Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2586 - No Holes to Crawl Through?

Chapter 2586: No Holes to Crawl Through?

In the space battlefield, even the vacuum of death and silence where soundwaves could not be transmitted was about to be torn apart by the roaring cannons and colliding starships, resulting in gaps that led to the deepest level of hell, making the ghosts that were being tormented there shriek and cry.

The glittering stars were pulled into helical rays by the swirls raised by the turbulences of spiritual energy. The rays were then radiated into colorful and most splendid spots of light, like a terrible painting that an absurdist master drew with the blood, lives, and even souls of human beings.

The main warships that were marching over like magnificent mountains dominantly were often reduced to broken debris after being kissed by the glowing light balls, spurting out materials and fuel nonstop, which ran amok without any pattern. The warships seemed to have grown countless tentacles while they danced a dance of death crazily.

The Immortal Cultivators who were usually haughty and condescending were no different from the ants that they despised in the scorching magma and the surging torrents. They withered like the dry leaves in the autumn wind. Before they had a chance to utter a scream, they had already been reduced to insignificant grains of dust in space, mixed with the remains of starships into cold garbage.

Torn, pulled, disintegrated, and combined, Li Yao seemed to have spent a hundred years in one second, or walked ten billion kilometers in one step, when he appeared at the center of the space battlefield rather abruptly.

Although he had been through ten thousand four-dimensional jumps, he was still not used to the dizziness and the swirling after every jump.

It was particularly so for the jumps of super short distances. It was like the super shuttles that had been accelerated to the highest speed suddenly hit the brakes, reducing the speed to zero by force. There was no buffer, and tremendous damage could be caused to the body and the soul.

Li Yao’s internal organs and brains seemed to have run back and forth ten thousand times in only one second.

Although he was suppressing it with his spiritual energy in the Divinity Transformation Stage, he almost could not hold back the urge to vomit his heart, his livers, his kidneys, and his lungs out.

However, ignoring the minor sequela, it could be called a rather lucky and successful jump.

He did not land on the core of a certain planet or directly jump into the main reactor of a certain starship. While the odds of such incidents were low, some unfortunate guys could still run into them.

Li Yao had once seen the gory picture where somebody jumped into the reactor of a starship. He would rather be hung up and beaten to death by Blackstar the Great than end like that.

Li Yao hurried to discharge the buffer gel inside the spherical protection cabin and activated the detection and communication magical equipment that had filled up the cabin while boosting his telepathic thoughts to the maximum, allowing him to scan the battlefield and try to reach out to Boss Bai.

First of all, he needed to figure out where he was and where Lei Chenghu’s and Yun Xuefeng’s fleets were. The competition of almost a hundred thousand starships could be conducted in a battlefield with a diameter of millions of kilometers. One round of charge could easily cover hundreds of thousands of kilometers. It was barely possible to locate them with the naked eye.

The scanning magical equipment fed astronomical information back to the light beam, which surged toward Li Yao like a flood.

Li Yao’s brains were almost shrieking. He even regarded his ears and his nostrils as the cooling tubes, with steam popping out from there nonstop, while he processed the complicated data quickly and analyzed the traces of exhaust flames and the spiritual waves of the fleets of the two parties.

Very soon, dense, starry spots of light appeared on the tiny 3D light beam, gradually congregating into two oceans of light.

They were the exhaust flames of starships that the sensors had detected.

When both parties had accelerated the starships to the highest speed, the exhaust flames were at least five thousand degrees. The special fuel mixed in them was already releasing ultra-powerful radiations to the outside world incessantly. By scanning such radiations, it would be possible to basically decide the quantity and quality of the starships of the two parties, or even to infer the thoroughness of their battle formations and the abilities of their commanders.

By the same logic, when a starship charged at the full speed across a certain area, the spiritual waves that it unleashed incessantly would also leave clear traces of radiations behind.

It was like moving one’s finger on a glass window that was covered in dust. Obvious traces would certainly be left behind.

Those traces were the evidence to determine the trajectories of starships and to deduce the morale, battle formation, and combat ability of the two parties.

The spherical protection cabin that Li Yao boarded could’ve accommodated a dozen passengers, but since he was the only passenger, the rest of the seats were all removed and installed with the most advanced detection magical equipment of the Business Alliance of Ten Thousand Sectors. After only ten minutes, tremendous battlefield data had been collected, helping him to clearly outline the general picture of the two fleets.

Over a distance of millions of kilometers, it was naturally impossible to see the specific appearance of every warship in the Astounding Thunder Fleet, which was nothing more than a spot of light like a grain of sand.

