Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 2995 - A Hundred Battles Concurrently!

Chapter 2995 A Hundred Battles Concurrently!

Despite the firmness of their belief, they were all shocked by Li Yao’s burning vulture fire. When they expanded their senses to the maximum, they discovered, to their horror, that their senses were restricted to a space less than a hundred meters in diameter. Walls of flames were burning everywhere. They seemed to have been trapped inside a hollow fireball and could not sense anybody else. There was only themselves and Li Yao in the flames!

Li Yao attacked hundreds of experts simultaneously.

Ding Lingdang took the lead. This was the real competition of the Great Dao. Every punch hit the flesh, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

Li Yao’s and Ding Lingdang’s eyes collided in the vacuum. The two of them were deeply intertwined with each other and transmitted their passionate will.

“I love you!”

Li Yao’s heavy punch was accompanied by an extremely deep murmur. “Our love is not the kind of mundane, petty, superficial love, but far more than that. It is the most intense trust, the most enjoyable blending, and the deepest exploration!

“I’m willing to work with you, and I’m only willing to march into the peak of evolution together with you, break through the limits of the human body, explore the mysteries of every cell in the body of flesh and blood, explore all the possibilities and impossibilities, and break through the frontier of the universe in a way that no one has ever done before!

“I’m willing to be the first pair of fish to leap ashore with you. I’m willing to be the first pair of monkeys to walk upright. If this ape is the first to discover the mysteries of using fire, I’m also willing to be the first to share it with you. Even if we go astray on the road of evolution, even if we can’t turn back and become unrecognizable, bizarre-shaped monsters, as long as I have your company, I will have no regrets and will gladly endure it!”

“Honey, do you think so, too?

“Can you forgive me for being alone for so many years and for not being able to be in love with you? Are you willing to continue living such a lonely life just so that I can pluck the crown from the peak of evolution and put it on your head one day? Can you even accept my spectacular collapse in the battlefield at the end of the universe?”

“Yes, I think so, too!” Stimulated by Li Yao’s overwhelming spiritual pressure, Ding Lingdang’s unyielding and scorching flames soared even higher. Crystal tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes, which evaporated into two streaks of redness within 0.1 seconds. She punched Li Yao’s chest hard and replied enthusiastically, “I can forgive you. I can accept you. But I don’t need you to pluck the crown from the peak of evolution for me, because I will pluck it myself! Also, if you really collapse on the battlefield at the end of the universe, you must wait for me patiently in the deepest level of hell, because I will certainly train myself to be stronger than you. I will cut the enemy who killed you into pieces, demolish the entire deepest level of hell, blow up all the evil ghosts, devil kings, and kings of hell there, and rescue you, my dear husband!” BOOM!

Their love poured into each other’s body together with the heavy punches.

Their flesh was bleeding, and their blood was spluttering everywhere. The spluttering blood turned into a bloody mist that enshrouded the two of them.

Blood and flesh. Flesh and flesh. Bone and bone. Soul and soul. They fused together almost perfectly.

At the same time, in another fiery battlefield… Li Jialing’s black hair had almost turned gold. There was no black or white in his eyes.

He clenched his fists and stared at the expanding shadow in front of him.

“Brother Yao?”

He tried to send out a ripple.

Of course, it was Li Yao.

But it was completely different from the Li Yao in his memory. There was a drastic change.

How should he put it? In the past, Li Yao was a very easy-going man, to the point that he was somewhat sleazy. But even when Li Yao’s spiritual flames were burning furiously and he was unleashing the aura of ‘Vulture’ and ‘Black Wind King’, he was merely tyrannical and tyrannical, unlike today, when he was filled with the air of… the supreme ruler of the universe.

In a trance, Li Jialing even had the illusion that he was not facing Li Yao but Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

No. It was not Wu Yingqi. Although there was also a hint of ‘True Destiny’s Child’ in him, Li Yao’s aura was even more primitive, barbaric, and wild. He was like an overlord of the time when human beings were cutting and burning, a primordial prince!

“Little Emperor, your performance recently was really good. Even Brother Yao could not help but applaud you. Although you were forced to do it, you have become a qualified emperor with your courage, sweat, and courage! Li Yao smiled, revealing his white teeth. Endless dominance was bursting out of his nostrils and every pore on his body. On his skin that was exposed to the air, vintage blood stripes that looked like abstract pictures of countless ferocious animals were appearing. They were even wriggling vividly. Very soon, they melded together and turned into a dragon that soared into the sky.

“However, if your dream is not just to be a ‘qualified’ emperor but to be an emperor for all eternity and to be far more powerful than the Black Star Emperor or even the Supreme Emperor, the strongest king of the human civilization for a hundred thousand years, you are still far from it!

