Chapter 2857: Armageddon

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“We are actually the common descendants of the prehistoric civilization, the Flood Tide Legion, and the Pangu Civilization Alliance. We are the ultimate form of the most perfect carbon-based intelligent life!

Despite his calmness, Lu Qingchen could not help but be dazed when he heard such shocking news.

Li Yao was so excited that he felt proud of himself.

Fuxi’s words might be false, but they were not necessarily false. The biggest proof was that the civilization of magic—the civilization of magic from the depths of the multiverse—was in the form of a human being. Except for its golden hair and blue eyes, it was almost no different from the human beings

in the Pangu Universe.

Also, wasn’t the Earth in Li Yao’s dream a common home for human beings in various forms? If the ‘Earth’ and the ‘Flood Tide’ were closely related, it meant that the ‘human form’ was the most common form in the multiverse that was enveloped by the Flood Tide.

Generally speaking, the most common form on the road of evolution was the strongest form. Survival of the fittest. Those who were not strong enough were eliminated.

The prehistoric civilization, the Pangu civilization, the Flood Tide Legion, the Flood Tide, and the Earth in the uncanny dream are all connected. What is the relationship between them exactly?

Li Yao pondered.

“No. You lied to me!”

After a moment of excitement, Lu Qingchen regained his calmness, too. He said solemnly, “If ‘human beings’ are really the carriers of a new generation of civilization that you’ve pinned your hopes on, why would you regard human beings as tools and even plant the hateful barriers such as the three

fundamental laws of kindness in the souls of human beings?

“Can’t you understand such a simple logic?”

“Because it involves a lot of ethical obstacles. Not every individual of the Pangu civilization is willing to abandon their original form forever. In the eyes of many, abandoning their form is the same as abandoning their own civilization.

“If the genes of the prehistoric civilization and the Pangu civilization were combined, would the offspring be considered the ‘authentic’ Pangu Clan?

“Not to mention that the genes of the captives of the Flood Tide Legion have been corrupted by the claws and teeth of the Flood Tide.

“Can such a man-made ‘son of a bitch’ really carry on the great tradition of the Pangu civilization instead of nurturing the gravediggers of the Pangu civilization?

“You see, such questions are almost impossible to answer. If we state from the beginning that we are creating a new carbon-based life form because everyone’s life form is too backward and must be eliminated, how many people do you think will support and object?

“If it is announced to the public like that, the civil war of the Pangu civilization will break out hundreds of thousands of years in advance.


Lu Qingchen was dazed for a moment. “That’s true.”

“Exactly. Haven’t you suffered the same thing yourself?”

“It’s like you suddenly told your compatriots that the form of our body of flesh and blood is too backward. For the leap of our civilization, we have to change into the brand-new form of ‘virtual world, super spiritual net, and metal puppets’. Although you meant well, how many compatriots will accept it?

They will still regard you as a devil and kick you out. Your grand plan will be ruined, too.

“Indeed, the masses are blind. It’s impossible for them to accept such radical changes. There are also the so-called experts who are timid, hypocritical, and cling to the weak. They shout blood-boiling, childish slogans like high school students. They spare no effort to hinder the advancement of


Lu Qingchen gnashed his teeth. He suddenly came back to himself and stared at the light of the Fuxis with wariness. He sneered, “Wait. You said that you were not interested in my secrets, but in fact, you collected a lot of information about me and the Star Glory Federation without alarming anyone. You

even know most of the reasons why I was banished. Should I applaud your intelligence collection ability?”

“Tjust want you to understand the necessity of the ‘manufacturing plan’.

Fuxi changed the topic. “It is unlikely that you will build a lot of metal puppets to replace the flesh and blood of human beings on the grounds of ‘release of version and restart of civilization’. But if you do, you will receive the support of the general public and endless resources.

“At that time, only a few people knew the whole truth. In order to avoid the moral contradiction and the swirl of opposition, they had to carry out the ‘birth plan’ in secret with the excuse of ‘making new tools—human beings’.


Pondering for a moment, Lu Qingchen asked, “As you said, with the Pangu Clan and the Nuwa Clan working together, the plan should’ve gone very well. Why did it develop into... mutual destruction in the primeval war?”

“Yes. The development over the past tens of thousands of years has been very smooth.

“We have digested a lot of technology brought by the schemer and the Flood Tide Legion. Without the interference of emotions, the order of society is more and more stable. The friction of society is smaller and smaller, and the efficiency of the utilization of resources is higher and higher. On the other

hand, the research of the Nuwa Clan has made breakthroughs, too. Several different forms of human experiment subjects have been created.

