of combat ability, they had the overwhelming advantage in number on the local battlefield. They had different units of starships and the most rigorous battle formation, which was certainly not something that the lone starships of the attackers could resist.

Even though their allies were around, they did not know their allies’ specific locations, and it remained to be seen if those “allies” would reinforce them. Even if those allies came, their own starships would’ve been destroyed by then.

For the extremely selfish Immortal Cultivators, did they need to hesitate about what they should do in such a situation?

Besides, although the attackers claimed to have an army of a million starships, 90% of them were wavering and sitting on the fence, ready to swing with the wind and hop between the two sides anytime.

The commanders of many starships had learned the arrival of “Black Wind King” Li Yao. They had been planning to defect if things did not go well on the battlefield. Now that they had been unluckily surrounded by the troops of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors in the very beginning, they were left with no choice but to surrender!

Therefore, the defenders’ disarming work went quite well without meeting major resistance.

Only when they encountered the starships commanded by the central members of the four families would fierce battles really break out. However, such starships were not large in number, and they were soon drowned by the overwhelming firepower of the defenders.

As for the best garrison fleets of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, they simply turned a blind eye to the battles of the shrimps and pressed forward to the edge of the space zone, analyzing the information from the attackers’ spiritual towers while searching for the attackers’ sixteen Adamantine Super Arsenal Warships.

They had to give the enemy a heavy blow while the sixteen Adamantine Super Arsenal Warships were not stabilized yet, undermining their combat ability as much as possible and even destroying them.

Once the sixteen Adamantine Super Arsenal Warships completely got rid of the chaos and had enough support from allies, forming eight magnificent fleets, the defenders’ efforts would be for nothing however hard they were trying right now!

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