Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2763 - Devil’s Child” Project

Chapter 2763: “Devil’s Child” Project

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Faced with the bewildered and frightened teenagers of Class 1, the three shadows clapped their hands with fake smiles at first, before they tapped their forehead, lips, and chest with their hands to show the highest courtesy of the Holy Alliance. Xia Yuren, dean of the Holy Light Institute, said softly, “Congratulations, students. You’ve just completed a marvelous test and provided a lot of valuable data for our research. You’ve made great contributions to the most sacred cause in the universe.

“I know that you are very confused and scared right now. There is no need for you to be confused or scared. Believe me. Whatever appears in front of you must be the guidance of the gods. Whatever is imposed on you must be the blessing of the gods. You just need to be calm and accept it.

“Ah. Today, two distinguished guests from afar were asked by the Great Sage to come here and celebrate your grand graduation ceremony’. It is not hard to tell how much the Great Sage values you, the Children of Holy Light’. This is Lieutenant General Qiu Yuanjia, commander of the ‘Ninth Purifying Troop’. She is a loyal and keen senior Purifier. As for this… Let’s call her ‘Ms. Zhou Xiuyun’. Her name is just a code name. The most important thing is the gift that the gods bestowed upon her. She is one of the best Meditation Healers and brain experts in the entire Sanctuary. She is also the supervisor of the ‘Devil’s Child Project’. In the next few years, she will replace me as your guardian. I believe that you will get along very well.”

“Hello, everyone.”

In the morning, in front of Tang Ka and Chu Zhiyun, ‘Zhou Xiuyun’ was still unkempt and anxious. But right now, she was a completely different person. She seemed to be enshrouded in a faint mist. Although she was greeting the students with a smile, she was looking at the young men as if they were lab rats.

All the teenagers took a step back in fear because of her cold and merciless eyes.

Chu Zhiyun was in disbelief, too. It was not until their eyes met that she realized what was going on.

What is going on?

In a trance, Chu Zhiyun mumbled, “The so-called ‘ultimate test’ is simply a lie. No. Not just the ‘ultimate test’. The entire Holy Light Academy, including those who want to train us, the Children of Holy Light, into ‘purifiers’, are all fakes! From the very beginning, we were never selected and trained for the purpose of purifiers’. Lies. Everything is a lie. The entire Holy Light Academy is a lie!”

“It’s true that you boast keen insight and thorough thinking ability, just like your mother. That’s why we picked you and you.

‘Zhou Xiuyun’, the supervisor of the ‘Devil Child Project’, said calmly, “It’s true that you are not fostered to purify the troops. The selection criteria of the ordinary purifiers are not very high. Those who are slightly stronger than the ‘soldier bees’ and the ‘worker bees’ can fill the vacancy. When necessary, the cold spiritual puppets can complete the simple purification tasks. It is not worth building a ‘School of Holy Light’ and investing a lot of precious resources to nurture you.

“No, you are a hundred times more important than the ‘Purifier’. Don’t let your imagination run wild and think too lowly of yourselves. There is a reason why you entered the ‘School of Holy Light’. You all carry extremely special genes and are one-in-ten-thousand abnormal people’. You have a mission that is a hundred times more difficult and sacred than the ‘Purifier’. And you have ‘luckyly not let down’ and completed your mission very well without you knowing it. Especially in the ‘Ultimate Test’, many people released their natural instincts to their heart’s content and displayed the deepest secrets of their genes. Liao Meng, Chu Zhiyun, and even the once inconspicuous Tang Ka. Uncontrollable and extremely powerful strength and will burst forth from the depths of your hearts. It’s truly amazing. You can’t help but want to praise the gods for creating the perfection of our kind of life.”

While talking, Zhou Xiuyun made a gesture of praise the gods’.

Chu Zhiyun, on the other hand, was shivering. There was no telling whether she was angry or scared. She asked in a shivering voice, “If we are not purifiers, what are we exactly?”

“You are the Children of Holy Light.

Zhou Xiuyun replied casually, “Or rather, ‘Devil’s Child’.”

“Devil’s Child?”

Chu Zhiyun ground his teeth and chewed on the title with his molars. “What is a ‘devil child’?”

Zhou Xiuyun didn’t answer him directly. Instead, she opened her arms, and ivory brilliance of holiness and brilliance flowed out of her body, as if she had turned into pure white, fluffy wings on her back. Even her voice sounded more airy and transparent. She said from the bottom of her heart. “Praise be to the gods for creating all things in the universe and us. Even before we fell into eternal rest, they had already planned our fate and bestowed upon us the special and sacred abilities of the five great masters. We can read the prophecy and miracles left by the gods.

“It was with the analysis of our master that we were able to excavate countless treasures left by the gods of the primeval era and recreate the most powerful technologies and wonders of the past. We also awakened the powerful techniques that the gods left in the depths of our cells, which could move mountains and overturn seas

and destroy the world.