However, all the light spots were combined together neatly into the most flawless object. During the high-speed movements, the object was also transforming nonstop, turning from a piton into a prism, from a prism to a tube, and from a tube to an absolutely accurate sphere.

It was like there were a pair of hands from a god that guided every starship and made them appear in the most appropriate place. They were playing the most perfect note—the note of death!

Even the traces of radiations after ten thousand starships passed by were not messy at all but absolutely parallel.

Such an accurate commanding ability was beyond the description of “perfect”; it was almost bloodcurdling.

Li Yao had never even seen such abilities in Boss Bai. Boss Bai was a space pirate in the beginning after all. Despite the enhancement of Yan Xinjian’s memories, his commanding ability focused more on unexpected, creative moves, and he had few battle cases of head-on clashes that were textbook moves.

Yun Xuefeng’s fleet on the other side actually commanded more starships than Lei Chenghu’s. However, their battle formation was more or less sparse and disrupted. Although they were also sprinting aggressively at full speed, the traces of radiations left behind were messy and crooked.

It was a sign of the gap of their commanding arts and their determination.

Yue Xuefeng was not nearly as good at commanding as Lei Chenghu was in the first place. Besides, his fleet was mixed with abundant warlords’ troops and miscellaneous troops, which were merely pressing forward under the coercion of the few Adamantine Super Arsenal Warships.

It was not hard to imagine the result of their collision.

The two dense oceans of light moved slowly and melted into each other. There was a moment when they seemed to be completely integrated.

However, in a charge that was close to the speed of light, just like a competition of the knights on horses in ancient times, neither party could control their speed. Very soon, they passed each other and swapped their sides.

After the encounter, countless spots of light died out in both oceans. The dying out of each spot represented the damage or even destruction of a starship.

At such a moment, it was easy to tell the huge gap in the abilities of the two parties in terms of commanding arts and training.

On Lei Chenghu’s side, although abundant light spots died out, the remaining light spots filled the vacancy as quickly as possible. Through the continuous changes and adjustments of the object, the flawless, immaculate battle formation was maintained.

The sphere was still the sphere, and the matrix was still the matrix, even though the size was slightly smaller than before.

Yue Xuefeng’s battle formation, on the other hand, was as broken as if it had been bitten by a dog. The black spots after many starships dimmed spread out nonstop like molds. A lot of light spots even withdrew from the ocean of light and ran away crazily. They were the warlords’ troops and the miscellaneous troops who could not take the losses anymore and started to desert.

As a result, it took Lei Chenghu only half an hour to regroup and turn around on the spot, prepared to charge again. However, Yun Xuefeng was still gathering the main forces and stopping the deserters. It was impossible for him to organize any effective battle formation.

Under such circumstances, he was even unable to evacuate in order. Any sign of backing off would immediately escalate into a catastrophic crash where everybody stomped on each other.

Li Yao sighed. Even an amateur like him could tell that Yun Xuefeng was about to fail.

Yun Xuefeng’s commanding abilities might not have been as lousy as they appeared. However, he had truly overestimated his prestige and underestimated the shamelessness of the warlords’ troops and the miscellaneous troops. The cost of swallowing abundant untrained soldiers was the plummet of the thoroughness and agility of the battle formation. Even the elite warships of the families that were tough could not carry out their real combat abilities because of the burden.

In Li Yao’s opinion, it would’ve been better if he hadn’t invited any other warlords’ troops and miscellaneous troops. He could’ve persisted longer if he were fighting the Astounding Thunder Fleet with only the loyal fleets of the Yun family!

However, the outcome of the duel between Yun and Lei was not within Li Yao’s concerns.

The only thing on his mind was how to break in without alarming anyone and meet with Lei Chenghu.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Hasty beeps echoed inside the communication channel. With the help of Xiaoming and Wenwen’s anti-interference abilities, he was finally reconnected to “Alloy Virus”!

However, Boss Bai brought him a piece of unexpected news.

Xiaoming and Wenwen did hack the command chain of the Astounding Thunder Fleet through the vulnerabilities on the identification system.

However, after searches, they discovered that Lei Chenghu had changed a new flagship.

Although it was also named as “Iron Torrent”, the brand-new flagship had been carefully selected by Li Linghai from abundant starships the reformists captured after occupying the capital and offered to Lei Chenghu after modifications as a symbol of the reformists’ respect for “God of War” Lei Chenghu.

The new flagship had just been sent to the battlefield. The internal structure and the relevant parameters were top secrets. Even Xiaoming and Wenwen could not find any usable data.

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