Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2577 - Drinking Poison to QuenChapter Thirst!

Chapter 2577: Drinking Poison to Quench Thirst!

Li Yao did not expect Blackstar the Great’s fatal moves to be so consecutive and brutal. It was like an incessant flood that did not give them any chance to catch their breath. During the first half of the day when he was unconscious, the situation in the outside world had been drastically changed.

The admiration for Wuying Qi rose up deep inside his heart again, which scourged his brain like lethal venom.

He saw Wuying Qi, who was ensconced on the high throne while pointing at the picture of the universe magnificently, and he almost couldn’t stop himself from worshipping Wuying Qi.

“Damn it!”

Li Yao spat hard; his saliva piercing through Wuying Qi’s illusion.

The illusions collapsed like a palace of glass, turning into thousands of dancing butterflies. Behind every butterfly was a series of patterns that looked like swirls. When two swirls were combined, they became Wuying Qi’s eyes precisely.

Even if Li Yao closed his eyes, he could not move the thousands of aggressive eyes of Wuying Qi away from his head.

He could only slap himself heavily as quickly as lightning, managing to suppress his reverence and admiration for Wuying Qi.

“This is—”

Li Jialing was taken aback by Li Yao’s sudden movement. Looking at Li Yao’s highly-rising cheeks where two bloody handprints were particularly obvious, which implied that Li Yao certainly did not hold any strength back, the young lion was dumbfounded. “Brother Yao, what was that about? We may have been outplayed, but there is no need to blame yourself so hard. We-We’ll work something out together.”

“Who says that I’m blaming myself?”

With his nose bleeding, Li Yao grimaced. “I was merely refreshing myself through that special technique in order to resist Wuying Qi’s dominance. The specific mechanism is too mysterious for me to explain right now. Don’t be surprised if I continue to slap myself later.

“Also, bring me to Jin Yuyan immediately. This whole thing was planned by Wuying Qi, but there must be more to it. He certainly has more moves!”

Li Jialing found it hard to believe. “How do you know, Brother Yao?”

“Very simple. Considering the situation, the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors will collapse if no changes happen.”

Li Yao said, “I believe it is definitely not Wuying Qi’s purpose, or at least not his only purpose. The sudden collapse of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors will bring him no good whatsoever. If I were Wuying Qi, I would achieve the most benefits if the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors and the four families are mutually destroyed by each other.

“Therefore, I don’t believe that Wuying Qi’s scheme will be so simple. There will certainly be more changes in the next moment. Hehe, he narrowly won the game just now, but next time, it will be the time for our counterattack!”

Li Yao and Li Jialing boosted their crystal suits and flew toward Jin Yuyan’s command center in two streaks of brilliance.

On their way, they saw countless soldiers stationed at the streets and alleys in the Seven Seas Grand Market. Barricades had been set up in many critical locations. Tremendous armed shuttles, spiritual puppets, and Exos were patrolling in full wariness, braced for the arrival of the great enemy.

Fierce street battles seemed to have just happened among many streets. Pits of cannonballs and remains of tanks and crystal suits were everywhere. The soldiers were also pulling out the dead bodies and piling them up, which added to the solemnity in the atmosphere.

The citizens who lived in the Seven Seas Grand Market in the first place and the merchants who had come to the place for trades only dared to hide behind the glass windows and stare at the warring world outside in panic.

The pictures filled with rust, blood, and smoke made Li Yao sigh to himself.

Although Jin Yuyan got the situation under control for now through iron measures, the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors was already half lost judging from the tension in the internal district.

Compared to the four Kurfürst families and Blackstar the Great, the greatest advantage of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors was “freedom”. At least on the surface, people could travel and trade freely without supervision from anybody. As long as they abided by the basic rules, this place would be absolutely free. They could come and leave whenever they wanted and do whatever they wanted here.

“Welcome to the freest place in the entire universe”, the slogan floating at the edge of the Seven Seas Space Zone, pointed out the greatest value of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors.

The Immortal Cultivators here were also fighting for “freedom”.

However, after the unexpected incidents, Jin Yuyan, in his desperation, stomped on the freedom that the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors had always been proud of and suppressed the merchants that did not belong to the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors with violence. Those people were only here for trades, and they wanted to escape to avoid the war. Was Jin Yuyan qualified to keep them in this place?

It was a typical case of quenching thirst with poison.

If the game in question was “violence”, ten Business Alliances of Ten Thousand Sectors would’ve been no match for the four Kurfürst families, let alone Blackstar the Great.

If those people were succumbing to violence, why would they succumb to Jin Yuyan instead of the four Kurfürst or Blackstar the Great?

The Seven Seas Grand Market was like a suppressed volcano right now. Even though Jin Yuyan could hold the situation for now, the chaos would burst out a hundred times more intensely soon enough.

