Chapter 2677: Good News

At this moment, Ding Lingdang was standing in the cold wind above the Land of Eternal Night with her hands behind her back.

Her red hair was burning like fire, forming a scarlet field around her that vaporized the ice in the cold wind when it reached her into popping steam, making her look even more mysterious and magnificent.

Having been a leader for two years, Ding Lingdang’s previous aggression was gone, and she seemed much more mature than before. However, her eyes that were glittering in the wild wind and the dark night were telling everyone that she was as unstoppable as before.

The ice that had been frozen for thousands of years was cracking under Ding Lingdang’s passionate eyes.

Twelve Colossi were floating in the wind behind Ding Lingdang and suppressing the freezing land like twelve pillars.

These twelve Colossi looked entirely different from the models of the federation or the Imperium. They seemed more vintage and primitive.

They were exactly the Twelve Gold Statues of Cloud Qin. The Cloud Qin Dynasty, the first regime that united the Ancient Sages Sector, couldn’t have made the accomplishment without the twelve Colossi.

Later, the twelve Colossi were gradually abandoned due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy and the battle damage. When it came to the Great Qian Dynasty, nobody even knew where they were anymore.

However, after the Ancient Sages Sector joined the Star Glory Federation, people of the Star Glory Federation developed the Ancient Sages Sector with brand-new scanners, exploring both the mines and relics below the ground and the dark space outside of the planet.

Countless experts of the Ancient Sages Sector had died on their way to the realm of deities because of the lack of resources in the cold and dark vacuum.

In fact, how far could they have gone without a starship even if they were in the Divinity Transformation Stage or even the Divinity Branching Stage?

Those predecessors and the treasures that they carried were mostly floating on the orbit of the planet as space junk, until they were located by the Cultivators of the federation.

Just like that, the remains and legacies of tremendous predecessors were dug out and repaired by the specialists of the federation and the Black Wind Fleet, who also recovered a lot of marvelous arts that had unique characteristics of the primeval age, thereby significantly strengthening the federation.

Besides, a Nuwa warship was deeply buried in the Land of Eternal Night, and there was a Pangu base below it. Colossi that were almost intact could be found in both the warship and the base.

If those Colossi were repaired, the federation would definitely have the most Colossi per capita, even if the total number of their Colossi was not as good as that of the Imperium or the Covenant Alliance yet…

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Deafening explosions were rumbling in the sky.

They were the noises when the anti-gravity rune arrays on starships were fully activated.

Ding Lingdang raised her head and saw thousands of warships of the federation arriving at the Land of Eternal Night. The brilliant exhaust flames from the warships tore the dim sky apart and set it ablaze.

Hum! Hum! Hum! Hum!

The thousands of federal warships projected their force fields to the center of the Land of Eternal Night. More and more ice was cracking, and some rocks were protruding like tusks while others were collapsing into dents. As the earth trembled, the Nuwa warship was clearer and clearer. It was shivering as if it had been reinvigorated by the thousands of warships in the sky and seemed to be breaking out at any moment!

This was the reason why Ding Lingdang had to come to the Land of Eternal Night today.

After two years of prospecting and preparation, the federation was finally going to dig out the Nuwa warship that had been buried for hundreds of thousands of years!

Due to the special weather on the Land of Eternal Night, the warship had been sealed in ice and was still intact despite the passage of time.

When Long Yangjun fled a few years earlier, she only took away an escape capsule and did not destroy the overall structure of the warship.

After two years of studies, the specialists of the federation determined that the warship was still powerful and that if it was dug out and added with modules that would make it easier for human beings to control it, the warship would be the most powerful warship in the Pangu universe!

It was certainly a big thing. Also, it involved the Pangu base that was beneath the Nuwa warship, which could lead to a disaster if any accident happened. Therefore, many top experts, including Ding Lingdang herself, had arrived in person to supervise the excavation of the Nuwa warship.

