Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2637 - True Meaning of Civilization!

Chapter 2637: True Meaning of Civilization!

“I... will never fail!”

From the depths of the black sun, Wuying Qi’s roars of fury and embarrassment came over, which turned into overwhelming tides and extinguished quite a lot of flames on the red star, even contaminating the red star with appalling black spots. Inside every black spot was Wuying Qi’s aggressive will. “Division and chaos is the greatest enemy of mankind. Only by combining everybody’s thoughts and uniting all the human beings can we walk further in the dark universe. This is exactly my belief. Whoever dares to stop me will be an enemy of the Imperium, an enemy of the civilization, and an enemy of mankind!”

“Damn you!”

Li Yao virtualized a cluster of scorching magma with the red star and spat it at Wuying Qi’s soul brutally. “Open all the knowledge and information, make sure that everybody has the ability to consider for themselves and the future of the civilization independently, listen to the voices of the majority, understand their demands, and retrieve the greatest common divisor of everybody’s feelings and demands. That is how you should ‘combine everybody’s thoughts’. What you are doing right now, on the other hand, is to replace everybody’s thoughts with your own thoughts and to play the role of trillions of brains with your own brain!

“However huge your head may be, how can it compare to the wisdom of trillions of brains? No matter how you deny your difference with the Covenant Alliance, how can the serious trauma on the brains not affect logic thinking abilities or twist their feelings? Now, you have already created a batch of Imperial Guards who are destroying their hometown and killing their wives and children willingly. Are they any different from the people of the Covenant Alliance? This is the pot calling the kettle black!

“‘Saving’ the civilization of mankind in such a way is more ludicrous than quenching thirst with poison. It is you who are the enemy of the civilization!”


The brilliance of the telepathic thoughts collided again in such a powerful way that the whole mental battlefield seemed to be torn apart.

The ripples of their collision also spread to the hundreds of thousands of Imperial Guards who were absolutely loyal to Wuying Qi.

The marks on the heads of a lot of Imperial Guards began to loosen, which gradually gave them the realization that both the sweeping solar storm and the blast of “enlightenment” could’ve caused the most severe damage to their wives and children and a most destructive blow to the whole capital planet, their hometown.

However, in the past, they somehow overlooked the consequences subconsciously!

Was it really “subconscious”, and not because they were manipulated by a certain force that made them turn a blind eye to the calamities?

“What... What am I doing?”

Countless Imperial Guards covered their heads tightly. Pictures of their memories of the past surged out of their brains like a flood. Most of the pictures were about their family members whom they loved most.

Even the most coldhearted Immortal Cultivators who were devoted to training and competitions often had people they loved and certain things they strived for.

His Majesty’s tutelage was replaced by their wives’ nagging and their children’s laughter. Wuying Qi’s invincible, glorious image gradually turned into their family members whom they lived with every day and the hometown where they were born and raised. However, the solar storm was still getting more and more powerful, ripping the atmosphere of the capital planet and leaving it with holes. The magnetic field of the whole planet was seriously affected too. If the Gold Crystal Pyramid’s interferences on the sun continued and the intensity of the solar activities was improved to another level, nothing could possibly stop the destruction of their hometown and the demise of their families!

Those pictures were different from the lascivious pictures just now.

The pictures just now were only a brief stimulation. Everybody knew that it was the enemy’s vilification.

The Imperial Guards’ loyalty to Wuying Qi was enough for them to refocus their absolute trust and support for the “Almighty Emperor” after passing the initial chaos.

However, the pictures that originated from their memories, so real, so vivid, and so deeply mixed with love and pain, gradually shook their loyalty.

When a sovereign asked his subject to die, his subject had to die.

However, if a sovereign asked his subject’s wife and children to die in the most miserable way and even destroyed his subject’s hometown, was his subject really going to obey dutifully and even work as the executioner in person?


The Imperial Guards howled and questioned their souls on a deeper level again!

The universe in the mental battlefield was collapsing, showing the sign of collapse.

Wuying Qi’s soul, despite the enhancement of the star, could not support such a massive mental network any longer. Or rather, he was no longer able to control the people’s brains that began to think independently.

“What have you done?”

Sensing the gradual collapse of his mental network, Wuying Qi was more infuriated than ever, and his fiery tentacles that were stabbed at Li Yao expanded twice as large. “Most individuals are shortsighted, selfish, and ignorant. It will only lead to a catastrophe for all human beings if their minds and desires spread out infinitely. The corruption and decline of the Imperium today is the best proof! Don’t you agree with that too? Don’t you find the filthy scumbags of the four Kurfürst families despicable too?

