Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2864 - Unpredictable Dust

Chapter 2864: Unpredictable Dust

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi! Zi!

The electric arcs that it injected into Lu Qingchen’s soul were still strengthening, turning from deep purple to incandescent. Not only was Lu Qingchen’s soul being torn apart, even streams of data that looked like smoke were popping up, as if they were trying to burn Lu Qingchen’s soul into ashes.

Even Lu Qingchen, who could endure a hundred times more pain than any human being, could not help but scream miserably.

He twisted, wriggled, and struggled like an earthworm that was about to dry under the scorching sun, but there was no way that he could get away from the scorching sun.

What do I do?

Li Yao was so anxious that his soul was cramping. “Lu Qingchen seems to be in a lot of pain. This is... too miserable!”

“So, are you pitying Lu Qingchen now?”

“Don’t forget how he treated us in the federation,” the mental devil said. “Right now, it’s true that the Fuxi has stabbed his soul here and there. But didn’t he stab our souls back then, too? Are you trying to save him?”

“LI don’t know. Lu Qingchen deserved what he got, but his crimes should be judged and punished by the federal government. How could the real ‘Fuxi’—no, it was not a real ‘Fuxi’ at all but an artificial intelligence whose code name was ‘Fuxi. It was not qualified to force any human being to such an


Li Yao paused for a moment and continued. “Besides, if Lu Qingchen cannot bear the punishment and really surrenders to the Fuxis, they will be able to get a lot of data of the federation easily and make their deduction and control over the battle more perfect. They will be able to predict our next step of

the war. That will be terrible!

“Makes sense. Then what? Can we change the situation by jumping out and committing suicide?”

“Don’t forget that our souls are more important than Lu Qingchen’s,” the mental devil said. “If we are all swallowed by the Fuxis, everything will be doomed!


Helpless, Li Yao could only watch Lu Qingchen’s soul struggling under the bombardment of the ‘painful data’ of the Fuxis.


Lu Qingchen’s soul was burning hard and could be extinguished at any moment.

“It shouldn’t be difficult for you to make your choice. Any intelligent creature with a normal logical thinking ability knows what to choose.

Fuxi dragged Lu Qingchen in front of him and said casually.

“It is indeed... not difficult...”

Lu Qingchen grinned. A brilliant smile blossomed on his ugly face, which was condensed by his soul. Suddenly, a limb that looked like an arm appeared from his soul and smashed at the center of the light cluster. “I choose the second option, asshole!”


His ‘fist’ left countless ripples of data on the ‘face’ of Fuxi, like rings that were spreading out nonstop.

Then, more tentacles of light pierced into his soul and transmitted ten times more painful data to his soul, which almost occupied the entire space of his soul. He lost the ability to think logically, and a lot of data leaked out.

It was the so-called ‘soul scattering’ of the ancient Cultivators!

“Lu Qingchen...”

Li Yao watched the scene in a daze. He had the urge to roar at the sky and rush out to beat the hell out of the Fuxi—if he could defeat the Fuxi, he really would have attacked.

He truly deserved to be the grandson of Lu Zui, leader of the ‘Patriot Organization’. Even if he was a devil, he was still a devil of the Star Glory Federation!

“[really... can’t analyze, understand, or calculate your thoughts right now.

For the first time, the shining cluster of light that constituted the Fuxi was somewhat confused. It mumbled, “Why? I gave you and your motherland the best choice. As long as you nod your head, you will be able to live a hundred times longer with endless technology and mysteries, and your motherland

will be safe for billions of years. Maybe I won’t interfere with your small civilization when it dies of old age.

“Why didn’t you agree to such a generous offer? Please don’t tell me that you still care about the lives of the Star Glory Federation and the citizens of the Star Glory Federation. No. You don’t care at all. In your original plan, you hoped that the Star Glory Federation and the Star Glory Federation would

perish together so that your federation could rise.

“Therefore, I’m really curious about the real reason.

“You are still dwelling on the questions of ‘real’ and ‘false’. Don’t you believe that I can’t restore the real universe 100% in the virtual world with the help of false Cultivators?

“Hu... Huhuhuhuhu... Hehe... Hehehehe... Hahahahahahaha!”