Thankfully, the excavation went quite well. The ice near the Nuwa warship was heated and melted first, the hard rocks were shattered by soundwave cannons, and then the Nuwa warship was slowly pulled out by hundreds of thousands of ropes to make sure that it would not fall and cause any accident.

“Hooray! Hooray!”

As they watched the warship from hundreds of thousands of years ago be reclaimed by the federation, the specialists and workers who had been working hard for two years in the depths of the Land of Eternal Night cheered and cried with tears of joy.

Even Ding Lingdang was in a trance as she stared at the glamorous patterns on the shell of the Nuwa warship, finding it hard to believe that the federation, which had been dwarfed by the Blood Demon Sector in the past, had grown to such an extent.

“Masteress! Masteress!”

Ding Lingdang heard a feeble voice among the raging wind and the noises of the warships.

She smiled. She had distinguished the master of the voice and did not expect that she would come.

When she turned back, she saw a silver super shuttle rushing to her like a crescent moon or a saber.

The pilot of the super shuttle seemed to think that she could be faster. She simply leaped out of the vehicle and jumped to Ding Lingdang with her enormous spiritual energy.

The guards from the Secret Sword Bureau, greatly shocked, tried to stop her.

“That’s unnecessary. She’s with me.”

Ding Lingdang waved her hand with a smile. The guards immediately felt that they were pushed back to their places by a gentle force.

Speaking of which, those guards had always been awkward. They had been responsible for the safety of the Speakers, but Ding Lingdang was certainly different from any of the previous Speakers. If any accident happened, it would remain to be seen who protected whom!

The person leaped agilely in the cold wind as if she were moonlight. When she drew near, all the guards’ portable crystal processors buzzed and showed her identity—Jin Xinyue, the former president of the Dim Moon Foundation and one of the two heads of special agents of the federation!

Ever since she almost made an unforgivable mistake in the battle to defend the federation because of the Dim Moon Plan she initiated, Jin Xinyue had resigned from the leadership of the federation and stopped showing up in public anymore.

However, she was certainly not a woman who would enjoy her retirement.

Over the past two years, she had been in charge of the communication with the Imperium. The intelligence from the Imperium had been analyzed and processed by the new department she established.

“Updates from Li Yao again?”

Ding Lingdang could easily tell it from Jin Xinyue’s excitement.

Jin Xinyue wouldn’t have passed the intelligence in person so hastily if it were only a piece of regular intelligence obtained by the Black Wind Fleet.

It must be the updates on Li Yao, who probably had caused great trouble again.

When she recalled the message that Li Yao sent last time, Ding Lingdang was amused again, wondering whether she should feel happy or angry.

She had given birth to two children without her knowing it!

“Yes, but it’s 100% good news this time!”

Jin Xinyue said quickly, “My master… My master killed Blackstar the Great in person and helped the reformists occupy the heart of the Imperium!”


Though Ding Lingdang had been through plenty of big events in the past two years, and Li Yao had told her a thing or two about it in his previous message, she was still dumbfounded for a long time. “Blackstar the Great? How could Li Yao have run into him? Is Li Yao fine?”

“It’s true, and it’s indeed rather… unbelievable. But I think my master is fine. Anyway, you’ll know everything after you check this jade chip!”

Jin Xinyue gave the jade chip that stored the intelligence from the Imperium to Ding Lingdang.

“Well, well…”

Before she activated the jade chip, Ding Lingdang had started laughing. “It’s good that he’s fine. He’s really a troublemaker anywhere he goes, but he always resolves the trouble in his own way.

“Blackstar the Great? You were truly unlucky to run into Li Yao.

“Today is really an exciting day for us. We’ve got a Nuwa warship and a piece of good news from Li Yao! What are you waiting for? Now, spread out all the details where Li Yao defeated Blackstar the Great to the whole Star Glory Federation so that all the Cultivators and federal citizens will be more courageous knowing what a fearless man Li Yao is!”

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