Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2654 - The War Between 2.0 and 3.0!

Chapter 2654: The War Between 2.0 and 3.0!

“Wow, incredible!”

Greatly enlightened, Li Yao applauded and said, “So, apart from Wuying Qi 1.0, Blackstar the Great actually has double personalities just like me, one righteous and the other evil. Or rather, one mild and the other extreme.

“All the unforgivable bad things, like detonating the sun to make the Empyreal Terminus Sector die with him, were done by the evil, extreme Wuying Qi and had nothing to do with the righteous, mild Wuying Qi. So, you do not need to be held responsible at all... Could you be more shameless?”

However tranquil Wuying Qi 3.0 was, there was still embarrassment on his face after Li Yao said that. He snorted and said, “Believe it or not, the truth is right before your eyes. Do you really think a minor cockroach and a random warrior from the primeval age could’ve resisted Blackstar the Great? If Wuying Qi 3.0 hadn’t fought Wuying Qi 2.0 determinedly and distracted 90% of his strength and computational abilities, do you think you could’ve won so easily?”


Li Yao was rather suspicious. “Are you serious?”

“Of course. Your scheme couldn’t have fooled Wuying Qi 2.0 if he were undisturbed.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 said casually, “It seemed that you confessed everything honestly, including your plan and the rough coordinates of the Star Glory Federation. You even submitted the half key to the Supreme Emperor’s mausoleum. However, I could’ve obtained them even if you did not volunteer to confess.

“The trap under the disguise of another trap on Li Jialing was the simplest trick. It was absolutely illogical that you brought Li Jialing to the capital planet. Something was definitely wrong. As long as you keep that in mind, you wouldn’t be fooled at all.

“If Wuying Qi 2.0 were alone, he would’ve reached a reasonable conclusion in half a second and killed you and Long Yangjun mercilessly without giving you any time to talk.

“But you were lucky. Really, too lucky. The critical moment of the Next Sun Plan was also the moment when the war between Wuying Qi 2.0 and Wuying Qi 3.0 was most heated, which occupied 90% of my computational abilities. That was why I misjudged again and again and eventually got killed by you.”

Li Yao was stunned again for a long time.

“You’re suggesting that—”

Frowning, he said, “The Blackstar the Great we resisted had actually been in serious mental dissociation all the time, and his two split personalities were fighting. As a result, he, or you, could only wield 10% of his strength and computation ability. But even so, we were still almost defeated by you?”

“That’s right.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 admitted frankly, “You only managed to defeat 10% of Wuying Qi 2.0 because I distracted 90% of him.”


Taking a deep breath, Li Yao said to Wuying Qi 3.0 in amazement, “I’ve crushed too many supervillains, and many of them made nasty remarks after their failure. But I have to say that I’ve never seen anyone bragging as refreshingly and creatively as you!”

“I understand your meaning, but I’m only speaking the truth without any exaggeration.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 smiled. “Also, I’m not claiming all the credit. I admit that you were the key to the battle and even my lifesaver.”


Li Yao was baffled. “If you defeated 90% of Wuying Qi 2.0, why was I the key and your lifesaver?”

“It was thanks to your ‘tricks’ that I finally defeated Wuying Qi 2.0. It’s even safe to say that I wasn’t really born, transforming from a manually-made ‘pseudo personality’ into a real personality and even a dominating main personality, until you played your tricks!”

Wuying Qi 3.0 said, “I had been subjected to Wuying Qi 2.0 and was only an ignorant existence. Although I knew his evilness and the truth of the Next Sun Plan, there was nothing I could do except harassing him now and then. It’s like the occasional pain in the bad guys’ hearts when they do bad things.

“However, when you tossed the two Cosmos Rings that stored the Colossi to Wuying Qi 2.0, and he clenched them to damage them, his belief completely collapsed. No, it made me realize that he was just a weakling without any belief and that I was the real Wuying Qi with pure faith. That’s how I was upgraded!

“I had to say that your plan was a complete success. Although Wuying Qi 2.0 destroyed the retrieval rune arrays of your Cosmos Rings, making it impossible for you to summon your Colossi, it also exposed his weakness and his lack of confidence in his charisma and appeal. How could he have defeated me if he did not trust himself?

“So, during that moment, I completely got rid of Wuying Qi 2.0’s control and gained powerful self-willing, raising Wuying Qi’s soul to an unprecedented level, which is Wuying Qi 3.0!

“To some extent, you’re my creator, or at the very least, you are the pusher for my birth. How can I not thank you and give part of Wuying Qi’s legacy to you?”

Li Yao was rendered speechless for a long time.

“So... mysterious?” he murmured.

“Not at all.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 said, “In the jargon of the ancient Cultivators, Wuying Qi had a new understanding during the battle against you and reached a higher level, and his soul went through drastic changes. Is it easier for you to understand now?”

“Well, maybe.”

Li Yao finally closed his mouth that had been opened for a long time. He thought for a moment and said, “Fine, if this is really your delay strategy, I’ll admit my failure. What you said is truly interesting.

“So, the evil Wuying Qi 2.0 has been replaced by you and is completely gone?”

“Not exactly. I only said that I got rid of him, not that I destroyed him.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 said, “I’m his mental devil, and he is mine. How can you destroy your mental devil so easily?”


Li Yao grew nervous again. He glanced around warily and asked, “Where is he? He’s not going to suddenly jump on my back, is he?”

“Rest assured. We’re alone here. I’ve already kicked the annoyance away.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 paused for a moment and said, “To be more exact, he left voluntarily. No matter how strong he used to be, he is always a coward without belief. He’s scared of you, who is shameless and sleazy, but determined. He dare not break into your brain at all, so he chose Li Jialing.

“During the moment of the self-detonation, we completely split apart. I entered your head, and he entered Li Jialing’s.

“The three... The four of us have all absorbed the power of the Imperial Fire Pearl. Yes, the Imperial Fire Pearl was complete at the beginning, but I knocked down a piece and gave the rest to you so that our souls could be subconsciously coordinated when we trained with the Imperial Fire Pearl.

“People of different blood types cannot transmit blood to each other. Souls have their ‘type’ too, which is much more complicated than blood type. However, the Imperial Fire Pearl could reduce the differences of our souls and increase the odds of a successful possession.”

“Are you kidding me?”

Greatly shocked, Li Yao meant to grab Wuying Qi 3.0’s collar and shake him, but he caused nothing but ripples between the two shadows. “You waited such a long time to tell me such an important thing? What are you going to do to Jialing? Just leave him alone already!”

“It has nothing to do with me. It’s only about him, the idiotic Wuying Qi 2.0.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 looked at Li Yao, undisturbed. “Why so anxious? Do you have no confidence in Li Jialing at all? Do you not believe that he can resist and even swallow the remains of Wuying Qi 2.0 with his own power now that he’s awakened?

“Rest assured, Li Jialing will be fine. When he was possessed, I had a close contact with his soul. His potential is greater than anyone’s imagination. His soul is so brilliant and perfect, and it’s nothing like your messy, jumbled, and abnormal soul.

“What about Wuying Qi 2.0? Weakling. From the beginning to the end, he has always been a hilarious and pitiful weakling. He got the Blood God’s heritage by luck, which granted him enormous strength but not a powerful mind. Under the seemingly invulnerable shell, he’s but a soft caterpillar deep down in his soul.

“How can such a Wuying Qi 2.0 possess Li Jialing again when he only has broken pieces of his soul? In my opinion, he will only humiliate himself again when he struggles to survive. In the end, he will still die in the most shameful way. Even his memories, experience, and strength might be swallowed by Li Jialing!”

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