If the battle in space remained unchanged, Li Yao estimated that the Seven Seas Grand Market would fall into complete mayhem in two to three days at most.


When they were about to return to the headquarters of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, they were suddenly surrounded by a tide of cheers. The panicked, frustrated soldiers a moment ago were shouting and dancing in wild joy as if they had just injected excitants.

“What is this about?”

Li Yao was slightly dazed, knowing that something unexpected must’ve happened. However, there was no need to ask the cheering soldiers, and he simply dived into Jin Yuyan’s headquarters.

The command center was a total mess. A minor riot seemed to have taken place a moment ago because broken crystal processors and crystal wires were still on the ground. In some places, there were also tiny pits and explosion marks. There were even soldiers who were scrubbing the blood busily.

However, the leaders and military commanders, including Jin Yuyan, looked as if they were in a rather high spirit, so high that they were almost delirious.

Their eyes were all popping out and bloodshot, and they were biting their lips hard. Their hands were shivering beyond their control. Feverish anxiety was emanating from all of them.

Li Yao had seen their looks on countless gamblers; the gamblers who had lost everything in desperation, only to run into a windfall, which they brought into the casino, hoping to win back their losses.

Jin Yuyan obviously saw Li Yao walking in, but he did not have time to ask where Li Yao had been to, whether or not he had caught the masterminds of the explosions or his wife Wuying Qinxin, or any other critical questions. He still stared at the holographic map of the space zone, totally focused.

It seemed that the information on the map was even more important than “Vulture Li Yao, Black Wind King”.

What’s going on? Have those people lost their minds?

Li Yao looked at where they were looking. On the holographic map of the space zone, the blue spots, which represented the garrison fleet of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors, were not in the best condition. Most of the blue spots were surrounded and stalled by red spots that were multiple times more, implying that the fleets of the two parties were having fierce fights.

What was even more dreadful was that, in places far away from the blue spots, a large cluster of dense red spots were congregating into a dazzling light ball, and even more red spots were joining it from various directions, making the red light ball larger and larger, to the extent that it was almost swallowing the entire space zone.

The red light ball must be the main force that Yun Xuefeng commanded.

Judging from the blinking and changing data nearby, Yun Xuefeng had gathered quite a few Adamantine Super Arsenal Warships. The torrents of destruction were about to take shape!

Almost all the blue spots were rooted by the red spots, making it impossible for them to stop Yun Xuefeng before his fleet completely took shape. They could only watch Yun Xuefeng’s fleet proliferate like an abnormal tumor.

However, Li Yao noticed something uncanny. Not far away from Yun Xuefeng’s fleet, on the orbit of a planet whose back was against the battlefield, a few triangular light spots were shining rapidly, and the three triangular light spots constituted a new triangle.

It was a sign that a space gate was being gradually opened!

In such a crisis, the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors had opened another space zone. Who were they navigating to reach this place? Could there be more reinforcements?

If it were the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors’ fleets in other places of the cosmos that needed to jump back, wouldn’t they be blown up immediately after the jump, considering that they were so close to Yun Xuefeng’s main force?

It was certainly suicide. What were they doing exactly!

Li Yao leaped to Jin Yuyan in two steps and pulled him aside, before he asked in a low voice, “Director Jin, what happened? Why have you opened a new space gate? Who are you directing to jump to this place? Even if there are reinforcements, aren’t they too close to the enemy’s main force? In such a distance, they will be discovered and destroyed by Yun Xuefeng the moment they are teleported!”

Jin Yuyan’s eyeballs moved rigidly. Stunned for a long time, he finally put on a helpless expression and said in a low voice, “They won’t. Perhaps other reinforcements will be blown up by Yun Xuefeng’s Adamantine Super Arsenal Warships, but not this fleet. They are the last chance for us to win the battle of Seven Seas!”

Li Yao’s eyes bulged as he shouted, “Are you serious? Does the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors have such a remarkable garrison fleet? Who’s the reinforcement?”

“It’s not a garrison fleet of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors but Lei Chenghu.”

Jin Yuyan said solemnly, “Lei Chenghu’s Astounding Thunder Fleet has come to our aid in person!”


A flash of lightning burst out inside Li Yao’s head, illuminating his every brain cell. Wuying Qi, Li Linghai, Lei Chenghu, the real Immortal Cultivators, the loyal Immortal Cultivators, and the Immortal Cultivators who were devoted to Blackstar the Great. Many clues and pieces were entangled. He seemed to understand everything, only to be confused in the next second. Before he figured out the general picture, he cried subconsciously, “No! You cannot allow Lei Chenghu’s fleet to jump over! Close the space gate now! It’s a scheme!”

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