“Therefore, with the prophecy and gifts of the gods, the guidance and interpretation of the Great Master, and the

loyalty and devotion of the citizens, the alliance of the Holy Accord was established and consolidated. With the barren fear and resources in the sea of stars, the darkness in the center of the sea of stars was driven away and the devils that corrupted the universe were eliminated. Light, harmony, and order were brought to the entire


“However, as you all know, the battle between light and darkness has lasted for millions of years and has never been able to determine the final winner. Even though the gods shed their last drop of blood for the war and

finally banished and sealed the devils at the edge of the universe, the evil existences known as ‘Extraterrestrial Demons’ are still restless and want to corrupt and corrupt the most perfect creation of the gods—we.

“It’s a pity that, when we were created by the gods, the shadow of the extraterrestrial devils had been looming over our heads. We were born with the original sin that we could not get rid of. It was very easy for the extraterrestrial devils to invade and corrupt us.

“If it were normal pollution, where the feelings and desires that shouldn’t exist were triggered by the extraterrestrial devils and we were controlled by the bestial instincts, there wouldn’t have been much damage.

“But if you are corrupted by the extraterrestrial devils to the level of logic, not only will you have wild emotions and animalistic desires, you will also have rebellious thoughts. You will question the leadership of the Great Sage and even question the existence of the gods. Such dangerous people are not ordinary ‘contaminators of the extraterrestrial devils’, but ‘heretics’!

Zhou Xiuyun’s tone was sharper and sharper. When she said ‘heresy’, her teeth seemed to have turned into two

sharp guillotines that were going to cut every word into pieces.

“Doubt the existence of the gods!”

All the Children of Holy Light gasped, including Chu Zhiyun and Tang Ka.

Although they had fallen into a ridiculous and tricky trap and even discovered that their life over the past ten years might have been a sham, their trust in the Great Master and their belief in the gods were still deeply engraved in their hearts.

Even the most rebellious Chu Zhiyun did not dare to imagine a world without gods.

The ‘heretics’ were truly insane!

“The ‘heresy’ is the most fatal threat for the entire Sanctuary Alliance. In many cases, it is even more dangerous than our external enemies, the Imperium of True Human Beings.

Zhou Xiuyun explained, “The ‘heretics’ are not like the ordinary ‘contaminators’ of the extraterrestrial devils. They may not show strong emotions and desires, nor will they be driven by the low-level emotions and lust. Instead, they focus their attention on the things of a higher level. They will even disguise their feelings and thoughts and pretend to be the most loyal believers and warriors of the gods so that they can crawl into the leadership of the entire Sanctuary Alliance. Our central nerves and our ‘brain’ will trick more people into believing their wrong thoughts and gradually expand the range of their pollution. The innocent and innocent citizens of the Sanctuary Alliance will be greatly confused.

“Take the war in the Black Wind Defense Line, one of the most important defense lines of the Imperium of True Human Beings, for example.

“At that time, the entire defense line of the Imperium of True Human Beings collapsed, and tens of thousands of starships were in chaos. It was a great opportunity for the fleet of the Sanctuary Alliance to crush the imperium and restore the glory of the gods to the entire universe.

“But because of the appearance of an extremely dangerous ‘heresy’ in our organization, countless people were persuaded to join her evil organization in order to compete with the five great sages. The great sages were forced to devote a lot of precious resources, soldiers, and computational ability to internal cleansing, which eventually led to the failure of the frontline. In the end, the imperium managed to secure the second defense line, which was a tug-of-war that lasted a hundred years.


The young men had studied the entire process of the Battle of Black Wind a hundred years ago in the ‘School of Holy Light’. They did not know that there was such an internal reason for the retreat of the Holy Alliance.

Even Li Yao was secretly surprised. He thought to himself that the fall of the Black Wind Sector a hundred years ago was indeed the starting point of everything. Countless turbulent events in the future, including the expedition of the Black Wind Fleet to the Star Glory Federation, the rise of ‘God of War’ Lei Chenghu, the opportunity for the Infinite Commerce Alliance to control the economy and trade of the world outside the imperium, and the glamorous return of the Black Wind King, were all related to the war.

Right now, even the ‘heresy’ inside the Sanctuary had shown up!

There was no way that the ideology of human beings could be blocked or exterminated. As long as human beings had a highly developed logical thinking ability, it was impossible for them to stop the birth of all kinds of weird ideas. As far as Li Yao was concerned, it was impossible for the opinions of the five supreme masters to be completely unified. They all had their own ideas and plans. Therefore, it was not strange at all that a few Theretics’ were born in the internal strife of the leadership.

However, he could not figure out how the ‘heresy’ of the leadership was related to the so-called ‘devil children’..

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