“I can cut off the selfish and soiled ideas in most people’s heads and transform them into the most excellent warriors who fight for the civilization. This is an evolution of all human beings. This is a gigantic leap. What’s wrong with that? Why do you have to stop me?”

“It’s true that I don’t like the behavior of the scumbags of the four Kurfürst families, and I also acknowledge that the weaknesses of humanity exist in everybody. No matter how we train ourselves, it is absolutely impossible to erase them 100%. However, it doesn’t mean that I second your so-called ‘evolution’.”

Li Yao’s voice was louder and louder and more and more determined, raising thunderstorms that turned him into the most dazzling existence in the mental battlefield. “You don’t know the true meaning of ‘evolution’ at all. Evolution is never about being higher, faster, stronger, or smarter. Rather, it is about constantly changing the genes and trying and exploring all the possibilities. Most importantly, until an evolution proves to be apt for the changing environment, nobody can declare that it is ‘evolution’ at all!

“The environment changes on a tiny habitable planet were enough to let the dinosaurs, who were bigger and stronger, go extinct, but the seemingly unattractive weeds and ants survived. How many dominators of the old days have perished? Could they have foreseen the look of the dominators who replaced them? Furthermore, the grand universe that we are going to explore is bizarre and unpredictable. Who can tell what kind of dangers and opportunities we will encounter?

“How are you certain that you represent the correct direction of evolution when you know nothing? How are you confident that you will never make mistakes? If the ‘commander, master, and true god’ commits a mistake, how are you going to remedy and answer for it?

“If we have ten thousand ideas, even though 9,999 prove to be wrong, there will still be one that is correct. If we try ten thousand paths of evolution, some of them will definitely be able to help us cope with the new problems in the unknown universe. However, what you are doing is to wipe out the ten thousand ideas and paths of evolution and only preserve the one that you believe to be correct! If you are mistaken, hundreds of billions of people will also be mistaken. There won’t be any chance to make corrections!”

“I will not be mistaken.”

Wuying Qi roared, “I am never mistaken!”

“Is that so?”

Li Yao said casually, “Your words are hardly convincing for a listener who is watching you as you fight with eighteen men on the bed, Your Majesty!

“All in all, I admit that there has to be one fish that leads his clan to march onto the continent and embrace the new life. The problem is, how do we know that you, as the leading fish, is directing us to the continent, instead of the deepest trench? This is nothing personal. All I’m saying is that all the vainglorious dictators and saviors in history, no matter how brilliant and correct their ideas, slogans, and beliefs sound, have led everybody into trenches in most cases. It is needless to say that, while they led everybody into trenches, they also stomped on all the rules in the world and paid the prices that could’ve been avoided!”

“Are you hesitating because the price for the Next Sun Plan is too huge?”

Wuying Qi let out a low laugh. “Even the greatest price can’t be greater than the destruction of mankind. As long as the civilization of mankind can continue, any law can be stomped on, any morals can be shattered, any price should be paid, and everybody must be sacrificed!

“Remember the law of the universe. Always remember that survival is the primary and most important need of every civilization.”

“F*ck your law of the universe.”

Li Yao said coldly, “A long time ago, I also abided by the theory and regarded survival as the primary, if not the only, need of a civilization.

“However, after too many competitions of beliefs, and after seeing so many ambitious schemers using it as their cover, I gradually changed my view.

“Survival is the primary need of cockroaches, rats, hyenas, and jackals, but survival should never be the primary need of a civilization!

“If a civilization lives only for survival, is it any different from cockroaches, rats, hyenas, or jackals? Why is it shameless enough to call itself a civilization but not a collection of genes of selfishness?

“What is the definition of civilization? Splendid buildings, powerful weapons, highly-divided social structure, a long history... Is a civilization a civilization because it has those? At the very least, the Pangu civilizations’ alliance thought otherwise. They proposed their own definition; a real civilization is a civilization that is capable of destroying itself.

“I cannot agree with the Pangu civilizations’ alliance, and I have my own opinion. In my eyes, only when a civilization establishes a certain rule that is above their own instincts for survival and defends the rule whatever it takes, even if it means sacrificing at the critical moment, will the civilization be a real civilization!”

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