“In only tens of thousands of years, the Pangu civilization has advanced several levels from the peak of perfection. It seems that everything is within the calculation of the ‘Fuxi System’. There won’t be any mistakes.

“However, no matter how great the computational ability of the ‘Fuxi System is, it is impossible to calculate the soul of every individual of the Pangu Civilization. There must be something that cannot be sealed or deleted deep inside their soul.

“Nobody knows how the civil war began.

“Maybe it was because of the disagreement and disagreement about the allocation of resources and computational ability. The Pangu Clan hoped to devote more resources to the comprehensive purification of the entire civilization as well as the research on starships and the black market, while the Nuwa

Clan was obsessed with the ‘manufacturing plan’ and hoped to pour all the endless resources into the most perfect carbon-based creatures such as human beings.

“Maybe, when I was studying the captives of the Flood Tide Legion in the beginning, I didn’t delete the lost and furious parts deep inside their genes. As a result, some evil things were revived.

“Maybe, the fact that the Pangu Expeditionary Army broke out of the black curtain tore a giant hole in the black curtain in the first place, allowing all kinds of complicated information from the space zones to march in and interfere with and infect the individuals of the Pangu civilization, namely the

‘demonic invasion’.

“Allin all, the Pangu civilization was completely divided when it should not have been.

“A civil war broke out.

“In the beginning, the Pangu Clan, as the leader of the coalition, had the absolute advantage. Not only did they have the strongest forces and the most resources, they also had the full support of the other eleven carbon-based species besides the Nuwa Clan. Pangu, Kuafu, Gonggong, Zhurong, Houyi

They suppressed the Nuwa Clan with almost twelve species.

“However, the Nuwa Clan has its own key to victory.

“Firstly, the Nuwa Clan was in control of the highest clearance and most of the computational ability of the ‘Fuxi System’. The number of computational centers and nodes of the Spiritual Nexus that were controlled by the Nuwa Clan was much higher than that of the Pangu Clan.

“It can’t be helped. ‘Gene fusion to create human beings’ requires prolonged high-intensity computation of the super crystal processors in order to make a breakthrough. As the leader of the ‘manufacturing plan’, it is only natural that the Nuwa Clan controls more than half of the ‘Fuxi System.

“Secondly, in the studies of the captives of the Flood Tide Legion and the technology of the Flood Tide, the Nuwa Clan has gone further than the Pangu Clan and the other species. The ‘Tenebrum Energy’, which is considered taboo for ordinary people, has been secretly weaponized and put into combat.

“Thirdly, and most importantly, the Nuwa Clan has natural allies, which are the newly-created legions of human beings.

“The newborn human beings are still weak and insignificant, but they’ve shown the advantages of high reproductive ability and low energy consumption. Even if the combat ability of a human being is only one percent of that of the Pangu Clan, they are still terrifying existences if they can reproduce a

hundred times faster than the Pangu Clan at the cost of only one tenth of the resources of the Pangu Clan.

“Of course, both sides have ‘manufacturing factories’ and human servants. But the factories under the Pangu Clan’s control were all handed over to them by the Nuwa Clan after they were built. The workers inside are all the old models and the low-level versions of human beings. The Pangu Clan does not

dare to release the autonomous permissions of human beings, either. They cannot bring out the full combat ability of human beings at all.

“In the meantime, the Nuwa Clan experimented and eliminated all kinds of new models and versions of human beings on the harsh battlefield. They improved and strengthened the performance of human beings on the battlefield. In such a way, human beings grasped all kinds of techniques and awakened

the ability to learn and upgrade themselves. In the end, they even invented strategical weapons such as the ‘Giant God Soldier’, which was as powerful as the deities and devils, and finally rivaled the twelve carbon-based species led by the Pangu Clan!

“A war of equal strength is also known as the cruelest war. For ten thousand years, our universe was enveloped in the apocalyptic flames of war. Countless stars were extinguished, and ten times more planets were ignited. Billions of creatures perished together with their mother planet before they had the

chance to scream. Needless to say, the iron torrents that were built up after countless generations of blood, sweat, and tears were turned into broken iron coffins by each other’s slaughter. They drifted in the turbulence of super radiation and eventually shattered into lackluster scraps!

“As people feared a long time ago, once the civil war of the Pangu Civilization broke out, no carbon-based species would be the winners. Pangu, Nuwa, and the other eleven species that were as strong as deities were all burnt to the ground and annihilated.

“This is the end of the primeval era, but it is the dawn of mankind.. I didn’t expect that the so-called ‘restart of civilization’ would be staged in such a cruel way!

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