Li Yao burst into laughter. “In the virtual world, in the illusionary world, I experienced the taste of the emperor once in the primordial world where the universe was just divided. No. At that time, my family members, who ate raw meat and drank blood and were no different from animals, did not have the concept of ’emperor’ at all. It was me who led them to work together, to build blades, to practice formations, to cut down forests, to burn the wilderness, to build the most splendid cities, to resist and hunt the most violent primordial beasts, to eliminate the possibility of the evolution of billions of species, and to make humanity rise up and become the spirit of all creatures, and to become the first emperor of that world!

“If you are ambitious, you should really experience the feeling. Maybe, only after you create a civilization from scratch can you understand the true meaning of ‘leader of civilization’. Only then will you know where to lead the Imperium of True Human Beings and even the civilization of mankind.

“Talk is cheap. Come on. Let’s see if you can pass the test of the ‘Primeval Emperor’!”

Li Yao extended one of his fingers and stabbed at Li Jialing’s forehead. Li Jialing had thousands of ways to resist his attacks, but the golden brilliance in the little emperor’s eyes had been snatched by the rainbow swirl in Li Yao’s eyes. He forgot to dodge and simply allowed Li Yao’s finger to touch his forehead.


The bloody dragon that had tied up Li Yao turned into a streak of redness along his arm and fingers and flooded into Li Jialing’s brain.

In front of the little emperor’s eyes, all kinds of illusions were popping up. A magnificent river of time seemed to have taken away his soul and brought him to the beginning of civilization, the boundless primeval world!

The third battlefield.

Holding the short sword in his arms, Yan Liren lowered his head, half asleep.

In front of him was Li Yao, whose temperament was completely different from that of Ding Lingdang and Li Jialing.

It was like he had a thousand different personalities and could choose the most suitable one to deal with different opponents instantly.

“I once—”

Li Yao said casually, but before he had the chance to finish his sentence, a sharp aura appeared in front of his eyes and cut him in half.

However, there was not the slightest joy on Yan Liren’s face when he performed the perfect attack. Instead, there was confusion. As it turned out, Li Yao, who had been divided into two halves, split into two different figures after flashes of brightness.

It was not Li Yao, but two ancient swordsmen in neat clothes with long swords on their waists.

The two ancient swordsmen, on the other hand, were emotionless. They continued what Li Yao did not finish just now. “I’ve seen countless of the sharpest swordsmen, the most brutal sabersmen, and the most obsessed martial arts maniacs in the world of mortals. Even I’ve played such roles countless times. I have a little understanding about the peak of martial arts that I can share with Fellow Cultivator Yan.

The ripples in Yan Liren’s eyes and his eyelashes did not move at all. The aura of his sword flashed again, and the two ancient swordsmen were cut in half. However, after they were divided into four parts, they turned into four different-looking, equally intimidating warriors.

“Interesting.” Yan Liren licked his lips. This time, the aura of the sword turned into a glamorous rain of light that enveloped the four warriors and cut them into pieces. However, when the rain of light came to an end, the pieces of the four warriors turned into almost a hundred experts who were holding sabers, spears, swords, halberds, axes, and forks. Some of them were glaring at him angrily, some were laughing weirdly, and some were glaring at him maliciously. “So that’s how it is. You’ve cast an illusion on


Yan Liren smiled. He was not panicked at all. On the contrary, the fighting will in his eyes was even more excited. “That’s true. The combat ability of a body made of flesh and blood is almost the maximum when it reaches the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage. Any higher than that, it will be a competition of mental power, soul power, life force, and even the essence of life. Even though you are an expert in the Soul Splitting Stage, it is still impossible for you to deal with dozens of Divinity Transformation Stage Cultivators and hundreds of Cultivators in the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage who have reached the limits of the human body. However, it is not impossible for you to release your unparalleled, unpredictable mental power and drag us into an illusionary swirl.

“Therefore, we have all been fooled by your illusions. This is not a real vacuum of the universe or a battlefield of auras, but an illusionary space created by you?” “It’s a pity that mental attacks are a double-edged sword. As long as it is seen through, the threat will be greatly reduced, and it is even possible that your soul will be devoured. Li Yao, Li Yao, are you really going to underestimate the heroes of the world and think that the sword in my hand cannot cut through your mental barrier?”


It was ‘cosmic vacuum’, but there was an earsplitting noise. The toy-like short sword in Yan Liren’s arms suddenly came to life and expanded to almost ten meters long, with complicated runes carved on it. It was a marvelous weapon that looked like dragon scales and phoenix tails! “Since this is a spiritual world, let me use this ‘spiritual sword’ to experience the legendary Soul Division!”

Taking a deep breath, Yan Liren seemed to be sucking the brightness of the entire star into his stomach. Together with his spiritual sword, he turned into a streak of brightness and charged at the hundreds of super warriors that Li Yao had summoned!

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