Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2659 - The Blood God’s Mutation!

Chapter 2659: The Blood God’s Mutation!

“The competition of beliefs?”

Interested, Li Yao asked, “So, the war between the Supreme Emperor and the Blood God was not for the highest power?”

“Not just for power, of course.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 smiled and said, “The desire for the highest power alone was not enough to support the Blood God against the Supreme Emperor’s pressure. He would’ve been crushed by the Supreme Emperor easily the moment he rebelled.

“No, it was not about power—at least not the insignificant power in this hopelessly depressing universe, but the power on the vast, unknown lands.

As Wuying Qi 3.0 explained, the blood that popped above the pool like fire suddenly expanded and enshrouded the whole universe, before it split into thousands of drops of blood that were in the shape of warships.

It was the Blood God’s unprecedented fleet that was made of blood!

“When the Star Ocean Imperium had just been established, and the standard Type-I Humans were reclaiming the universe and crushing the Type-II Humans that were commonly known as demons, the Blood God never coveted the highest power or thought to betray the Supreme Emperor.”

Wuying Qi said, “At that time, the surviving demons had indeed reached out to him, proposing that all the demons would listen to his command as long he betrayed the Supreme Emperor and initiated a civil war within the Star Ocean Imperium.

“But the Blood God was unmoved. As a clone made of the Supreme Emperor’s desire for slaughter and conquest, he was already fulfilled by exploring new worlds and killing his enemies. He enjoyed slaughters and conquests and was not interested in political power at all. So, he did not plan to betray the Supreme Emperor at all.

“Just like that, the Blood God explored and destroyed worlds one after another like the most perfect slaughter machine. He found all the Type-II Humans hiding in the corners of the universe and killed them, including the newborn babies. He was satisfied and grew stronger in the carnage.

“As the demons fled, the expedition army was further and further away from the Supreme Emperor’s radiance. They entered the darkest Sectors at the border of the cosmos. Due to the long supply lines and the occasional space storms that disrupted the communication of his branch fleets, the war was not as smooth as before.

“However, the Blood God was not bothered at all. Yet, something he looted from demons made him consider the significance of life, war, and civilization.”

In the picture behind Wuying Qi 3.0, a human made of blood was deep in thought in the middle of countless jade chips.

Fascinated, Li Yao couldn’t help but ask, “What was it exactly?”

“It’s the origin and the destiny of demons.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 said, “Who I am, where I’m from, and where I’m going to... Those Type-II Humans were interested in those questions too. Almost every monarch of the demon dynasties during the thirty thousand years of Great Darkness had been seeking the origin of the Chaos Water that created demons. Do you know that?”

“I know a thing or two.”

Recalling the research products in Kunlun, Li Yao said, “The demons forty thousand years ago were created by an ancient Cultivator named Ba Yanzhi. It was Ba Yanzhi who discovered the long-sealed Chaos Water, a mysterious black liquid that could activate certain genes in the human body and turn humans into demons.

“However, Ba Yanzhi was only the discoverer of the Chaos Water, not its inventor. The Chaos Water can be traced back to the primeval war hundreds of thousands of years ago, when the Nuwa Clan created the first demons and enlisted them in a special force.”

“That’s correct. You’re much more knowledgeable than I expected. It seems that you are destined to become the master of the Gold Crystal Pyramid.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 smiled and said, “In the primeval era, the thirteen carbon-based lives gathered the essence of their genes and created a brand-new species named ‘human being’ for various purposes—to make a perfect tool, to unify their appearance so that the alliance would be more solid, or to preserve the embers of their civilization so that they could live through the long periods when there were few resources.

“The main designer of human beings was the Nuwa Clan.

“The human beings at the beginning certainly did not look like us right now. At that time, the perfect gene strands of the thirteen carbon-based lives hadn’t been found yet, so infinite ‘experimental humans’ were created. Many mystical creatures we know today are actually the abnormal, experimental humans, who were the failed versions before us.

“Eventually, the genetic engineers and life designers of the Nuwa Clan, after thousands of failures, finally created two successful models.

“Type-I Humans kept their primeval genes deep inside their gene strands. They did not have many abilities, but they also consumed minimal resources. They could even live for almost a hundred years and pass on their genes without any spiritual energy as long as there were air, food, and water.

“However, once Type-I Humans were placed in an environment of abundant spiritual energy, they would be able to activate their potential and become as strong as the primeval experts.

“They were like some sort of... spore, which could live with or without oxygen. Their ability to survive without spiritual energy was something that the primeval clans could never achieve. So, they’re a very successful model.

“After designing the basic model, the Nuwa Clan went further and designed an upgraded model, which could survive and even attack fiercely even when there were few resources. They were Type-II Humans, known as demons.

“The Nuwa Clan’s design was not a complete success this time. Type-II Humans focused too much on their physical abilities that their potential was suppressed and their gene strands became unstable, resulting in malign mutations during reproduction. Obviously, it was not the best model in the long run.

“However, the shortcoming of Type-II Humans was tolerable, especially on a battlefield. Since Type-II Humans did not need much training to fight, they were much more excellent soldiers than Type-I Humans were. When the war between the Nuwa Clan and the Pangu Clan burst out, the Nuwa Clan manufactured copious Type-II Humans as their warriors.

“What I’m trying to say is that demons, or Type-II Humans, are closer to the Nuwa Clan than we, the standard Type-I Humans, are. The leaders of the demons gathered too many secrets on the Nuwa Clan during the thirty thousand years of reign, but now the Blood God obtained them.

“The Blood God read the heritages of the Nuwa Clan, including the remains of the Book of Revelation. He finally learned of the truth of the universe, or rather, the ‘multiverse’, as you put it.”

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao said prudently, “The Blood God learned that there were universes beyond our universe and that as long as we crossed the boundless black wall outside of the three thousand Sectors, we would see an unknown but brilliant place that was the destiny of our civilization?”

“That’s right.”

Wuying Qi 3.0 said, “It was also the reason why the Nuwa Clan fought the Pangu Clan. The Nuwa Clan wanted to go out, but the Pangu Clan wanted to stay back for at least several million years. The war destroyed the primeval civilizations but not the Nuwa Clan’s ambition, which somehow ended up in the Blood God’s heart.

“In the meantime, while unveiling the truth of the universe with the heritages of the Nuwa Clan, the Blood God also heard the calling of the extraterritorial devils.

“As we said before, the so-called ‘extraterritorial devils’ are actually the last words of the destroyed civilizations beyond the black wall, which contain their precious technologies, wildest ambitions, or infinite rage. Those things crept into the Blood God’s head and allured him to go beyond the black wall and claim all the treasures of the bygone civilizations for mankind!

“Most Cultivators are too weak to understand the information that the extraterritorial devils carried. They either go mad or simply execute the extraterritorial devils.

“However, with the heritages of the Nuwa Clan, the Blood God was able to understand those last words, which informed him of the vastness and prosperity of the grand universe and made him eager to explore and conquer it!”

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