Stimulated by the intense electric arcs, Lu Qingchen’s soul had been on the verge of destruction.

However, he seemed to have adapted to the excruciating pain as if he were on the verge of death. His twisted soul was clear again, and he was laughing crazily in the explosion of electric arcs that belonged to himself, the federation, and human beings.

“You will never understand. Even if you control all the stars in the universe one day and transform the energy of all the stars into your computational ability, you will never understand.

Lu Qingchen roared, “I don’t care about ‘real’ or ‘false’. From the beginning to the end, I have firmly believed that I can have a real life even if I am ina virtual space, but the prerequisite is freedom, unparalleled freedom, freedom that is not controlled by any rules or destiny!

“If your future does come, the entire universe will become your brain. All the virtual space and the creatures inside, including human beings, will be your creations. Does it mean that everybody is under your control and cannot resist you at all?

“Everybody, from their life to their death, every step, even every second, has been arranged by you. You can observe and interfere at your will. When the babies there are born, you will know how they died. Everything is predestined. Nothing can be changed. They can only walk stiffly in a clear line. There is

no possibility of derailment!

“Isn’t such a human being a puppet controlled by you? Isn’t such a civilization a prisoner of death locked in a cage named time?

“No. I will not accept such a fate. I will not acknowledge that such puppets and prisoners can represent the civilization of mankind!

“Tam a devil. I am a believer of Chaos. The true meaning of Chaos is to doubt everything, to resist everything, to shatter everything, and to make the impossible possible!

“Even if you can calculate everything in the macroscopic world, even if you can calculate the position and speed of every atom in every star, there is still something that nobody can calculate in the microcosm below the atom. It is the ‘umpredictable theory’ of the path of Chaos. It was in such

immeasurable, immeasurable, and limitless Chaos that the souls of human beings were born!

“We human beings are the children of Chaos, the products of ‘unpredictability’. We represent absolute freedom and unlimited possibilities from the moment we are born. We will never admit that anybody can calculate, predict, and control our future. We will never accept any oppression or restriction of

destiny. We will never be able to tolerate... being anybody, any kind of puppet or slave, be it you or the deities, or the tides above the deities. If anything wants to restrict us, we will fight it to the bloody end!

“Now, do you understand?

“True and false are not important. Absolute freedom is.

“Or rather, when we are manipulated, bound, calculated, and sealed by an irresistible destiny, our life will be meaningless and false even if we are living in the real universe.

“When we fully unleash the infinite possibilities of our ‘unpredictable’ soul, we will be able to cultivate the most authentic life even if we are in a virtual space!

In the earsplitting roars, ‘fists’ dashed out of Lu Qingchen’s soul like raindrops and bashed the light cluster of the Fuxi again.

This time, more ripples and halos surged out of the cluster of light and tore the illusion that it had painstakingly created into countless pieces.

“It’s over. It’s over. I didn’t expect Lu Qingchen to be infected by you.”

The mental devil said to Li Yao, “He has become a high school student, too!”

“What an... unbelievable idea.”

Fuxi was silent for a long time. He simply allowed Lu Qingchen’s storm of attacks to bombard his light clusters, leaving dazzling rings one after another. “Then, as you wish, let’s take the second path. But before I tear your soul apart, I have one last question for you.

“If the reason you turned me down was not the difference between ‘real’ and ‘illusory’, but simply because you did not want to be manipulated by a certain force, how would you know that the ‘real universe’ we are in is not being calculated, monitored, or manipulated by a higher force? How could you be

sure that you have ‘absolutely freedom’?

“Tell me, if you find out that our ‘real universe’ was created by a certain existence and everything was arranged in the big bang billions of years ago, and that countless generations of intelligent life, including you and all human beings, have been sealed by an unchangeable destiny, what are you going to

do? How are you going to face such a universe?”

Lu Qingchen smiled.

He was laughing crazily.

His soul was in unprecedented brilliance, like the omen of a supernova explosion.

“Even if I am just an insignificant speck of dust in the sea of stars, there are no gods or devils above the universe that can control my trajectory.

Lu Qingchen said, one word after another, “If the universe is really being calculated, controlled, and manipulated by some force named ‘fate’ or ‘heavenly law’ as you said, then I will—

“Destroy the universe!”

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